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meteorite doorstop

‘Doorstop’ turns out to be meteorite worth $100K

meteorite doorstop
The meteorite discovered in Michigan is larger than a coffee mug. Image courtesy of Central Michigan University Communications

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) – A Michigan man recently learned that a rock he’s been using as a doorstop is a meteorite worth $100,000.

The Smithsonian Museum and Central Michigan University say the nearly 23-pound hunk of iron and nickel is the sixth largest meteorite found in Michigan.

David Mazurek says he took his doorstop to the university for examination after seeing reports in January of meteorite pieces selling for thousands of dollars.

Mazurek says the meteorite came with a barn he bought in 1988 in Edmore. He says the farmer who sold him the property told him it landed in his backyard in the 1930s.

More tests are being conducted to see if the meteorite contains rare elements.

Mazurek says that when he sells the meteorite, he’ll donate some of the money to the university.

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AP-WF-10-05-18 1539GMT