A Pair of Italian Neoclassical Style Green-Painted and Parcel Gilt CommodesFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)$1,300(1 bid)6 days Left
FRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP MAHOGANY COMMODEAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)$300(1 bid)Feb 23, 2025
Sold19th Century French Neoclassical Marble Top Commode19th Century French Neoclassical Marble Top CommodeSee Sold Price
Russian Neoclassical Baltic Marble-Top CommodeAn early 19th century Russian neoclassical bronze-mounted marble-top commode. The bronze sabots leading up to a tapered leg with four bronze mounts abound continual bronze framing of the four drawersSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Empire Carved Cherry Marble Top Commode, 19th c., the figured black marble over three setbackFrench Empire Carved Cherry Marble Top Commode, 19th c., the figured black marble over three setback graduated drawers, flanked by applied pilasters, on a plinth base with block feet, H.- 34 in., W.-See Sold Price
SoldFrench Louis Philippe Style Carved Cherry MarbleFrench Louis Philippe Style Carved Cherry Marble Top Commode, 19th c., the reeded edge rounded corner highly figured black marble above a cavetto frieze drawer, over three drawers, on bracket feet, H.See Sold Price
SoldFrench Louis XV Style Carved Cherry Marble Top Commode, late 19th c., the ogee edge cookie cornerFrench Louis XV Style Carved Cherry Marble Top Commode, late 19th c., the ogee edge cookie corner figured white marble above two deep drawers, flanked by reeded rounded edge pilasters, on a plinth basSee Sold Price
SoldPair 19th Century Cherry French Two Drawer Demilune Marble Top Bed Side CommodesPair 19th Century Cherry French Two Drawer Demilune Marble Top Bed Side Commodes. 29" W 14 1/2" D 33 1/2" H ALL DESCRIPTIONS AND ANY CONDITION STATEMENT GIVEN BY LANGSTON AUCTION GALLERY ARE STRICTLYSee Sold Price
SoldItalian Neoclassical Marble-Top CommodeItalian Neoclassical Walnut, Fruitwood and Marble-Top Commode early 19th century, the rectangular marble top above a case fitted with three long drawers, the bottom two centered by an inlaid classicalSee Sold Price
SoldContinental Neoclassical Marble-Top CommodeContinental Neoclassical Mahogany and Marble-Top Commode, second quarter 19th century, the rectangular marble top above a conforming case fitted with a deep frieze drawer over two long recessed draweSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Louis Philippe Marble Top Cherry Commode, mid 19th c., H.- 39 1/2 in., W.- 52 in., D.- 24French Louis Philippe Marble Top Cherry Commode, mid 19th c., the shaped reeded marble top over single cyma frieze drawer, to three lower drawers with moulded surround, on a moulded base with shaped fSee Sold Price
SoldA Continental Neoclassical Style Marble Top CommodeA Continental Neoclassical Style Marble Top Commode19th century, fruit wood with oak and pine secondary, shaped molded conforming top, upper fluted frieze with central relief carved rosette, two longSee Sold Price
SoldAn Austrian Neoclassical Walnut Marble-Top Commode An Austrian Neoclassical Walnut Marble-Top Commode  19th Century Height 33 1/4 x width 32 3/4 x depth 24 1/4 inches.See Sold Price
SoldFRENCH NEOCLASSICAL MARBLE-TOP MAHOGANY COMMODEFrench Neoclassical marble-top mahogany commode, 19th c., frieze drawer, over three additional drawers, rising on square tapered legs, approx 35"h, 54"w, 25.75"d Start Price: $500.00See Sold Price
SoldFrench Louis Philippe Style Marble Top Cherry Commode,French Louis Philippe Style Marble Top Cherry Commode, late 19th c., the reeded edge highly figured black marble above a frieze drawer over three deep drawers, on a plinth base, on bracket feet, H.- 3See Sold Price
