Ferdinand Barbedienne (1810 - 1892) Rare Large Detailed French Rouge Griotte Mantle Clock SettCurated Gallery Auctions4.6(128)$350(5 bids)Feb 23, 2025
ANTIQUE FRENCH DIRECTOIRE ORMOLU MOUNTED MANTEL CLOCKAntique Arena Inc.4.5(860)$125(3 bids)7 days Left
French Empire Style Bronze and Marble Mantel ClockAuctions at Showplace4.6(727)$125(2 bids)5 days Left
FRENCH VINCENTI & CIE FIGURAL MANTEL CLOCKThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)$100(1 bid)7 days Left
A French Empire gilt and patinated bronze figurative mantel clockOstantix Auctions4.4(10)€550Feb 28, 2025
Exceptional French Antique Renaissance Style Mantel Garniture Clock Set, Circa 1890'sCollective Hudson4.5(55)$200Feb 23, 2025
French Mantle Clock, White Marble and Gilded Bronze, 19th centuryCollective Hudson4.5(55)$100Feb 23, 2025
French Gilt Bronze Pendulum Mantle Clock with Two Cupids, 19th CenturyCollective Hudson4.5(55)$100Feb 23, 2025
Bronze French Empire Antique Mantel Clock Garniture Set, 19th CenturyCollective Hudson4.5(55)$400Feb 23, 2025
SoldLarge Antique French Medaille De Gilt Bronze Enamel Mantel ClockLarge Antique French Medaille De Gilt Bronze Enamel Mantel Clock French Medaille de Bronze and Enamel Clock Featuring a painted porcelain enamel face marked Black Star and Frost, with painted bedouinSee Sold Price
SoldF BRENAUT ANTIQUE PARIS GILT BRONZE MANTEL CLOCKAntique French gilt bronze clock having a white enamel face with cobalt blue Roman numerals and raised black enamel Arabic numerals. Gilt hour and minute hands. Stunning urn to top with ribbons and toSee Sold Price
SoldAntique French Gilt Bronze Classical Mantel ClockHand painted enamel classical view on an ormolu mantel clock, 14" x 9.5". Condition gSee Sold Price
Sold19C. Antique French Gilt Gold Bronze Mantel ClockA 19th Century antique French bronze mantel clock. Gold gilt finish. Enamel face. Windup mechanism. Flanked on each side by Satyr Pan faun medallion faces. Capped on top with ram heads urns. No appareSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH 19TH C. RAINGO FRERES BRONZE MANTEL CLOCKA French Louis XVI style gilt bronze, bleu celeste porcelain and enamel mantel clock dated from the second half of the 19th century. The case is hand painted with colorful floral arrangements and a RoSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE FRENCH GILT BRONZE JOAN OF ARC MANTEL CLOCKAn antique 19th-century French cast bronze mantel clock with key-wind mechanism. The base rests on four feet, gilt front panel with floral decor. Round white enamel clock face with Roman numerals. TheSee Sold Price
SoldAntique 19th C French Mantel Clock by BoussardAntique 19th C French Mantel Clock by Boussard. Quality antique French clock in gilt bronze ormolu & patina bronze with white enamel face, clock includes its own key & black roman numeral numeric, sceSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Fr. Leroy & Fils Gilt Bronze Mantel ClockAntique French Leroy & Fils Gilt Bronze Mantel Clock. Hand painted Sevres style enamel on porcelain inset plaques, held by several figural cherubs. Comes with key and pendulum. Condition commensurateSee Sold Price
SoldGilt Bronze And Enamel Decorated Mantel ClockFrench, 19Th Century, Enamel Decorated Porcelain Dial With Arabic Numerals, Floral Garland Swags And Urn Final With Blue Enamel And Gilt Panels, With Key, 13-1/2 X 11 X 4 In.See Sold Price
SoldAntique Fr. Leroy & Fils Gilt Bronze Mantel ClockAntique French Leroy & Fils Gilt Bronze Mantel Clock, Ormolu Gothic Revival style. Hand painted enamel on porcelain inset plaques displaying knights and armor. Gilt bronze draped chains, quatrefoils,See Sold Price
SoldAntique French Dore Bronze Figural Mantel Clock - An antique French mantel clock in dore giltAntique French Dore Bronze Figural Mantel Clock - An antique French mantel clock in dore gilt bronze, featuring a Classical woman and Child atop and ornate floral and scroll leaf base. Enamel dial witSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Mudesse Marbrier Brevete Gilt Mantle ClockDESCRIPTION: An antique french Mudesse Marbrier Brevete gilt mantel desk clock in a two tone bronze case and enamel dial in Napoleon III style, composed of a structure with various orders alternatingSee Sold Price
SoldAntique French Neoclassical Style Ormolu and Porcelain Mantel ClockAntique French Neoclassical Style Ormolu and Porcelain Mantel Clocklate 19th century, architectural gilt bronze case featuring hand-painted porcelain panels, central round enamel decorated dial behindSee Sold Price
