2023Swann Auction Galleries(NEW ENGLAND.) Justus Danckerts. Novi Belgii Novaeque Angliae nec non Pennsylvaniae et PartisSee Sold Price
2024BADO e MART AUCTIONSArchitecture. VINGBOONS. Gronden en afbeeldingen der voornaamste gebouwen.See Sold Price
2022Dahlstroms AuctioneerJustus Danckerts (1635-1701) - Antique Map of Austria, Slovenia & Gulf of VeniceSee Sold Price
2023AnsorenaJUSTUS DANCKERTS Amsterdam, Netherlands (1635) / (1701) "Map of the Kingdom of Spain"See Sold Price
2023Oakridge Auction GalleryBelgium Foederatum, Justinum Danckerts (Dutch, 1635-1701), Cornelius and Justus Danckerts circa 1690See Sold Price