Niles' National Register Issues 53-75 (1838-1849) Fourteen Bound Books Antique NewspapersArarity Auctions4.6(169)$220(2 bids)6 days Left
Bookends France Art Deco ' Chrysis ' Malachite Collectible Glass 1930' H.HoffmannArt Glass Store4.5(61)$475Mar 16, 2025
Niles Weekly Register Bound Original Volumes Covering Years Between 1812 to 1824 Nineteen BooksArarity Auctions4.6(169)$220(2 bids)6 days Left
1893 Meiji Japanese Color Book with 208 Original WoodblocksPrints Charming Soho LLC4.3(2)$5,0005 days Left
Niles' Weekly Register No. 1-24 (1811-1823) Twenty One Bound Books Antique American NewspapersArarity Auctions4.6(169)$230(3 bids)6 days Left
Judaica: David Ben-Gurion Signed Political Book w/Autograph of the First Prime Minister of IsraelArarity Auctions4.6(169)$95(3 bids)6 days Left
Niles Weekly Register Third/Fourth Series (1825-1835) Sixteen Bound Books Original AmericanArarity Auctions4.6(169)$220(2 bids)6 days Left
Colonial Massachusetts Bay Land Deed Document, 1730Everard Auctions & Appraisals4.6(98)$225Feb 25, 2025
Hugo Gellert "Karl Marx Capital in Lithographs" 1934 BookArarity Auctions4.6(169)$85(3 bids)6 days Left
1775-1777 Journals of Continental Congress Ten Volumes Books Published by Library of Congress 1905,Ararity Auctions4.6(169)$25(1 bid)6 days Left
The Roman History In Six Volumes By Nathaniel Hooke 1825 London, Full SetRbfinearts4.5(575)$50(1 bid)Mar 01, 2025
1781-1782 Journals of Continental Congress Eight Volumes Library of Congress 1912 BooksArarity Auctions4.6(169)$256 days Left
18th c. ARABIC MANUSCRIPT ISLAMIC PRAYERS antique w/ MECCA & MEDINA DRAWINGDala'il al-Khayrat With drawing of Mecca and Medina Text in Farsi 18th century Purchased in Uzbekistan Original binding with embossed medallions Size 6 by 10 1/4" Nice calligraphy over 150 lvs (=300 pSee Sold Price
Soldearly 19th century ARABIC MANUSCRIPT antique Maslak al-muttaqin RELIGIOUS POETRYISLAMIC RELIGIOUS PHILOSOPHY, poetry Maslak al-muttaqin early 19th CENTURY , 135 chapters HAND WRITTEN Text in Farsi, complete. Script Nastaliq Purchased in Uzbekistan Size 6.5 by 10.5" Modern bindingSee Sold Price
Sold18th century ARABIC MANUSCRIPT BOOK antique ISLAMIC KORAN SURAHSText in Arabic, script archaic Nastaliq Written in 18th century (not dated) Purchased in Uzbekistan Period embossed binding Size 5 1/2 by 8 1/4" Nice calligraphy About 100 lvs ( 200 pp) Wear, fragileSee Sold Price
SoldIslamic Qur'an Koran Arabic Persian Manuscript date1320antiques roll long Islamic illuminated panel, Persian Qajar Dynasty Qur'an manuscript from 18th century, consisting of handwritten calligraphy inscriptions headed by a miniature painting of a rug, vibSee Sold Price
Sold19th cent. ARABIC MANUSCRIPT ISLAMIC LAW BOOK antique Mukhtasar al-Wiqayah SADRNukaya Mukhtasar al-Wiqayah by Sadr al-Shari'a al-Asghar Text in Arabic, Nastaliq script 19th century Purchased in Uzbekistan Original binding with embossed medallions Size 7 1/4 by 10 1/2" Nice calliSee Sold Price
SoldTwo 18th C Arabic Islamic Manuscript LeavesTwo leaves in Arabic dating to the 18th century, one possibly earlier, Very Good, one with loss around edges, some worming, each approx 7 x 10". Reserve: $30.00 Shipping: Domestic: Flat-rate of $8.00See Sold Price
