Superb ! Chokwe Mwana po female Mask Congo Drc Tshokwe African Tribal Art 2094Jasper524.5(9.8k)$650(1 bid)55 mins Left
Superb SONGYE Kifwebe miniature wooden mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art mc 2017Jasper524.5(9.8k)$60055 mins Left
Nice SONGYE Power Figure Fetish Congo Drc Zaire African Tribal Art MC 1884Jasper524.5(9.8k)$30055 mins Left
Beautiful PENDE Mbuya Mbangu illness Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art MC2085Jasper524.5(9.8k)$48055 mins Left
SoldBeautiful Metoko Mask Mituku Congo African Tribal Art 1797CONGO DRC Beautiful Metoko Mask - Bukota Cult The Metoko are the descendants of Lega migrants settled in the middle Lwalaba region. Like the Lega, their political and social life is organized by an asSee Sold Price
SoldBeautifu Lega idimu Bearded Mask Bwami Congo African Tribal Art mc 1847CONGO DRC Beautiful idimu LEGA Mask Beautiful bearded mask, partially bleached with kaolin Cross-shaped scarifications on the cheeks and forehead This type of mask was used in the cult of the Bwami, aSee Sold Price
SoldMetoko Figure Mituku sculpture statue Congo African Tribal Art 1630CONGO DRC Fine METOKO Figure. Beautiful patina The stylization of the face and the silhouette aesthetically gives the Metoko statues an irresistible "little robot" style Settled in the heart of the eqSee Sold Price
SoldFine Metoko Figure Mituku sculpture statue Congo African Tribal Art 1223CONGO DRC Large and Fine METOKO Figure. Very beautiful stylization of the face and the silhouette which aesthetically gives the statue an irresistible little "robot" style The Metoko would be the descSee Sold Price
SoldFine Metoko Figure Mituku sculpture statue Congo African Tribal Art 1477CONGO DRC Large and Fine METOKO Figure. Very beautiful stylization of the face and the silhouette which aesthetically gives the statue an irresistible little "robot" style The Metoko would be the descSee Sold Price
SoldCongo Rare Metoko wooden Figure Mituku sculpture statue African Tribal Art 1059CONGO DRC METOKO ANTHROPOMORPHIC POST Beautiful statue, made of light wood The Metoko (also named Mituku) are the descendants of Lega migrants settled in the middle Lwalaba region. Like the Lega, theiSee Sold Price
SoldBeautiful initiation BEMBE Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1303Title: Beautiful initiation BEMBE Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1303 Provenance/Additional Info: CONGO DRC BEMBE Large zoomorphic Owl mask Atypical mask, with his off-center smile that gives him aSee Sold Price
SoldBeautiful initiation BEMBE Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1756CONGO DRC BEMBE INITIATION MASK "Eluba Ya Butende" Beautiful mask, with the typical aesthetic of this area of the country The face is surrounded by a stylized beard, the large half-closed eyes emit aSee Sold Price
SoldLega idimu two-headed Mask Bwami Congo Drc Zaire African Tribal Art mc 1870CONGO DRC Rare two-headed LEGA idimu mask The faces are heart-shaped and whitened with kaolin, two very typical characteristics of the masks of this people. Idimu masks are significantly larger than LSee Sold Price
SoldBEMBE Beautiful Zoomorphic Owl Mask Congo DRC AfricanTitle: BEMBE Beautiful Zoomorphic Owl Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1212 Additional Information: CONGO DRC BEMBE Beautiful zoomorphic Owl mask Called "Eluba ya butende na cwecwe" or "Emangungu" thSee Sold Price
SoldBeautiful Large KOMO - KUMU wood Mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art Gallery 1659CONGO DRC LARGE KUMU - KOMO NSEMBU MASK The "Nsembu" masks were used during the initiation rites of the "secret" divination society Nkunda The Kumu are a Bantu people living in the equatorial forest oSee Sold Price
SoldLEGA Beautiful Bwami cult idimu wooden Mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art 0457CONGO DRC LEGA IDIMU MASK This type of mask was used in the cult of the Bwami, an association that organized the social structure and ensured the stability of the Lega community. The Lega are a BantuSee Sold Price
SoldBeautiful LUBA Kifwebe Wood Mask Congo DRC Baluba African Tribal Art Songye 0985CONGO DRC CUTE LITTLE BALUBA KIFWEBE MASK With their streaks that characterize them, the Kifwebe masks of the Luba and Songye have many similarities, so it is quite difficult to differentiate them witSee Sold Price
SoldBeautiful idimu LEGA Bwami Cult Wood Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1056CONGO DRC LEGA BWAMI IDIMU MASK This type of mask was used as part of the cult of the Bwami, an association that organized the social structure and ensured the stability of the Lega community. The LegSee Sold Price
SoldBeautiful rare MBOLE BAMBOLE Mask Congo Rdc Zaire KongoTitle: Beautiful rare MBOLE BAMBOLE Mask Congo Rdc Zaire Kongo African Tribal Art 1145 Additional Information: CONGO DRC MBOLE Lilwa Society Mask Bambole are a people whose rites have remained ratherSee Sold Price
SoldPENDE Phumbu Mbuya Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1715CONGO DRC PENDE Beautiful Phumbu chief mask. Collector's number on the backside PROVENANCE: Belgian-French Collection of Mr Ph.V. (More details on request) Characteristics: TYPE OF OBJECT: Mask ETHNICSee Sold Price
