Friedrich Heyn carousel animals worth trumpeting at Auction Team Breker, May 13

Friedrich Heyn elephant carousel animal, estimated at $6,540-$8,720


Friedrich Heyn elephant carousel animal, estimated at $6,540-$8,720
Friedrich Heyn elephant carousel animal, estimated at $6,540-$8,720


COLOGNE, Germany – Camera history is the focus of Auction Team Breker’s spring sale on Saturday, May 13, which will be led by an example of the Film Palmos camera, estimated at €2,500-€4,000, or $2,725-$4,360. Absentee and Internet live bidding will be available through LiveAuctioneers.

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Fleet of Model Ts rolls to Auction Team Breker, Sept. 16-17

Ford Model T 1913 Runabout, est. €42,000-€65,000
Ford Model T 1913 Runabout, est. €42,000-€65,000

COLOGNE, Germany – Auction Team Breker will hold a two-day sale on Friday, September 16 and Saturday, September 17, with the first day devoted to photographica and film and the second to the categories of science and technology, mechanical music and fairground pieces. Absentee and Internet live bidding will be available through LiveAuctioneers.

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