SoldLarge Singiti HEMBA Ancestor Figure Statue Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1747CONGO DRC Rare HEMBA Ancestor Figure (Singiti) Beautiful "Niembo de la Luika" style ancestor statue The Singiti, the Hemba ancestors figures are famous. They represent the deceased leaders and, veneraSee Sold Price
SoldPowerful Singiti HEMBA ancestor figure statue Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1527CONGO DRC Powerful Ancestor Figure (Singiti) Hemba ancestors figures are famous.They represent the deceased leaders and, venerated by the entire tribe, they help their successors to legitimize their pSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Singiti HEMBA Ancestor Figure Statue Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1793CONGO DRCHEMBA Ancestor FigureBeautiful classic style ancestor statueIts slightly inclined head accentuates the feeling of serenityThe Singiti, the Hemba ancestors figures are famous.They represent thSee Sold Price
SoldLarge 23" Singiti HEMBA ancestor figure statue Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1596CONGO DRC Large Ancestor Figure (Singiti) Hemba ancestors figures are famous.They represent the deceased leaders and, venerated by the entire tribe, they help their successors to legitimize their poliSee Sold Price
SoldSingiti HEMBA ancestor figure statue Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1632CONGO DRC HEMBA Ancestor Figure (Singiti) Hemba ancestors figures are famous.They represent the deceased leaders and, venerated by the entire tribe, they help their successors to legitimize their poliSee Sold Price
SoldBeautiful PENDE maternity figure statue Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1496CONGO DRC PENDE - Beautiful maternity figure Beautiful statue of a mother holding her child in her arms The sculpture is classic and well representative of the tribe, right down to the child's hat. BeSee Sold Price
SoldLEGA Janus Head Figure statue Bwami Congo Drc African Tribal Art 1518DescriptionCONGO DRCJanus LEGA FigureThese figures are among those that symbolize wisdom.The two-headed figures are called according to the regions KILOLA KUBILI, KUNGUBILI, SHAMASHWA MABILI or MULI MSee Sold Price
SoldFine LUBA Classical Cult Figure Statue Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1035Description en français ci-dessous - French description below CONGO DRC BEAUTIFUL AND POWERFUL FEMALE WORSHIP FIGURE LUBA Beautiful classical sculpture, the represented woman is solid, standing, onSee Sold Price
SoldZIMBA people Fetish "magical" Figure statue Congo Drc African Tribal Art 1036CONGO DRC Probably ZIMBA Fetish Rare and beautiful fetish with very stylized forms On the head, ther is a small textile bag lined with cowrie shells which probably contains a mixture of "magic" substaSee Sold Price
SoldBeautiful BOYO BUYU Ancestor Figure Congo Statue African Tribal Art 1722CONGO DRC Ancestor Figure BOYO BUYU Beautiful sculpture The Boyo, or Buyu live in eastern Congo They are known for their effigies of royal ancestors called Mizimu or Misi Characteristics: TYPE OF OBJESee Sold Price
SoldRare LEGA Ngeze Figure statue sculpture Congo African Tribal Art 1185CONGO DRC LEGA Figure Ngeze Very dynamic sculpture, beautiful stylization A piece with a similar architecture is well known, photographed in situ and published in LEGA CULTURE, 1973, plates 27 and 30See Sold Price
SoldCute LUBA female classic figure statue sculpture Congo African Tribal Art 1554CONGO DRC Beautiful LUBA female figure Very cute classic sculpture As often, in Luba art, a piece that exudes great serenity The Luba are a great people in eastern DRC. Their caryatid seats, their cupSee Sold Price
