Sold7 Lionel Milk & Reefer Toy Trains w/ Boxes7 Lionel milk and reefer box car trains including #6-9859 Pabst Reefer Car, #6-16235 Railway Express Reefer, #6-9860 Gold Medal Reefer, #6-5701 Dairymen's League Reefer, #6-16146 Dairy Dispatch ReeferSee Sold Price
Sold7 Lionel States Box Car Toy Trains w/ Boxes7 Lionel toy train cars including #6-19951 I Love Massachusetts Box Car, #6-9486 I Love Michigan Box Car, #6-19915 I Love Texas Box Car, #6-17217 Maine New Haven Box Car, #6-19969 I Love Vermont Box CSee Sold Price
Sold(7) Lionel USA States Toy Train Cars w/ Boxes(7) Lionel postwar US State toy train cars with original boxes. Includes (1) 6-17218 State Of Maine Boxcar Bangor & Aroostook, (1) 6-19970 I Love New Hampshire Boxcar, (1) 6-19971 I Love Rhode IslandSee Sold Price
Sold7 Lionel Toy Trains s w/ Ertl Tractor Flatcar7 Lionel toy trains in boxes, including #6983 Penn. RR F9 Well Car 6-16983, #6-18423 On Track Step Van, #6-19935 1195 Railroader Club Single Dome Tank Car, #6-18430 NYC Crew Car, #6-16927 NY Central FSee Sold Price
SoldLionel 602 Diesel Loco & 7 Train Cars w/ BoxesVintage Lionel toy train set including Diesel Switcher Locomotive no. 602 with original box, Operating Cattle Car no. 3656 with original box, no. 3656 Stock Yard with original box, Automatic Dumping OSee Sold Price
SoldToy Train Operating Accessories (3), Lionel 3656 cattle car, 3472 milk car, both w/platforms & origToy Train Operating Accessories (3), Lionel 3656 cattle car, 3472 milk car, both w/platforms & orig boxes plus 362 barrel loader (some minor losses), VG+ untested cond unless noted, largest 4.5"H x 4"See Sold Price
SoldToy Lionel Train & Electricar boxes, 4-pc passenger set w/engine & Rare 7-pc Electricar boxes &Toy Lionel Train & Electricar boxes, 4-pc passenger set w/engine & Rare 7-pc Electricar boxes & pamphlets, Fair to Good+ cond, largest 18"L.See Sold Price
SoldMPC Lionel O Gauge Freight Cars in Original Boxes X 7MPC Lionel O Gauge Freight Cars in Original Boxes X 7, including Western Pacific Box Car, Alaska Box Car, NYC Pacemaker Box Car, A&W Box Car, Virginian Box Car, CP Rail Box Car and Beach Stock Box CarSee Sold Price
SoldNew Lionel O Gauge Seven (7) Assorted Lionel Lines Freight CarsNew Lionel O Gauge Seven (7) Assorted Lionel Lines Freight Cars, including box car #6 -9492, billboard reefer #6 -9849, long gondola #6 -6214, Hopper with coal load #6 -19303, illuminated porthole cabSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Group of Lionel TrainsLionel Corporation. American - 1950's - 7" to 12" Long. Included are Engine 685, Tender (6026 W), Box Car (3484), Dump Car (3359), Gondola Car (3444), Gondola Car (6462), Automatic Car (6414), Tank CaSee Sold Price
SoldLionel G Scale Seven (7) Assorted Freight Cars BoxedLionel G Scale Seven (7) Assorted Freight Cars Boxed, including Tropicana Reefer, Gulf Tank Car, Gerber Reefer, Santa Fe Tank Car, Western Pacific Box Car, Santa Fe Gondola And Illinois Central Flat CSee Sold Price
