YORK, Pa. – The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a groundbreaking achievement of interconnected films crafted by numerous architects and starring many of Marvel’s most powerful heroes and game-changing villains. The first three phases of movies, known as the Infinity Saga, unfolded over 11 years, with each individual entry providing a puzzle piece for the larger picture that would come to pass in Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame.
Lalique & Graff star in Doyle Oct. 21 Important Jewelry sale
NEW YORK – Doyle will hold an auction of Important Jewelry auction on Thursday, October 21 at noon Eastern time. Absentee and Internet live bidding will be available through LiveAuctioneers.
Showy Galle glass pleased bidders at Neue Auctions, Sept. 25
BEACHWOOD, Ohio – Vibrant, colorful vases and table lamps by Galle, lithographs by Charles Burchfield, mid-century Modern furniture pieces, original oil paintings, sterling silver flatware and more came up for bid in Neue Auctions’ online-only Art & Antiques auction held September 25. The two top lots were Galle vases.
Michaan’s reviews 200 Years of Decorative Arts in Oct. 15-16 auction series
ALAMEDA, Calif. – Michaan’s October auction calendar will meet the high demand for fine art and Asian art, estate furnishings and decorations, and fine jewelry. The auction house will hold a special event on October 15, dubbed Theme and Variations: 200 Years of Decorative Arts featuring Property from a Distinguished Alameda Estate. On October 16, it will conduct one of its beloved Gallery auctions. Absentee and Internet live bidding for both will be available through LiveAuctioneers.