SoldLUBA Shankadi Cup Bearer figure statue Congo African Tribal Art 1470CONGO DRC LUBA Cup Bearer Beautiful Shankadi cup bearer, with her typical cascading haircut The famous “Cup bearers” of the Luba are sacralized sculptures, representing a seated, kneelingSee Sold Price
SoldCute Ofika MBOLE figure statue sculpture African Tribal Art Congo 1357CONGO DRC Beautiful OFIKA Mbole - Bambole figure The Ofika are representations of a hanged prisoner. These statues served as a warning to anyone who wanted to break the rules of the Lilwa, power assocSee Sold Price
SoldSuperb SONGYE Power figure sculpture statue Congo African Tribal Art 1687Title: Superb SONGYE Power figure sculpture statue Congo African Tribal Art 1687 Provenance/Additional Info: CONGO DRC SUPERB SONGYE POWER FIGURE (NKISHI) Beautiful carving Typical of the second westeSee Sold Price
SoldCute BOYO BUYU Ancestor Figure Congo Statue Sculpture African Tribal Art 1755CONGO DRC Cute Ancestor Figure BOYO BUYU Beautiful sculpture and patina The Boyo, or Buyu live in eastern Congo They are known for their effigies of royal ancestors called Mizimu or Misi CharacteristiSee Sold Price
SoldMetoko Figure Mituku sculpture statue Congo African Tribal Art 1630CONGO DRC Fine METOKO Figure. Beautiful patina The stylization of the face and the silhouette aesthetically gives the Metoko statues an irresistible "little robot" style Settled in the heart of the eqSee Sold Price
SoldFine Metoko Figure Mituku sculpture statue Congo African Tribal Art 1223CONGO DRC Large and Fine METOKO Figure. Very beautiful stylization of the face and the silhouette which aesthetically gives the statue an irresistible little "robot" style The Metoko would be the descSee Sold Price
SoldFine Metoko Figure Mituku sculpture statue Congo African Tribal Art 1477CONGO DRC Large and Fine METOKO Figure. Very beautiful stylization of the face and the silhouette which aesthetically gives the statue an irresistible little "robot" style The Metoko would be the descSee Sold Price
SoldCongo Rare Metoko wooden Figure Mituku sculpture statue African Tribal Art 1059CONGO DRC METOKO ANTHROPOMORPHIC POST Beautiful statue, made of light wood The Metoko (also named Mituku) are the descendants of Lega migrants settled in the middle Lwalaba region. Like the Lega, theiSee Sold Price
SoldStatue Ofika (hanged criminal) MBOLE YELA figure African Tribal Art Congo 0724CONGO DRC Beautiful OFIKA Mbole - Bambole or Yela figure The Ofika are representations of a hanged prisoner. These statues served as a warning to anyone who wanted to break the rules of the Lilwa, powSee Sold Price
SoldThe Judge LEGA Kasungalala Figure statue Bwami Congo Drc African Tribal Art 1414CONGO DRC Kasungalala. The Judge Lega people Bwami figure (Iginga). This Iginga named Kasungalala has always raised arm(s). This carving ilustrate the kindi's privilege of serving as arbiter in quarreSee Sold Price
SoldLUBA Female Figure Statue Congo Upemba DRC African Tribal Art 1469CONGO DRC Cute LUBA female cultual figure Nice patina Probably from Malemba Nkulu in the Upemb area The Luba are a great people in eastern DRC. Their caryatid seats, their cup holders, chiefs' sticks,See Sold Price
SoldThe Judge LEGA Kasungalala Figure statue Bwami Congo Drc African Tribal Art 1578CONGO DRC Kasungalala. The Judge Lega people Bwami figure (Iginga). This Iginga named Kasungalala has always raised arm(s). This carving ilustrate the kindi's privilege of serving as arbiter in quarreSee Sold Price
LIFE-SIZE BRONZE WALKING TIGER FIGUREAhlers & Ogletree Auction Gallery4.5(599)$600(1 bid)Feb 20, 2025
Circular older African Wooden Mask DRC, Luba Kifwebe antiqueCollective Hudson4.5(55)$50(1 bid)Feb 23, 2025
Tribal Art: A Dogon house post, Togu Na, Mali, together with a Tusyan plank mask, Loniaken, Burk...Bonhams4.1(309)£10(1 bid)216 Lots Away