WW2 German Luftwaffe 1st Pattern Dagger with ScabbardMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)$250(7 bids)3 days Left
WWII German NSKK Dagger F. Herder A.S. with Hanger and ScabbardOld Steel Historical Firearms LLC4.3(37)$650(20 bids)
German WWII Damascus Presentation Army Officers Dagger by ALCOSOZevantiques4.4(71)$1,100(2 bids)Mar 15, 2025
Very Fine 18th-19th C. Islamic Ottoman Turkish SHAMSHIR Sword, Gold Inlaid Damascus Blade.Zevantiques4.4(71)$1,000Mar 15, 2025
RUSSIAN EMPIRE TAILCOAT PAD SABER WITH MEDICAL AWARDSAntique Arena Inc.4.5(862)$175(4 bids)4 days Left
Dale Chihuly Signed To Fix Art Glass Sculpture 8.25in One of Two by Artist in This SaleHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)$50(2 bids)3 days Left
SoldVery Good Antique 19th C. Gentleman's SWORD Cane, Fine Carved HandleVery Good Antique 19th C. Gentleman's SWORD Cane, Fine Carved Handle Full Length 35.5 Blade Length 7See Sold Price
SoldVery Good Antique 19th C. Gentleman's Walking Cane, Fine Carved Grip, Nice StickVery Good Antique 19th C. Gentleman's Walking Cane, Fine Carved Grip, Nice Stick Full Length 36 Inches.See Sold Price
Sold19th C. Continental Sword Walking CaneBamboo sheath over blade decorated with cavalry battle scene and carved wood handle. Blade possibly cut down / in as-found condition.Total L: approx. 34 1/2".See Sold Price
Sold19th C Antique Curved Glass Walking Cane & Sword Display Case19th C Antique Curved Glass Walking Cane & Sword Display Case. Measure 48" X 35.5" X 18 1/4". Please carefully read our terms of sale, shipping information, and request any condition reports or photosSee Sold Price
Sold19th C Antique Curved Glass Walking Cane & Sword Display Case19th C Antique Curved Glass Walking Cane & Sword Display Case. Measure 48" X 35.5" X 18 1/4". Please carefully read our terms of sale, shipping information, and request any condition reports or photosSee Sold Price
Sold(5) Antique Sword Canes Walking Sticks Daggers, 19th Century - One sword and four daggers, knobby(5) Antique Sword Canes Walking Sticks Daggers, 19th Century - One sword and four daggers, knobby wood handle sword cane with sterling mount and engraving, one dagger retracts out the bottom (some damSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Antique Continental Walking Sticks, Sword Cane - Two walking sticks, c. 19th century. Both withTwo Antique Continental Walking Sticks, Sword Cane - Two walking sticks, c. 19th century. Both with carved knobs at top. A) Bamboo Sword Cane, three sided blade 12" l, overall 31" L. B) Walking StickSee Sold Price
SoldSilver Boar's Head Sword Cane19th Century, Continental, walking stick with curved handle marked 84 AC, ebonized shaft with steel blade inside, brass ferrule, length 35.5, width 5, depth .75 inches. Oxidation to blade scratches toSee Sold Price
SoldGadget Cane,Sword, African,Leather Wrapped, 19thCThis leather wrapped sword cane or walking stick has a series of chevron pattered laces down from the pommel to the ferrule, splitting into a nest of loose strips at the collar before once again wrappSee Sold Price
Sold(6) WALKING STICKS (CANES), GOLD KNOBS19th c., (3) ladies' and (3) gentlemen's, all with embossed gold knobs, wood sticks, two ebonized.See Sold Price
Sold19TH C. SAILOR-MADE WHALEBONE CANEGentleman's Walking Stick in whalebone, ca. 1850, having baleen dot inlay under the turned knob top; three sections, the uppermost in tight fluting, the lower two in opposing twist ribbing tapering doSee Sold Price
SoldSword Cane, Beech, Maple Tree Tapper, 19th C.This beech cane or walking stick, has a hooked grip. When removed with a firm tug, the grip reveals a tree tapper hidden away within the shaft.See Sold Price
SoldAntique 19th C Spanish Sword in Leather SheathAntique 19th C Spanish Sword in Leather Sheath. With handle inscribed LR III 112. Measures 32 inches in length.See Sold Price
