Chest with Rig of Twelve Green-Winged Teal by Woodson RoddyCopley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)$550(2 bids)Feb 22, 2025
Exceedingly Rare Canvasback Pair by Henry "Hank" Catton (1854-1933)Copley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)$9,000Feb 22, 2025
"Golden" Mallard Pair by Charles H. Perdew (1874-1963)Copley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)$1,200(1 bid)Feb 21, 2025
Premier-Grade Black Duck by Mason Decoy Factory (1896-1924)Copley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)$900Feb 22, 2025
Sold3 Canvasback Drake Duck Decoys, incl. Evans Factory/AlgardThree 3 Canvasback Drake Duck Decoys, incl. Evans Factory. 1st item: Evans Decoy Company (Michigan, 1921 - 1932) canvasback drake decoy, mammoth grade. 8 3/8" H x 16" L. 2nd item: Canvasback drake decSee Sold Price
SoldWOODEN DUCK DECOYSLot of (3) Carved and Painted Decoys, with glass eyes, incl: Eider Drake, with weight and leather loop affixed to base, impressed RH maker's mark, 14 3/4" wide; John Gewerth Lac La Croix Collection LeSee Sold Price
Sold3 Canvasback Drake Duck Decoysby unknown Michigan carvers, glass eyes, solid bodies, original paint, sap bleed, light paint flaking, keels, rigmates, 15"L, est. 150 - 250See Sold Price
SoldJohn Zachmann Canvasback Drake Duck DecoyDetroit, MI, glass eyes, solid body, excellent original paint, nice feather carving on back & tail, makers brand signed & dated 2001 on bottom, 15"L, est. 500 - 800See Sold Price
SoldJohn Roth Canvasback Drake Duck DecoyOshkosh, WI, glass eyes, solid body, original paint with some gunning wear, a few shot marks & light flaking, age crack in right side of neck, neck has been reset, 16"L, est. 200 - 300See Sold Price
Sold4 Maryland Duck Decoys, incl. Henry Lockard & August HeinefieldGroup of four (4) carved and painted duck decoys including: two (2) decoys by August Heinfield (MD, 1883-1952) including a canvasback drake and a red-head drake, both signed on the base; one (1)See Sold Price
Sold2 Doug Jester Attributed Duck Decoys, incl. 1 OversizeTwo (2) carved and painted canvasback drake duck decoys attributed to Doug Jester (1876 - 1961/ Chincoteague, VA) including one oversized example. Both with painted eyes and a deeply notched groove beSee Sold Price
Sold2 Canvasback Drake Decoys, incl. OversizedGrouping of two (2) carved and painted canvasback drake duck decoys, Virginia, possibly Doug Jester, including one oversized with a slightly turned head and carved bill and one with carved head and eySee Sold Price
Sold4 Canvasback Drake Duck Decoysby unknown carvers, 3 are solid bodies & 1 is hollow body, combination of original & working paint with some gunning wear, sizes range 15"L - 17"L, est. 200 - 400See Sold Price
SoldHigh-Head Canvasback Decoy, Oscar Carroll (1868-1946)Oscar Carroll (1868-1946) Back Bay, VA, c. 1930 16 in. long A graceful, high-head canvasback drake likely made from cypress wood which was rot resistant and lightened considerably as it dried. CarollSee Sold Price
Sold5 Maryland Duck Decoys, Barnes & McGawFive (5) Maryland carved and painted duck decoys. 1st - 4th items: Four (4) carved and painted decoys attributed to Samuel Barnes (1857-1926, Havre de Grace, Maryland), including 3 canvasback drakes aSee Sold Price
SoldMD Scott Jackson Duck Decoy w/ John Hanson BrandCarved and painted canvasback drake attributed to W. Scott Jackson (1852-1929, MD). Signed in pencil underside, "Scott Jackson". Branded "JH" possibly for John Hanson to the underside of the tail. 6 3See Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF FIVE AMERICAN DUCK DECOYS.20th century. 1) Black duck with carved "GWC". 2) Composition body redhead duck shelf decoy signed "John Rovello 1965". 3) Canvasback duck signed "Harris 1969". 4) Unmarked black decoy with white markSee Sold Price
Sold3 Decoy Ducks incl Hudson Decoy Co.Includes John Geverth, unknown artist, and Hudson. 15" to 23" wide x 5-1/2" to 7" deep x 6-1/2" to 8" high.See Sold Price
