African Cote d'Ivoire Baule Female Spirit Wood Carving Dan MaskHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)$10(1 bid)5 days Left
SoldA Bamana Komo Ritual MaskA rare old and very large carved wooden mask with a well weathered surface. Bamana masks such as this one are worn and seen only by members of the Komo association, whose members harness the power orSee Sold Price
SoldA Bamana Komo Mask Ex Banks CollectionA very large carved wooden mask with a heavy organic material covering the surface. Bamana masks such as this one are worn and seen only by members of the Komo association, whose members harness the pSee Sold Price
SoldRare Old Bamana Komo Mask Ex Al Gordon CollectionA Very Old and eroded carved wooden mask with a well weathered surface. Bamana masks such as this one are worn and seen only by members of the Komo association, whose members harness the power (nyama)See Sold Price
SoldAfrican Bamana Komo MaskAfrican Bamana Komo Mask. Carved wood, plant fiber, cowrie shells. Provenance: Collection of Allan Stone, New York. Size: 34'' x 12'' x 8'' (86 x 30 x 20 cm).See Sold Price
SoldA Bamana Komo Shrine Mask / FetishThis is a carved wooden mask adorned with various magic substances and a heavy organic material on its surface. Kòmò and kònò associations construct helmet masks that express the organizations' poSee Sold Price
SoldA Long slender Bamana Komo Society mask, African ArtCarved wooden mask in an elongated form representing a Hyena like animal with encrusted organic pigment covering the entire surface. The mask itself measures 25 x 8 inches. A durable metal display staSee Sold Price
SoldA Bamana Komo African MaskA very large carved wooden mask with a heavy organic material covering the surface. Bamana masks such as this one are worn and seen only by members of the Komo association, whose members harness the pSee Sold Price
SoldAfrican Bamana Komo Society Crest MaskAfrican Bamana Komo Society Crest Mask, Kontela Region, Mali, wood, guinea fowl blood, mud, mirror shards, feathers, and porcupine quills, h. 15 in., w. 32 in., d. 6 in.; mounted on metal stand, overaSee Sold Price
Sold20th C. African Wood Ritual / Dance Mask (Tji Wara)Originally offered at $650... West Africa, Mali, Bamana (also Bambara or Banmana), ca. early 20th century CE. A beautiful example of a Chiwara (also Tji Wara), a ritual mask used by the Bamana peopleSee Sold Price
SoldA Bamana Hyena MaskA carved wooden dance with aggressive carved features in the form of a Hyena. The mask was embellished with hand hammered metal designs and has a well handled surface suggesting years of ritual use. BSee Sold Price
Sold13 Pcs. Books / Booklets, African Art etc.To include "Ituri: The Distribution of Polychrome Masks in Northeast Zaire" by Marc L. Felix, "Isn't S/He A Doll?: Play and Ritual in African Sculpture" by Elisabeth L. Cameron, "Bamana: The Art of ExSee Sold Price
SoldA Bamana Mask (Hyena), "suruku"Hyänen-Maske, "suruku" Bamana, Mali Mit Sockel / with base Holz. H 40 cm. Provenienz: - Galerie Noir d’Ivoire, Réginald Groux, Paris. - Schweizer Privatsammlung, Solothurn (2015). DasSee Sold Price
SoldA Bamana Mask, "suruku"Hyänen-Maske, "suruku" Bamana, Mali Ohne Sockel / without base Holz. H 28 cm. Provenienz: - lt. H. und M. Zimmer: Galerie Arno Henseler, München (1970er Jahre). - Helmut (1931-2021) und MariSee Sold Price
SoldExceedingly Rare Bangwa Janus Skin Covered Ritual MaskA very rare old carved wooden helmet mask with janus mask faces and two protruding spirit faces from the forehead. The mask is completely covered in animal skin, stretched tightly over the mask form aSee Sold Price
SoldRare 19th C. African DR Congo Mbagani Wood Ritual Mask**Originally Listed At $600** Central Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mbagani (Babindji) culture, ca. 19th to 20th century CE. A large wood ceremonial mask with characteristic large discoidaSee Sold Price
SoldArchaic Bamana Mask Ex Leonard Kahan GalleryA very unusual carved wooden mask with thick encrusted surface, raised geometric forms on the forehead and overall stylized features. Eastern Bamana peoples, near the Bobo of Burkina Faso, West AfricaSee Sold Price
SoldA BIG CHINESE ARCHAIC BRONZE RITUAL MASKA Big Chinese Archaic Bronze Ritual Mask: Finely Cast As A Menacing Mask; Size: L: 18-1/2" (46.99cm)See Sold Price
SoldA Bamana Mask, "ntomo"Maske, "ntomo" Bamana, Mali Ohne Sockel / without base Holz. H 45 cm. Provenienz: - Galerie Künzi, Gottfried Künzi (1920-1979), Solothurn. - Martin Gross (1922-2017), Biel (erworben am 12.06.1968).See Sold Price
SoldA Bamana Mask, "kònò"Maske, "kònò" Bamana, Mali Ohne Sockel / without base Holz. H 52,5 cm. Provenienz: Gérald Minkoff (1937-2009) und Muriel Olesen (1948-2020), Genf. Bei dem angebotenen Objekt handelt esSee Sold Price
SoldBamana MaskAfrican Tribal Art Bamana Mask from Mali, dimension is 29.5 inches high x 9.25 inches wide. The shipping cost for domestic is $65.00 flat rate shipping within the Continental US, international foreignSee Sold Price
SoldA Mambila Nsua Ndua Ritual MaskA Carved wooden helmet mask with unusual ancestor face and swept back horns, painted black with red and white accents. A unusual style , a similar mask can be seen in the Yale University Museum collecSee Sold Price
SoldBAMANA MASKAfrican Art Bamana Mask from Mali 20.5"H x 8.5"W This item ships from New York, NYSee Sold Price
SoldEARLY INUIT RITUAL MASKBering Sea Eskimo Black Bear Inua Mask, from a single plank, in remnants of original paint, 17" x 9 1/4". Weathered, shrinkage cracks.See Sold Price
Fine Ituri Ritual Mask Carved in WoodFine Ituri ritual Mask carved in wood Origin: Congo Date: Late quarter of 20th century Material: Wood, pigments, fibers Size: 22 x 16cm Sold with certificate of authenticity and with metal stand PleasSee Sold Price
Circular older African Wooden Mask DRC, Luba Kifwebe antiqueCollective Hudson4.5(56)$50(1 bid)6 days Left
Bamana Bam Bara Tribal Mask Called N'Tomo Mask From MaliRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(235)$506 days Left
Large mask KOMO KUMU or neighboring people Congo Drc African Tribal Art MC2021Jasper524.5(9.8k)$4001 day Left
Superb KOMO - KUMU wood pannel Mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art Gallery 1673Jasper524.5(9.8k)$5501 day Left
Large KOMO - KUMU wood Mask Ituri Congo Drc African Tribal Art Gallery TA1689Jasper524.5(9.8k)$2401 day Left
Beautifull KOMO - KUMU wood Mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art Gallery 1640Jasper524.5(9.8k)$2401 day Left