A Dogon Figure, a Mossi Doll "biiga" and an Abron DollHAMMER AUKTIONEN, African, Tribal, Oceanic & Asian Art4.8(671)CHF 70(4 bids)5 hrs Left
6 Yoruba Ceremonial ObjectsHAMMER AUKTIONEN, African, Tribal, Oceanic & Asian Art4.8(671)CHF 5(1 bid)5 hrs Left
6 Twin Figures, "ere ibeji"HAMMER AUKTIONEN, African, Tribal, Oceanic & Asian Art4.8(671)CHF 35(3 bids)5 hrs Left
A Senufo Miniature FigureHAMMER AUKTIONEN, African, Tribal, Oceanic & Asian Art4.8(671)CHF 10(2 bids)5 hrs Left
SoldA Fine Eket Ogbom Headdress sculptureA finely carved wooden female effigy with stylized form and classic treatment to the face and overall style. Ogbom dances where such headdress were worn would honor the Earth, and called attention toSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian FigurePre-Columbian terracotta figure fragment with headdress, nose and ear rings, pendant necklace. Bare chested with cloth at waist. Dimensions: 6-3/4" H x 3-1/2" W; Weight: 13 oz. Provenance: Ex. LondonoSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian terracotta Jama-Coaque FigureA Jama-Coaque terracotta figure, Ecuador, ca. 500 B.C. - 500 A.D. A terracotta figure fragment, figure with helmet headdress, necklace and hands at chest. Suspension holes and sides, vent hold at rearSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Valdivia FragmentA large pre-Columbian Valdivian Fertility Figure, circa. 3500 - 1800 B.C. Ecuador. This fragment is of the top half of a large figure. The fragment has a large headdress with detailed face, broken belSee Sold Price
SoldChupicuaro Pottery FiguresMexico, Chupicuaro, pre-Columbian. A group of four pottery figures, including one seated figure with folded arms, one standing figure with elaborate headdress, one fragment of standing figure with folSee Sold Price
Sold4 West African objects. 20th century.A group of four West African objects. 20th century. ++ Benin terracotta head fragment. Benin style. Nigeria. 9." ++ Bamana chiwara headdress fragment. Bamana. Mali. ++ Lobi female figure with bowl. LoSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Five Pre-Columbian Pottery FiguresGroup of five Pre-Columbian pottery figures; each possibly of Veracruz; including: three seated, of female form; figural vessel; together with fragment of figure with elaborate headdress; all with mouSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Jama-Coaque FigureA Jama-Coaque figure, Ecuador, ca. 500 B.C. - 500 A.D. A terracotta figure fragment, figure in an avian costume with headdress and large pendant. Dimensions: 3-3/8" H 2-3/4" H; Weight: 3 oz. ProvenancSee Sold Price
SoldVintage EKET Ogbom Abstract African sculptureA very finely crafted wooden sculpture or headdress from the Eket peoples of Nigeria, West Africa. featuring a wonderfully exaggerated female form accented with kaolin clay pigments an geometric desigSee Sold Price
SoldChancay Wood Litter Post Fragment w/ Lord FigurePre-Columbian, Central Coast Peru, Chancay, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. A beautiful hand-carved wooden post topped by a finial of a standing lord. He wears a tall headdress and a tunic textured with a zigzagSee Sold Price
SoldGandharan Figural Fragment2nd-3rd century AD. A carved schist frieze fragment of two figures, a female with collar and decorative headdress beside a clean-shaven male offering a cup with his right hand, mounting peg below; mouSee Sold Price
SoldPRE-COLUMBIAN COPPER CROWN FRAGMENT - CHIMU 500 - 1200A Chimu copper fragment from a crown or headdress, circa 500 - 1200 A.D, Peru. The fragment depicts a masked figure wearing a feathered headdressand has spooled earrings. Mounted on black wooden panelSee Sold Price
SoldProbably Pre-Columbian Clay Head FragmentDESCRIPTION: Probably Pre-Columbian clay head fragment of a smiling figure, wearing a large headdress. Includes a custom acrylic base. PROVENANCE: From the estate of a private collection in Miami BeacSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Three Pre-Columbian Clay Figures, a pair of aGroup of Three Pre-Columbian Clay Figures, a pair of a standing man and woman with painted decoration, and a fragment of a man with a headdress, on a wooden stand, Woman- H.- 9 1/4 in., W.- 4 1/2 in.,See Sold Price
SoldJaina Standing Figure, Mexico, 600-900 CE.A Jaina standing male warrior figure holding what might be a spear fragment in both hands. The figure wears a pendant consisting of two large, round pectoral plates. The animal headdress appears to haSee Sold Price
SoldANCIENT EGYPTIAN SARCOPHAGUS FRAGMENTAncient Egyptian painted wood sarcophagus fragment; depicting the god Horus in solar headdress, above a mummiform figure; with much pigment remaining; H: 17" (approx.); wood baseSee Sold Price
SoldANCIENT EGYPTIAN SARCOPHAGUS FRAGMENTAncient Egyptian painted wood sarcophagus fragment; depicting the god Horus in solar headdress, above a mummiform figure; with much pigment remaining; H: 17" (approx.); wood baseSee Sold Price
SoldCambodian Sandstone Fragment, Probably 13th CenturyProperty from a Private Collector, Jacksonville, FL Description: Cambodian Sandstone Fragment, Probably 13th Century, depicting the upper torso of a male figure with mustache and headdress with haSee Sold Price
SoldCarved Stone Temple Fragment Hindu ShivaAn antique stone fragment of the Hindu God Shiva. Carved in relief, the figure holds a staff in one hand and flowers in the other. The backside shield depicts a Buddha with ornate headdress. MeasuresSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Pre-columbian Veracruz Head FragmentLarge Pre-columbian Veracruz Head Fragment from Mexico, ca. 600-900 A.D. From a larger figure and decorated with bitumen colored eyes and spiked headdress with earspools. 7-7/8' in height.See Sold Price
SoldIndo Persian Jainism Antique Carved Stone FragmentAn antique carved stone sculpture fragment. A figurative religious artifact depicting abstract Jain Dharma figures. Traditional headdress adorns male figure. No apparent signature. Dimensions: 12 X 8See Sold Price
SoldOgbom Eket Crest, NigeriaLarge carved wood figural head crest, the round head with concave facial plane is supported by an elongated ringed neck. The C-shaped torso and arms enclose a smaller figure, and another head appearsSee Sold Price
Sold20th C. African Wood Articulated Puppet Headdress Top**First Time At Auction** West Africa, Niger River Delta area, possibly Oron or Eket peoples, ca. early to mid 20th century CE. A carved wooden squatting female figure with long legs, wide hips, a larSee Sold Price
Female Native American Indian Warrior in Feathered Headdress Bronze Statue Sculpture FigureMiami Auction Gallery4.2(149)$300Feb 14, 2025
American Indian Bronze Sculpture after C HumphrissMiddleManBrokers Inc.4.6(425)$110(2 bids)6 days Left
CLASSICAL GREEK MARBLE STATUE FRAGMENT ON STANDThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(386)$3,500(2 bids)Feb 22, 2025
BEN SMITH, FIGURE WITH HEADDRESS, WOODBLOCK - 1974Ahlers & Ogletree Auction Gallery4.5(599)$400Feb 20, 2025
Pablo Picasso Spanish 1881-1973 Beautiful Oil on canvas In The Style Of. Dali, Magritte, EraInternational Art Auction Gallery4.5(154)$500Feb 16, 2025
Alvin Marshall (Navajo), Alabaster SculptureStefek's Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(105)$150Feb 26, 2025