SoldNeoclassical Style Marble Top Commode18th/ 19th C. with parcel-gilt trim. Knobs loose, surface distress. 33"h x 47-1/2"w x 22-1/2"dSee Sold Price
SoldNeoclassical Brass-Inlaid Marble Top CommodeContinental, 19th C. Repairs to rear right foot, losses to front lower drawer, surface distress. 33"h x 4'2-1/4"w x 23-1/4"dSee Sold Price
SoldContinental Neoclassical Fruitwood and Marble-TopContinental Neoclassical Fruitwood and Marble-Top Commode mid-19th century, the rectangular marble top with canted corners, above a conforming case fitted with two graduated long drawers, flanked to eSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Empire Style Carved Cherry Ormolu Mounted MarbleFrench Empire Style Carved Cherry Ormolu Mounted Marble Top Commode, 19th c., the figured white marble over a frieze drawer and three setback large drawers, flanked by turned tapered bronze mounted coSee Sold Price
SoldA Pair of Baltic Neoclassical Gilt Bronze MountedA Pair of Baltic Neoclassical Gilt Bronze Mounted Fruitwood Marble-Top Commodes Early 19th Century Height 35 3/4 x width 48 x depth 23 1/4 inches.See Sold Price
SoldMarble Top Italian Neoclassical Commode19th century fruitwood commode having a serpentine-form, four-drawer with parcel gilt and inlay terminating on paw feet. [36" H x 52 1/2" L x 24 1/2" D]. Shrinkage and with repairs.See Sold Price
SoldFrench Charles X 2 drawer commode with marble topFrench Charles X 2 drawer commode with marble top. In cherry with banded inlaid wood. 19th century. On tapered legs. 34 3/4"h x 45 1/4"w x 21 1/4"dSee Sold Price
SoldITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL WALNUT COMMODE FOSSILIFEROUS MARBLE TOPItalian Neoclassical walnut commode, 19th c., later fossiliferous marble top, above three drawers, on tapering square legs, marble top is intact with professional restoration, approx 35"h, 4See Sold Price
SoldItalian cherry commodeItalian cherry commode, 19th century, having a rectangular marble top, above the four drawer case, flanked with gilt mounted pilasters, and rising on a molded base 35"h x 46"w x 22"dSee Sold Price
SoldNEOCLASSICAL 19TH C COMMODE WITH SWANSMarble top. Brass inlaid frame. Mahogany. Swan carved. Inlay of various birds and leaves at the top and bottom. 42" h x 53 1/4" w x 25 3/4" d.See Sold Price
SoldSmall Italian Neoclassical Inlaid CommodeSmall Italian Neoclassical Inlaid Commode, Lombardy, Late 18th - Early 19th Century, Sienna Scagliola Marble Top, Two Drawers, 31 X 24.5 X 14.5 Inches, Veneer Lifting In Spots. See Photos.See Sold Price
An Exceptional 19th C. French Henry Dasson Signed Bronze Mahogany Desk CabinetAntique Kingdom4.1(21)$35,0007 hrs Left
19th C. French F. Linke Louis XVI Style Mahogany Wood Gilt Bronze Marble Top Round TableAntique Kingdom4.1(21)$8,0007 hrs Left
Garniture Clock Set 19th C. Louis XVI Style Marble and Gilt BronzeCollective Hudson4.5(55)$300Feb 23, 2025
An Italian Neoclassical Fruitwood and Marble-Topped Side TableFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)$2506 days Left
An Italian Neoclassical Polychrome Painted Commodino with Marble TopFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)$350(1 bid)6 days Left
A Louis XV Style Tulipwood-Veneered and Gilt Bronze Mounted Marble-Top CommodeFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)$2506 days Left
Neoclassical chest of drawers with grey veined marble top with inlays in various types of wood, 19thMaison Jules Veilinghuis4.2(6)€3002 days Left
Elegant 1880s French Marble Top Inlaid Commode Chest 46.5"w x 19"d x 33.5"hMynt Auctions4.6(682)$502 days Left
A Dutch 19th century ormolu mounted mahogany, fruitwood and chequer inlaid commodeBonhams4.1(309)£750396 Lots Away