SoldLot Closed0007: DOROTHEA LANGE (1895 - 1965) May Day Demonstrations, San Francisco Civic Center. 1934See Sold Price
SoldLot Closed0009: WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION - DISTRICT 15. Pennsylvania County Seats and Population.See Sold Price
SoldLot Closed0010: HOWARD A. WOLBERT (1915 - 1946) Album kept as a Civilian Conservation Corps worker in westernSee Sold Price
SoldLot Closed0012: DOROTHEA LANGE (1895 - 1965) A selection of 5 photos from the Kaiser Shipyards in RichmondSee Sold Price
Lot Closed0013: JOHN SLOAN (1871 - 1951) Scaffolding, and Sea Scape,(Double Sided).Est. $1,200-$1,800-$1
SoldLot Closed0019: JAROSLAV H. "JARA" VALENTA (1899 - 1970) Correspondence, exhibition programs, and membership cardsSee Sold Price
SoldLot Closed0020: MOSES SOYER (1899 - 1974) Introducing, and A Meeting of the Artists Union, (Pair).See Sold Price
SoldLot Closed0021: MOSES SOYER (1899 - 1974) An Artists' Meeting, and The Discussion, (Pair).See Sold Price
SoldLot Closed0022: MOSES SOYER (1899 - 1974) Out of Work, and Unemployed, A Meeting of Artists, (Pair).See Sold Price
SoldLot Closed0024: MOSES SOYER (1899 - 1974) A Breath of Fresh Air, and Artist and Model, (Pair).See Sold Price