American Printmaker: John Sandlin (1929-1995) 2020-12-06 Auction - 101 Price Results - Hughes Auctions in CA
John Sandlin (1929-1995) Lithograph Melville, 1978John Sandlin (1929-1995) Etching The Clown Jumped  7/75John Sandlin (1929-1995) Etching/Engraving, Thistle #2
Sunland, CA, United States
Auction Details

American Printmaker: John Sandlin (1929-1995)

Hughes Auctions

Hughes Auctions

Hughes Auctions is pleased to present a selection of John Sandlin's etchings, engravings, woodblock prints, and lithographs from the 1960s to1980s. All prints are from the Estate of John Sandlin and have not been previously sold or marketed. John Sandlin's austere forms of the American West, executed with skill and refinement, are provocative of eras as equally complex as our own. Portraits of Union and Confederate Civil War generals and soldiers, Crazy Horse, and General Custer coexist with Melville, Wagner, John Browning, and a cadre of harlequins. A lone tree on the prairie, studies of wild dogs and thistles offer a psychic landscape for these complex figures. Born in Louisiana, Sandlin moved to the Midwest in his early teenage years where his first interest in art began. After serving in World War II, Sandlin stayed in Europe and studied art in England and Germany. In 1949, he moved to New York and studied at the New School for Social Research and privately with David Fredenthal. Returning to the Midwest in 1955, he received his Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Cranbrook Academy of Art and in the early 1960's, completed his Master of fine Arts in printmaking at the University of Southern California. By 1967 he returned once again to the Midwest where he lectured at Wichita State University and the Wichita Collegiate School and founded his studio and gallery, the Ishmael Press. In 1969, Sandlin attained national recognition and began to show his work nationally. Sandlin's work has been widely exhibited at museums and galleries, including: Abilene Fine Art Museum; Audubon Artists, National Academy Galleries; Boston Printmakers, Friends University; India Ink Gallery, Los Angeles; Seattle Art Museum; The Oakland Art Museum; Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; Lakeview Center for the Arts and Sciences, Peoria Illinois; Ruben Saunders Gallery, Wichita, Kansas; University of Southern California, Los Angeles; Phoenix Art Center; and the Mississippi Art Association.