SoldNew Lionel O Gauge Missouri Pacific GP –7 DieselNew Lionel O Gauge Missouri Pacific GP –7 Diesel engine, Union Pacific Mechanical Reefer 2 Pack and Eastwood Automobilia, in Original Boxes, including Missouri Pacific GP-7 diesel engine #6 RSee Sold Price
SoldMPC Lionel O Gauge Freight Cars in Original BoxesMPC Lionel O Gauge Freight Cars in Original Boxes Famous American Railroad X 7, with Famous American Railroad Great Northern Covered Hopper, Union Pacific Hopper, ATSF Reefer, ATSF Box Car, Great NortSee Sold Price
SoldLIONEL MILK TRAIN SETO ga, 2055 small Hudson loco w/2671W tender, reproduction shell, 6472 reefer, 2 #3472 operating milk cars, 3482 milk car, w/2 platforms, 6457 caboose, C6-7.See Sold Price
SoldLIONEL FREIGHT TRAIN SETO ga, 682 turbine loco, chips in white stripe, 2046W tender, 6656 stock car, 6464-50 M&StL box car, 3662 milk reefer, 6417 PA caboose, C6-7.See Sold Price
SoldLIONEL TRAIN SETO ga, 2350 NH EP5, end decals replaced, 6464-425 NH box car w/half serif letter, 1672 reefer w/blue lettering, 6418 machinery car, 6460 crane, working, 6419 work caboose, C6-7.See Sold Price
SoldLIONEL TRAIN SETO ga, 2035 loco, numbers restamped, 6466W tender, 3472 operating milk car, 6462 gondola w/6 barrels, 3464 operating box car, 6465 tank car, 6357 caboose, 1 step chipped, C6-7.See Sold Price
SoldLIONEL TRAIN SETO ga, 2056 loco, 2046W tender, 6462 gondola w/barrels, 6465 tank, 3474 WP box car, 3472 operating milk car w/platform, 6357 caboose, 4 orig boxes only, minor wear to rough, C6-7.See Sold Price
SoldLIONEL TRAIN SETO ga, 2037 loco, 6026W tender, 6454 SP box car, 3356 cattle car w/platform, 6672 reefer w/black letters, 6457 caboose, C5-7.See Sold Price
SoldLIONEL TRAIN SETO ga, 681 turbine loco, missing boiler plate decal, w/MPC tender, 6436 LV hopper, 3494 NYC operating box car, 3662 milk car, 3530 generator car, 6517 caboose, C5-7.See Sold Price
SoldLIONEL TRAIN SETO ga, 2020 turbine loco, w/smoke bulb, decal on boiler front, 2020W tender, 3462 operating milk car, 3459 auto dump car, 2465 Sunoco tank, 2758 PA box car, 2457 caboose, C6-7.See Sold Price
SoldLIONEL TRAIN SETO ga, 628 Northern Pacific loco, 3472 operating milk car w/platform, 6425 Gulf tank car, 6464-275 SOM box car, 6352 ice box car, 6417 caboose, C6-7.See Sold Price
Sold9 Lionel Toy Train Cars w/ Boxes (Disney & More)9 Lionel toy train cars including . Toy trains include #6-25033 Christmas Box Car, #6-29248 NYC Box Car, #6-29204 Century Club Box Car, #6-16970 / #6424 L.A. County Box Car With Lifeguard Boat, #6-129See Sold Price
Sold16 Lionel Toy Trains w/ Original Boxes16 Lionel toy train cars including #6-9307 Animated Gondola, #6-36099 NYC Flat Car, #6-9279 Magnolia Tank Car, #16375 NYC Flat Car, #6-9302 Searchlight Car, #6-16341 NYC Transformer Car, #6-9185 GT CaSee Sold Price
Lionel Postwar Set # 2547WS w. 637 Loco 2046W Tender & 3330 6475 6361 6357 in Set BoxMarz Auctions4.5(92)$210(4 bids)Feb 22, 2025
Two Lionel O gauge freight cars plus a block signal in original boxesToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(439)$5Feb 22, 2025