Sold1800s ARABIC MANUSCRIPT LOGIC ILLUMINATED antique ISLAMIC Al Risala al-ShamsiyyaTREATISE on LOGIC Tahrir al-Qawaid al-Mantiqiyyah fi Sharh ar-Risalah ash-Shamsiyyah by Imam Najm al-Din al-Qazwini Text in Arabic, Nastaliq script Purchased in Uzbekistan Original binding, restored.See Sold Price
Soldearly 18th century KORAN SURAHS ARABIC MANUSCRIPT antique HAND WRITTENPartial Koran (starting from 36th Surah "Ya Sin") early 18th CENTURY , HAND WRITTEN , script Nastaliq, text framed Purchased in Uzbekistan Size 5 by 8.5" Repaired binding Nice calligraphy about 150 lvSee Sold Price
Sold19th century ARABIC MANUSCRIPT ISLAMIC antique FIZULI POETRYPOETRY by Muhammed Fizuli (1498-1556) 19th century (not dated) Purchased in Uzbekistan Original front cover. Missing back cover (replaced with modern cardboard) Good interior, couple of marginal repaiSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Islamic ManuscriptAn antique Islamic manuscript, likely 18th C., from the Maghreb Region of North Africa. 426 pages in a tooled leather binding.See Sold Price
Sold18th century KORAN OTTOMAN TURKISH MANUSCRIPT ISLAMIC QURAN antique18th century OTTOMAN TURKISH KORAN Purchased in Turkey Probably incomplete Original embossed calf binding , worn, damaged Size 4 1/2 by 6 3/4" Nice calligraphy about 400 lvs (800 pp) Some wear, one paSee Sold Price
Sold1856 ARABIC MANUSCRIPT antique ISLAMIC POETRY RUBAIYAT Mirza Abdul-Qadir BedilPOETRY RUBAIYAT by Mirza Abdul-Qadir Bedil Written in 1856 in Farsi Purchased in Uzbekistan Original calf binding, renewed spine (partially detached) Size 5 1/4 by 10 1/4" Nice calligraphy (shikaste nSee Sold Price
Sold1904-1905 ARABIC MANUSCRIPT antique ISLAMIC PRAYERSPrayers in Arabic and Farsi, Nastaliq script, complete by Mulla Kasim Dated 1323-24 / 1904-1905 Purchased in Uzbekistan Original binding with embossed medallions Size 3 3/4 by 5" Nice calligraphy 51 lSee Sold Price
Sold1777 ARABIC MANUSCRIPT ISLAMIC antique PROPHET MUHAMMED DESCENDANTS BIOGRAPHIESBIOGRAPHIES of PROPHET MUHAMMED DESCENDANTS (History of Prophet Muhammed and his grandsons Hasan and Hussain, and their descendants up to Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyya. Contains 9 parts, probably not compSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Islamic Illuminated Manuscript PageAntique Islamic illuminated manuscript page depicting, either 18th or 19th Century Mogul dynasty life. Page measures 7" x 11", mat measures 12-14" x 16-1/4". From the collection of Phillip Siebert.See Sold Price
Sold19 Century Arabic Manuscript on Paper.19 Century Arabic Manuscript on Paper. Section 1) Resala Afaal al-Haj (Treatise on Haj/Pilgrimage to Mecca Practices), Arabic, by Sayyed Abd' al-Din Abd' al-Khaliq. Section 2) Rasale dar Fiqh (TreatisSee Sold Price
SoldARABIC MANUSCRIPT SHARIA ISLAMIC LAW BOOK antique HAND WRITTENNICE CALLIGRAPHY 189 leaves (378 pages) Size 6.5 by 10.5 Original binding (worn, with repaired spine) some wear, some faded dampstains at the margins 19th century Reserve: $550.00 Shipping: DoSee Sold Price
