Williams Auction & Appraisal Service
Williams Auction & Appraisal Service
This is a "something for everyone" auction featuring Civil War, including 22 lots belonging to the "Drummer Boy of Shiloh," Navajo Blankets & Jewelry, Indian Artifacts & Baskets, Art Pottery such as Rookwood, Weller, Roseville, Bauer, McCoy & More; Dolls & Clothing by: Simon Halbig, Heinrich Handwerck, Madame Alexander, Effanbee & Vogue, Victrola, Edison Disc Player; Listed Artists such as Gordon Snidow, James Boren Tarkay, Fenner-Behmer; Sterling Siver, Rosenthal China, Crocks & Churns, Cast Iron Toys, Furniture, Clocks, Bronze, Textiles, Candy Containers, Expo. Items, Tile Top Table and many other interesting items.
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