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Willoughby, OH, United States
Auction Details
This premium sale includes a vast array of historic, high condition, and rare firearms , many of which are museum worthy. Examples include Col. Wingate's 1878 Sharps rifle, 1903 Springfield Trophy rifle to first Marine Corp winner John Thomas, Custom Pope .22 rifle, Julian Hatchers 1911 Colt, Boxed 1955 Python, Boxed consecutive set 1957 Pythons, Historical Helfricht engraved SAA, Documented Northfield Minn. Raid 1860 Conversion, New York engraved 1861 Navy conversion, Mint Colt Service Ace, 1911 NRA, 1903 NRA, Sammy Davis Jr SAA, Documented High Condition Sharps Berdan rifle, East German SKS, Bring back papered Mosin Nagant sniper with documented booby trap along with over 200 lots of prime military guns dating from WWII to Communist block, many with bring back papers. How about a one of a kind boxed 1949 Winchester Model 70 Super Grade in .35 Remington or a rare 1932 Commercial Winchester 1897 Trench gun, and so many others. It's all here including many Winchesters, Colt SAA & Pythons, Sharps Mid Range, English cased sets, fine Baby Lemat pistol, cased French presentation guns, most of which have never been brought to sale before. In addition to these high quality firearms, a large portion of this auction offers one of the finest trapping and early Frontier collections ever brought to market. This offering took over a year to get to sale but a lifetime of over sixty years to acquire the bulk of this offering that originated with a collector named Phil Majerich of PA. Features some of the rarest items ever offered publicly to include Fine Kentucky rifles, earliest known dated trap, rare man traps, powder horns, tomahawks and early tools, most centering around the fur trade (1740-1840). Two full estates and one of our best selection of high quality firearms that we have brought to market. You won't want to miss what may be the most diverse and interesting sale of the New Year.