SoldFOUR LATE 19TH C. GENTLEMAN'S WALKING STICKSThe collection as shown with ornate crowns on wood shafts, three of which are ebonized hardwood, one being finished rosewood. Measures 32, 36, 33.25, and 35 inches in length. We happily provide seamleSee Sold Price
SoldTwo 19th C. European, Spanish Swords, (2pc)Two 19th C. European Swords: (1) Spanish Cavalry Sword with single fullered curved steel blade with cup style steel hilt and wire wrapped grip with steel scabbard, (1) Unmarked sword with single fulleSee Sold Price
Sold(19th c) WALKING STICKS, CANE & SWAGGER STICKIncluding: Leather-bound swagger stick with sterling handle, WWI Manchester Regiment 6th Battalion Egypt walking stick, a leg-carved example and a knob handled cane. 34 inches (and under)See Sold Price
Sold19th C. Spanish Artillery Sword19th C. Spanish Artillery Sword. Blade is marked at ricasso and numbered on the reverse. Total length (inside scabbard if present) : 43 1/4", Blade length : 35 1/8". ~ . Detailed condition reports areSee Sold Price
Sold18-19th C. Anonymous Spanish Gentleman Portrait Oil on18-19th C. Anonymous Spanish gentleman portrait oil on canvas.See Sold Price
Sold19th C. ornamental Spanish dress Sword19th C. ornamental Spanish dress Sword, Marked "FA Toledo" and "Ano de 1866"; 40" L (blade 34" L)See Sold Price
SoldGold Topped 19C. Victorian Wood Cane Walking StickAn antique 19th Century gentleman's walking stick cane. Black enameled wood in an elegant tapered design capped with an ornate gold top with encircling raised relief scrolling and feathered designs toSee Sold Price
Sold18-19th C Cane Sword Blade & Handle "NO BODY"18-19th C Cane Sword Blade & Handle "NO BODY", With Decorative Implants( Some Missing) And Some Heraldic Shield. Measure Overall 15.5" Long. Please carefully read our terms of sale, shipping informatiSee Sold Price
Sold19th C. Ku Klux Klan Sword Cane19th C. Ku Klux Klan sword cane with sterling shield on one side marked, 'Knights of Ku Klux Klan 1897' and on opposite side a second sterling shield with a blood cross, 36 1/2"l. (overall), sword blaSee Sold Price
SoldFirst Run Antique India Cane Sword 19th CFirst Run Antique India Cane Sword 19th C. Measure 36" Overall, Blade 24.5". Please carefully read our terms of sale, shipping information, and request any condition reports or photos prior to placingSee Sold Price
A late 19th century silver mounted horn handled walking stick together with four other late 19th...Bonhams4.1(311)£220(9 bids)294 Lots Away
A large collection of various late 19th century silver, white metal and plated topped walking ca...Bonhams4.1(311)£900292 Lots Away
An unusual early 19th century silver gilt topped walking caneBonhams4.1(311)£130(8 bids)298 Lots Away
A collection of five Nailsea type green tinted clear glass walking canes and sticks Probably lat...Bonhams4.1(311)£50(5 bids)301 Lots Away
1822 DON QUIXOTE DE LA MANCHA by CERVANTES 5 VOLUMES SET antique in ENGLISHJasper524.5(9.8k)$480Feb 26, 2025
Rip Van Winkle Catskills 19th C. Framed EngravingThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)$15(3 bids)7 days Left
19th Century, Portrait of a Gentleman (two works)Toomey & Co. Auctioneers4.7(391)$100(2 bids)7 days Left
Figural Slate & Bronze Mantel Clock, Honore Pons, Paris, France, C. 1840s - A 19th century FrenchBill Hood & Sons Art & Antique Auctions4.6(678)$250(1 bid)6 days Left
A late 19th century Thüringen gentleman peering through an eyeglass spill holder,Special Auction Services4.3(7)£80Mar 11, 2025
A mid 19th century Seiffen carved wooden elegant couple,Special Auction Services4.3(7)£120Mar 11, 2025
17th-18th Century Spanish Colonial Baroque Madonna and ChildLion and Unicorn4.8(1.8k)$275(3 bids)Feb 27, 2025