SoldARABIC MANUSCRIPT ANTIQUE AL-KIFAYAH 750 pages byArabic Manuscript on Paper, 19th century Mullah Mohammad Bagher Sabzevari. Kefayah (fard al-kifayah), Adequacy. Folio format manuscript on paper, text in black in with underlining and passages in redSee Sold Price
Sold17th C. Ottoman Leatherbound Manuscript of Islamic TextNear East, likely Ottoman Empire, ca. 17th to 18th century CE. A remarkable, leatherbound book containing hundreds of laid-paper pages of an Islamic text penned in black and red Arabic script. DisplaySee Sold Price
Sold18th/19th century Islamic Manuscript Prayer Book.18th/19th century Islamic Manuscript Prayer Book. Hand written in Arabic. Size 9 x 7 1/2 inches. Part of Islamic prayer book, missing biding. Middle East, North Africa probably Morocco or Egypt? FromSee Sold Price
Sold18th century Islamic Ottoman Manuscript Leafs From Koran Book18th century Islamic Ottoman Manuscript Leafs From Koran book. Size 17 5/8 x 12 1/8 inches. Ottoman empire two sides large leaf from a manuscript Koran Book, hand written in Arabic with illumination bSee Sold Price
Sold18th century Islamic Ottoman Manuscript Leaf From Koran book.18th century Islamic Ottoman Manuscript Leaf From Koran book. Size 17 1/4 x 11 3/4 inches. Ottoman empire large leaf from a manuscript Koran Book, hand written in Arabic with illumination borders. BeaSee Sold Price
SoldAntique 18th C AD Islamic Kufic Calligraphy Amulet, AgateA Round, One Side Carved Agate Stone In A Pale Blue Tone With Thick Section. Inscriptions In Islamic Kufic Arabic Calligraphy One One Side Of The Amulet. Two Lines Of Text, Mirrored And Separated By ASee Sold Price
1883 ARABIC MANUSCRIPT antique ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS DUTIES Maslak al-muttaqinJasper524.5(9.8k)$3203 days Left
18th century ARABIC MANUSCRIPT antique ISLAMIC FARSI DICTIONARY Ghiyas al-lughatJasper524.5(9.8k)$3603 days Left
18th century ARABIC MANUSCRIPT antique HAND WRITTEN SHARH AL WIQAYA by MAHBUBIJasper524.5(9.8k)$4603 days Left
1900s ARABIC MANUSCRIPT LOGIC TEXTBOOK antique Al-Risala al-Shamsiyya ISLAMICJasper524.5(9.8k)$2403 days Left
1842 ARABIC MANUSCRIPT antique ISLAMIC THEOLOGY Sharh al-'Aqa'id al-NasafiyyaJasper524.5(9.8k)$5503 days Left
19th c. ARABIC MANUSCRIPT ISLAMIC LAW BOOK antique Mukhtasar al-Wiqayah SADRJasper524.5(9.8k)$6003 days Left
1900s ARABIC MANUSCRIPT LOGIC TEXTBOOK antique Al-Risala al-Shamsiyya ISLAMICZevantiques4.4(69)$225Mar 15, 2025
18th century ARABIC MANUSCRIPT antique HAND WRITTEN SHARH AL WIQAYA by MAHBUBIZevantiques4.4(69)$350Mar 15, 2025
18th C. ARABIC MANUSCRIPT antique ISLAMIC MYSTICAL TREATISE on SPIRITUAL WORLDZevantiques4.4(69)$200Mar 15, 2025
1883 ARABIC MANUSCRIPT antique ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS DUTIES Maslak al-muttaqinZevantiques4.4(69)$275Mar 15, 2025
18th century ARABIC MANUSCRIPT antique ISLAMIC FARSI DICTIONARY Ghiyas al-lughatZevantiques4.4(69)$300Mar 15, 2025
Late 16th CENTURY ARABIC PHILOSOPHY MANUSCRIPT ISLAMIC ETIC antiqueZevantiques4.4(69)$400Mar 15, 2025
19th c. ARABIC MANUSCRIPT ISLAMIC LAW BOOK antique Mukhtasar al-Wiqayah SADRZevantiques4.4(69)$450Mar 15, 2025