SoldA Dogon Seated Female AncestorA Dogon Seated Female Shrine sculpture. Ex~ Allison Davis. Carved wooden shrine altar featuring a lounging or seated female effigy, with her head turned of axis giving the sculpture was wonderful sensSee Sold Price
SoldOld Dogon Seated Female Ancestor , African ArtThis is a very rare old wood sculpture from the Dogon peoples of Mali, West Africa. Carved from a dense wood, this image of a highly stylized female ancestral effigy, with incised coiffure facial scarSee Sold Price
SoldEroded Dogon Female sculptureThis is a very old wood sculpture of a seated female ancestor, Dogon Peoples, Mali , West Africa. Carved wood with a well weathered surface, The figure features a female seated with hands placed on heSee Sold Price
SoldDOGON FEMALE SCULPTURE WITH 1/2 ERODED FACE AND BODYThis is a very old wood sculpture of a seated female ancestor, Dogon Peoples, Mali , West Africa.Carved wood with a well weathered surface suggesting use over many years. The figure features a femaleSee Sold Price
Sold2 Dogon Female Ancestors Sacred Stone Reliquaries2 Dogon Female Ancestors Sacred Stone Reliquaries. Each housing a sacred stone. Dogon People, Mali, West Africa, 20th C. Iron. 1) Seated Female Ancestor With Internal Sacred Stone. Size: 5"H x 2"W x 2See Sold Price
SoldDogon Female Ancestor sculpture hand raised in PrayerThis is a fine old carved wooden Female ancestor sculpture from the Senou region of Mali, West Africa and the Dogon peoples. The sculpture features a female ancestor shown seated and supported by threSee Sold Price
SoldTwo African carved wood figuresSenufo ancestor figure, 22 in. H., and Dogon female figure seated on stool, 22 in. H. Towson University Art CollectionSee Sold Price
SoldA Dogon Nommo Couple, African ArtThis is a carved wooden shrine sculpture of a Nommo ancestor male & female couple shown seated and praying for rain, from the Dogon peoples of Mali, West Africa. Carved from a single piece of wood witSee Sold Price
SoldEncrusted Old Dogon Sgrine Figure on StoolA wonderfully abstract carved wooden female ancestor effigy with a heavily encrusted surface and a highly stylized form with numerous appendages and shown seated on a stool supported by ancestor figurSee Sold Price
SoldA Dogon Female Tellum Shrine IdolA sculpture of a female ancestor with hands raised to the heavens, shown in a seated position and with a well weathered surface, some decay on the bottom of the sculpture. Dogon peoples, Mali, West AfSee Sold Price
SoldDogon Bronze 2-Headed Ancestor FigureSeated figure with arms reaching high overhead. Probably the two headed ancestor figure representing male and female. Mali, West Africa. Height of figure alone, approx. 3". With attached hardwood gallSee Sold Price
SoldA collection of African ethnographica, comprising a Dogon seated female figure, 60.5cm (excludingA collection of African ethnographica, comprising a Dogon seated female figure, 60.5cm (excluding wood base); a Turkana headrest, Kenya, 18.5cm; a Bamana figure of a standing female, a carved cloth toSee Sold Price
SoldA Fine Senufo Seated Female ancestor sculptureA finely carved female effigy with stylized coiffure and traditional form. Senufo peoples, Ivory coast west Africa. The figure measures 9.5 inches on custom display stand.See Sold Price
SoldDOGON FEMALE ANCESTOR SCULPTURE, AFRICAN ARTA finely carved wooden sculpture of a highly stylized female kneeling devotee with encrusted surface and wonderful traditional, almost "cubist" style. Dogon peoples, Mali, Africa. The sculpture measurSee Sold Price
SoldOld African Dogon Seated Ancestor FigureOld African Dogon Seated Ancestor Figure, carved wood, with weathering, Mali. Size: 24.5'' x 7.5'' x 7.5'' (62 x 19 x 19 cm). Provenance: Sam Hilu. Ex Collection of Bernard Barach. Please Note: ThereSee Sold Price
SoldA Dogon Female Ancestor sculptureA tall carved wooden female effigy with a well weathered and worn surface patina suggesting age and exposure to the elements. Measures 26.5 inches tall. Dogon peoples, Mali, Africa.See Sold Price
SoldTall Old Dogon Female Ancestor sculpture Ex Poolos CollThis is a well weathered old and quite exaggerated female sculpture from the Dogon peoples, Mali, Africa. Featuring a highly stylized female with classic treatment and somewhat archaic style. The figuSee Sold Price
SoldA Rare Dogon Female Ancestor Spirit SculptureThis is a very rare old wood sculpture of a Female ancestor, Dogon Peoples, Mali , West Africa.Carved wood with a well weathered surface suggesting use over many years. The figure features a female wiSee Sold Price
SoldSenufo Seated Female Ancestor sculpture, African TribalThis is a very fine and vintage Senufo ancestor sculpture, Mali, Africa. Carved from a single piece of wood with a well handled and Oily patina, note the wonderful stylized face and form, a Gorgeous eSee Sold Price
SoldTall Dogon female Ancestor with Graceful ArmsThis is a very rare and quite large old wooden sculpture from the Dogon peoples of Mali, West Africa. A highly stylized ancestral effigy featuring a tall female ancestor with elongated and exaggeratedSee Sold Price
SoldAfrican Dogon Female Ancestor Figure, MaliAfrican Dogon Female Ancestor Figure. Carved wood; on Included stand. Provenance: A Private Oregon collection.Size: 34'' x 9.5'' (86 x 24 cm) Height on Stand: 35" (89 cm).See Sold Price
SoldVery Fine Old Dogon Female Ancestor Shrine SculptureThis is a very rare old wood sculpture from the Dogon peoples of Mali, West Africa. A Very proud Female Ancestor shown holding a staff, a symbol of rank among the tribe. Carved wood with a well weatheSee Sold Price
SoldA Fine Senufo Korhogo Seated Female ancestor sculptureCarved wooden female effigy with stylized face and form and well handled and polished patina. Adorned with old glass beads. Senufo peoples, Ivory Coast, Africa. The sculpture measures 13 inches tall.See Sold Price
SoldHighly Stylized Dogon Female ancestor w Incised ScarsA Carved wooden female effigy with exaggerated form and wonderful incised and raised tribal scar designs throughout. Dogon peoples, Mali, Africa. The sculpture measures 23 inches tall.See Sold Price
Neo Babylonian Chalcedony Stamp Seal with Seated GoddessTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.5(184)£440Mar 04, 2025
Limited Edition Collett Seated Female Figure with Cup Signed Original Bronze Sculpture - 25" x 14"Weatherham Estate Treasures3.9(157)$550Feb 27, 2025
MARGE PARKER, SEATED FEMALE FIGURE, OIL ON CANVASAhlers & Ogletree Auction Gallery4.5(599)$225(2 bids)5 days Left
Peter is Galli Cantu 1 of 3 print and Abstract of seated FemaleSchultz Auctioneers4.7(476)$50Feb 27, 2025
Carved Wood Female Ancestor Figure, African Tribal Art - Carved wood with ritual patination. AnBill Hood & Sons Art & Antique Auctions4.6(678)$50Feb 25, 2025