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Torino, Piedmont, Italy
Auction Details
77th Auction: Thole, Jacono, Disney
Little Nemo Auction House presents the 77th Auction, dedicated to Thole and Jacono's Original Covers and Arts, and Disney's Comics. The 247 selected lots will be auctioned on Friday the 10th of November 2023, starting from 4pm (CET).
Friday the 10th of November 2023
4:00 PM (CET) - First Session: Lots 1 - 116
5:30 PM (CET) - First Session: Lots 117 - 247
Little Nemo presenta la 77a Asta, dedicata alle opere originali di Thole, Jacono e agli albi Disney. I 247 lotti selezionati verranno battuti Venerdi' 10 Novembre 2023, a partire dalle ore 16.
Venerdi' 10 Novembre 2023
Ore 16:00 - Prima Tornata: Lotti 1 - 116
Ore 17:30 - Seconda Tornata: Lotti 117 - 247