SoldAnsonia Louis XV Antique Gilt Bronze Mantel ClockAn antique Ansonia mantel clock. Ornate gilt bronze French Louis XV style footed clock, featuring scrolling foliate side forms, legs, and floral finial. White and blue enamel Roman numerals. MovementSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH CHAMPLEVE ENAMEL AND ONYX CLOCKCirca 1900 . This mantel clock in onyx and gilt bronze with champleve enamel decorations has a movement by Achille Brocot (1817-1878) measures 15 by 7.5 by 5 inches and is in good condition. It has aSee Sold Price
Sold19th C French Marie Antoinette Bisque Mantel Clock -19th C French Marie Antoinette Bisque Mantel Clock - Bisque porcelain Second Empire bust of Marie Antoinette wearing a fleur-de-lis hair piece. Gilt bronze casing around enamel dial featuring Roman nuSee Sold Price
SoldJAPY FRERES FRENCH BRONZE CLAD ONYX MANTEL CLOCKAntique and large Japy Freres French black onyx case mantel clock having red marble inlay designs and clad with Dore gold gilt bronze Greek Revival cherub scene plaques and columns. Enamel dial with ASee Sold Price
Sold19th C French Dore Bronze & Carrara Marble Figural Mantel Clock,Signed "J.V.&FILS BREVETES S.G.D.G19th century French Dore bronze and carrara marble figural mantel clock,convex blue enamel dial with gilt stars and porcelain inserts with Roman hour numerals, gilt pierced hands,signed on a metal tagSee Sold Price
SoldAntique French gilt bronze mantel clock: cherub & dolphinAn antique french 19th century figural gilt bronze mantel clock featuring a winged cherub playing a lyre and seated on a dolphin. The clock face with enameled numerals, comes with a pendulum and key.See Sold Price
SoldAntique French Gilt Bronze Mantel ClockMid 19th century. Having an excellently cast and gilt case with porcelain face and hand chased and gilded hands. The movement is original and nice and clean with all parts in working order. H16"See Sold Price
SoldAntique French Gilt Bronze Mantel ClockDESCRIPTION: Antique mantel clock featuring a gilt bronze housing featuring floral and foliage designs throughout and crowned with a putto holding a lyre. Piece is marked on face "Coutances" and "E. SSee Sold Price
SoldAntique French gilt bronze mantel clock with pendulum &Antique French gilt bronze mantel clock with pendulum & key. 14 1/4” H x 11” W x 4” D. Shipping in USA or International please contact for quote both UPS stores: 1) : David Reiser UPSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE FRENCH HOWELL JAMES & CO GILT BRONZE CLOCKAn antique French gilt bronze mantel clock by L. Marti et Cie, and retailed by Howell, James & Co, London. Dial marked "Howell James & Co, To The Queen, London, Paris". Decorated with small enameled mSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH GILT BRONZE CHAMPLEVE ENAMEL MANTEL CLOCKFrench mantel shelf clock, late 19th c., the white enameled fancy dial with black Arabic numerals, time and strike movement, movement stamped Kremer, Paris (possibly retailer), all housed in a glazedSee Sold Price
Charles X Gilt Bronze and Marble "Mamelouk" ClockAuctions at Showplace4.6(727)$800(6 bids)5 days Left
French Empire Style Bronze and Marble Mantel ClockAuctions at Showplace4.6(727)$125(2 bids)5 days Left
Japy Freres French Gilt Bronze & Blue Enameled Mantel Clock circa 1900Taylor & Harris4.7(161)$400Feb 23, 2025
Louis XV Bronze Clock with an Enameled Dial, Late 19th centuryCollective Hudson4.5(55)$100Feb 23, 2025
Tall French Louis XV Bronze Baroque Clock, 19th Century w pendulumCollective Hudson4.5(55)$300Feb 23, 2025
Napoleon III Style Gilt Bronze 25" tall Mantel Clock,circa 1895Collective Hudson4.5(55)$400Feb 23, 2025
Garniture Clock Set 19th C. Louis XVI Style Marble and Gilt BronzeCollective Hudson4.5(55)$300Feb 23, 2025
Exceptional French Antique Renaissance Style Mantel Garniture Clock Set, Circa 1890'sCollective Hudson4.5(55)$200Feb 23, 2025
19th Century Patinated & Ormolu Empire Striking Mantel Clock Set Pendule Au VaseDoyen’s LLC4.3(10)$3,0001 day Left
French, retailed by Tiffany & Co., Louis XV-style mantel garniture setToomey & Co. Auctioneers4.7(391)$1,500Feb 26, 2025
Figural Slate & Bronze Mantel Clock, Honore Pons, Paris, France, C. 1840s - A 19th century FrenchBill Hood & Sons Art & Antique Auctions4.6(678)$250(1 bid)Feb 25, 2025
19th Cen. French Baredienne Neoclassical Slate & Enamel Clock - A slate cased clock with champleveBill Hood & Sons Art & Antique Auctions4.6(678)$250Feb 25, 2025