2024Lyon & TurnbullRobert Howlett (1831-1858) Three photographs of the Great Eastern, 1857See Sold Price
2024Lyon & TurnbullRobert Howlett (1831-1858) Group portrait of Isambard Kingdom Brunel and associates at the launchingSee Sold Price
2024Lyon & TurnbullRobert Howlett (1831-1858) Hull, paddle-wheel and chain-drum of the Great Eastern, c.1857See Sold Price
2024Lyon & TurnbullRobert Howlett (1831-1858) Hull and paddle-wheel of the Great Eastern, c.1857See Sold Price
2024Lyon & TurnbullRobert Howlett (1831-1858) Starboard bow of the Great Eastern, 12th November 1857See Sold Price
2022Kensington Estate AuctionHOWLETT ROBERT The Anglers Sure Guide: Or, Angling Improved, 1706See Sold Price