Sold8 Duck Decoyspr of mallard bookends, 1 decorative teal, natural sided, 4 Al Ries Tru-Duck mallards - 3 drakes & 1 hen, 1 canvasback drake miniature by Willett, sizes range 6"L - 12"L, est. 150 - 250See Sold Price
Soldattributed John Glenn, Black Duck Working Decoyattributed John Glenn, Black Duck Working Decoymid 20th century, Rock Hall, Maryland, solid body form, carved and painted, with applied paper labels to undersides. 8 x 17 3/4 x 8 in. From a Charlotte,See Sold Price
Sold1983 Canvasback Drake John Jeffrey Barto DecoyDecoy is approx 6 1/2" X 16" x 7 3/4" tall.See Sold Price
Sold2 Duck Decoys1 redhead drake attributed Meldrum, glass eyes, hollow body, working paint, gunning wear & 1 canvasback drake, glass eyes, hollow body, branded UNGER on bottom, working paint, gunning wear, John TreutSee Sold Price
Sold2 Duck Decoys1 pintail drake by John Glenn, Rock Hall, MD, painted eyes, solid body, combination of original & old working paint, some flaking & paint loss, age crack in neck, branded ELW on bottom, 17"L & 1 canvaSee Sold Price
Sold2 Mason Duck DecoysDetroit, MI, 1 canvasback drake & 1 early goldeneye drake with slightly loose head, premier grades, glass eyes, hollow bodies, both are in restored paint & gunning wear, John Treutelaar Collection, 16See Sold Price
Sold4 Duck Decoys1 canvasback hen by unknown MI carver, 1 canvasback drake, Mt. Clemens, balsa body, 2 canvasback drake by unknown MI carver, all have glass eyes, 3 have solid bodies, gunning wear in combo paint, sizeSee Sold Price
Sold3 Cheasapeake Bay Duck Decoys, attrib. Holly FamilyGrouping of three (3) Chesapeake Bay carved and painted duck decoys including one (1) Holly Family (Havre de Grace, MD) canvasback drake, and two (2) canvasback hens attributed to James Holly (1855-19See Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF ELEVEN SIGNED J.L. COOK DUCK DECOYS.Havre de Gras, MD. Late 20th, early 21st century. 1-2) Canvasback drake and hen pair of decoys. 3-4) Bluebill drake and hen pair of decoys. 5-6) Ruddy duck drake and hen pair of decoys. 7) Golden eyeSee Sold Price
Sold3 Duck Decoys, incl. Joel Pusey & WildfowlerGroup of three (3) carved and painted duck decoys including one (1) Upper Chesapeake Bay area canvasback decoy with Joel Boone Pusey brand, and a pair of early Wildfowler Decoy Company (Saybrook, ConnSee Sold Price
Rare Canvasback by Charles S. Schoenheider Sr. (1854-1944)Copley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)$1,500Feb 21, 2025
Rare Canvasback Drake by Charles Bergman (1856-1946)Copley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)$4,000Feb 21, 2025
Rare Fish Decoy with Wood Finish by Oscar W. Peterson (1887-1951)Copley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)$750Feb 21, 2025
Rare Canvasback Drake by Morris Boat Works (1874-1972)Copley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)$2,500Feb 22, 2025
Rare Early Canvasback Pair by William Humphrey (1823-1880s)Copley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)$2,500Feb 22, 2025
Turned-Head Long-Tail Drake by Orlando "Os" Bibber (1882-1970)Copley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)$5,000Feb 22, 2025
Rare Sleeping Canvasback Pair by William "Billy" T. Enright (1913-1979)Copley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)$750Feb 22, 2025
(3) EBONY WALKING STICKS WITH GOLD FILLED TOPSThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(387)$275(3 bids)Feb 21, 2025
Ancient Chinese Han Dynasty Duck On American Sterling Silver BaseAkiba Galleries4.7(1.7k)$100(1 bid)3 days Left
2001 Handpainted Dudley Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy by S.R. White Carving & Son, 14" LongTreasure Deck Auctions4.4(18)$5(1 bid)3 days Left
Media Lot incl DVDs, Blu-Ray Discs, CDs including Disney John Carter, Moana, Frozen,Denotter Auctions, LLC4.6(1k)$14(2 bids)2 days Left
Don Shunk & Rick Foster, Three Carved Duck DecoysDevin Moisan Auctioneers, Inc.4.4(108)$150(1 bid)Mar 02, 2025