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Douglass, KS, United States
Auction Details
3-8-2025 - American & Brilliant Cut Glass
It's the beginning of 2025 and Woody Auction will be showcasing two important American Brilliant Cut Glass collections at public auction without reserve. It is with great honor that we present the personal collection of Sherry and the late Elton Linville (Indiana). Sherry and Elton have frequently talked about their humble beginnings in collecting ABCG and how their eyes were opened to the possibilities when they attended their first Woody Auction sale in the 1980's. Over time, the Linvilles became one of the most recognized collectors and dealers in the American Cut Glass Association, and like many of the premier dealers, only the best items made it into their private collection. Rounding out this quality auction is the second half of the Richard Byrne collection (New York) which highlights an unusually high percentage of items with mounted Sterling Silver. Being a two-seller collection, this event will be SALES TAX FREE for in-person bidders. As always at Woody Auction, there are NO RESERVES. There is also no Buyer's Premium (BP) for those in attendance (when paying with cash or check)! Make your plans today to attend in person or bid "Live" online.
In addition to the in-person auction on March 8th, there is also an online only event on March 7th which includes additional items from the Linville and Byrne collections, along with other collections from around the country. One specific item featured in the online only auction on March 7th is a signed Libbey "sweet sixteen" presentation basket cut in Rosella pattern. This weekend is truly a special time for collectors of ABCG! Do Not Miss! Please note that items picked up from the online only event will be charged sales tax unless a sales tax certificate is on file.
Live Bidding Starts In:
0001: Basket, Cut Glass, Beautiful Basketweave Pattern, Gorham #1038D Sterling HandleEst. $300-$500$10(1 bid)
0003: Massive Pitcher, Cut Glass, Alternating Pillar & Diamond Pattern, Gorham Silver MountEst. $1,250-$2,250$275(4 bids)
0004: Horse Radish Jar, Cut Glass, Hobstar, Strawberry Diamond, Vesica & Fan MotifEst. $100-$250$60(4 bids)
0005: Humidor, Cut Glass, Signed Libbey Neola Pattern By W.C. Anderson, Elaborate MonogramEst. $400-$800$10(1 bid)
0010: Massive Round Tray, Cut Glass, Bubble Flower Designed By W.C. Anderson, Exceptional BlankEst. $7,000-$10,000$1,500(2 bids)
0011: Bowl, Blown Mold, Cut Glass, Signed Hawkes, Cane Crossbar Center, Hobstar Border, Clear BlankEst. $200-$350$10(1 bid)
0012: Decanter, Cut Glass, Snail Pattern With Engraved Floral Highlights By Meriden, Gorham SterlingEst. $400-$650$15(2 bids)
0013: Vanity Bottle, Cut Glass, Hobstar, Vesica, Cane & Strawberry Diamond MotifEst. $500-$750$15(2 bids)
0015: Vase, Cut Glass, Panels Of Hobstar, Strawberry Diamond & Notched Rib MotifEst. $750-$1,250$10(1 bid)
0016: Pair Candlesticks, Cut Glass, Hollow Thru & Thru With Hobstar, Strawberry Diamond, Star & FanEst. $400-$700$10(1 bid)
0018: Champagne Pitcher, Cut Glass, Finely Engraved Vintage Motif With Diamond Cut Base BorderEst. $400-$650$10(1 bid)
0019: Oval Vase, Cut Glass, Teutonic Pattern By Hawkes, Hobstar Base, Rare FormEst. $400-$800$60(2 bids)
0021: Pitcher, Cut Glass, Cranberry Cut To Clear, Zipper & Channel DesignEst. $1,250-$2,000$10(1 bid)
0022: Pedestal Vase, Two Handles, Cut Glass, Pattern Resembles Genoa By ClarkEst. $750-$1,250$10(1 bid)