Soldidimu LEGA Bwami Cult Wood Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1125CONGO DRC LEGA BWAMI IDIMU MASK Beautiful mask, cross-shaped scarifications on the cheeks Idimu masks are significantly larger than Lukwakongo masks, but stylistically very close These are collectiveSee Sold Price
SoldLUBA Kifwebe Wooden Mask Congo DRC Baluba African Tribal Art Songye 1623CONGO DRC BEAUTIFUL LUBA KIFWEBE MASK The Kifwebe masks of the Luba and the Songye have a lot of similarities, so it is quite difficult to tell them apart without some habit. Kifwebe Luba masks have aSee Sold Price
SoldLEGA Lukwakongo Wood Mask Bwami Cult Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1192CONGO DRC LEGA Bwami Lukwakongo Mask Beautiful heart-shaped face mask bleached with kaolin Eyes are cowry-shaped, the mouth is barely suggested Cross-shaped scarifications on the forehead and cheeks LSee Sold Price
SoldLEGA idimu Mask Bwami Cult Congo African Tribal Art MC1905CONGO DRC BEAUTIFUL LEGA BWAMI IDIMU MASK Idimu masks are significantly larger than Lukwakongo masks, but stylistically very close These are collective masks used during ceremonies for high-ranking peSee Sold Price
SoldLEGA cute Lukwakongo Mask cult of the Bwami Congo Drc African Tribal Art 1086CONGO DRC LEGA Lukwakongo mask Beautiful small very light wooden mask Heart-shaped face highlighted by kaolin. Lukwakongo maskettes are small and light wooden masks belonging to high-ranking members oSee Sold Price
SoldLEGA Lukwakongo Wood Mask Bwami Cult Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1083CONGO DRC LEGA Lukwakongo mask Beautiful cute Bwami mask Lukwakongo maskettes are small and light wooden masks belonging to high-ranking members of the Bwami (rank Yananio) This type of mask was usedSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Anthropomorphic NGBAKA Ubangi wooden Face Mask African Tribal Art MC 1887CONGO RDC Large anthropomorphic mask NGBAKA or neighboring people of Ubangi (Ngbandi or Mbanza) Expressive and powerful mask This mask is very close to the one illustrated in Ubangi, pages 62 and 63 PSee Sold Price
SoldA Fierce Luba Feline African Mask, African ArtA large and aggressive looking leopard or Feline mask with highly stylized face,ears and large fangs. Luba peoples, Congo, Africa. The mask itself measures 18.5 inches tall and will also include a cusSee Sold Price
Superb SONGYE Kifwebe miniature wooden mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art mc 2017Jasper524.5(9.8k)$60055 mins Left
Beautiful PENDE Mbuya Mbangu illness Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art MC2085Jasper524.5(9.8k)$48055 mins Left
Cute SONGYE Kifwebe miniature female mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art mc 1749Jasper524.5(9.8k)$24055 mins Left
Old LEGA Bwami Cult wood Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art Africain mc 1858Jasper524.5(9.8k)$55055 mins Left
Beautifu Lega idimu Bearded Mask Bwami Congo African Tribal Art mc 1857Jasper524.5(9.8k)$30055 mins Left
Powerful Lega idimu Wooden Mask Bwami Congo Drc Zaire African Tribal Art mc 1844Jasper524.5(9.8k)$70055 mins Left
Elegant Lega idimu Wooden Mask Bwami Congo Drc Zaire African Tribal Art mc 1867Jasper524.5(9.8k)$30055 mins Left
BEMBE Nice zoomorphic initiation owl mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art MC 1871Jasper524.5(9.8k)$95055 mins Left
Cute LEGA Lukwakongo Mask Cult of Bwami Congo DRC African Tribal Art mc 1875Jasper524.5(9.8k)$28055 mins Left
Elegant Lega idimu Wooden Mask Bwami Congo Drc Zaire African Tribal Art mc 1890Jasper524.5(9.8k)$70055 mins Left
Cute Metoko Mask Mituku Bukota cult Congo Drc African Tribal Art MC 1892Jasper524.5(9.8k)$36055 mins Left
Large LEGA Bwami Cult wood Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art Africain mc 1893Jasper524.5(9.8k)$48055 mins Left
HEMBA Monkey Chimpanzee Soko Motu Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art MC 1928Jasper524.5(9.8k)$24055 mins Left
Fine Metoko Female Figure Mituku sculpture statue Congo African Tribal Art 1866Jasper524.5(9.8k)$50055 mins Left
BEMBE Nice zoomorphic initiation owl mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art MC 1883Jasper524.5(9.8k)$80055 mins Left
Cute SONGYE Kifwebe miniature mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art mc 1750Jasper524.5(9.8k)$20055 mins Left
Powerful LEGA Bwami Cult wood Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art Africain mc 1843Jasper524.5(9.8k)$80055 mins Left
Beautiful MBOLE BAMBOLE Mask Congo Rdc Zaire Kongo African Tribal Art 1894Jasper524.5(9.8k)$36055 mins Left
Nice LEGA Bwami Cult wood Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art Africain mc 1850Jasper524.5(9.8k)$60055 mins Left
BEMBE Beautiful Alunga Helmet janus Mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art MC 1895Jasper524.5(9.8k)$80055 mins Left
Beautiful &Large Metoko Mask Mituku Congo African Tribal Art MC 1872Jasper524.5(9.8k)$24055 mins Left
Probably METOKO Mask with Lega & Nyanga influence Congo African Tribal Art 1799Jasper524.5(9.8k)$12055 mins Left