Group Of Vintage Train Cars, Engine And AccessoriesRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(235)$50(1 bid)Feb 23, 2025
American Flyer S gauge Southern Pacific Daylight passenger setTurner Auctions + Appraisals4.3(311)$100(1 bid)
4 American Flyer S gauge freight car assortment - western roadsTurner Auctions + Appraisals4.3(311)$20(1 bid)
SoldBoxed uncatalogued Montgomery Ward American Flyer Prewar narrow gauge O electric passenger set 7011Boxed uncatalogued Montgomery Ward American Flyer Prewar narrow gauge O electric passenger set. Set consists of dark green 7011 steeple cab electric locomotive in a 7111 E box, medium green tin lithogSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer Prewar narrow gauge O electric passenger set in original box with 1218American Flyer Prewar narrow gauge O electric passenger set in original box with 1218 steeple cab locomotive, Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul passenger cars to include 1205 bagge and two 1206 Seattle cSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer Prewar narrow gauge O electric passenger set in original boxAmerican Flyer Prewar narrow gauge O electric passenger set in original box. Set consists of 1201 center cab electric locomotive, dark green tin lithographed passenger cars to include 1205 baggage andSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer Prewar narrow gauge O 1220 electric passenger set with 1218 in original boxAmerican Flyer Prewar narrow gauge O 1220 electric passenger set with 1218 in original box. Set consists of 1218 steeple cab electric locomotive, red tin lithographed passenger cars to include 1205 baSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer Prewar narrow gauge O 17 electric passenger set with partial original boxAmerican Flyer Prewar narrow gauge O 17 electric passenger set with partial original box. Set consists of a black 3011 box cab electric locomotive, orange tin lithographed American Flyer Lines passengSee Sold Price
SoldBoxed American Flyer prewar narrow O 1227 electricBoxed American Flyer prewar narrow O 1227 electric passenger set. Set consists of 1218 all black electric locomotive with yellow lettering, 1205 baggage and two 1306 coaches, all in brown tin lithograSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer Prewar narrow gauge O steam passenger setAmerican Flyer Prewar narrow gauge O steam passenger set Set consists of a cast iron steam locomotive with side rods, brake and a maroon stripe on each side of the cab that has been tested and works nSee Sold Price
SoldBoxed American Flyer prewar O 1217 electric passenger setBoxed American Flyer prewar O 1217 electric passenger set. Set consists of 1218 center cab electric locomotive, Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul Ry 1205 baggage, and two 1206 Seattle coaches, ten curve,See Sold Price
SoldBoxed American Flyer prewar O The Express Electric passenger setBoxed American Flyer prewar O The Express Electric passenger set. Set consists of 1090 Empire Express box cab electric locomotive with fatigued wheels that still turn nicely and a loose pantograph, twSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer Prewar narrow gauge O cast iron steam locomotive passenger set in original boxAmerican Flyer Prewar narrow gauge O cast iron steam locomotive passenger set in original box. Set consists of a cast iron steam locomotive with side rods, brake and a maroon stripe on each side of thSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer Prewar narrow gauge O 15 cast iron steam passenger set in original boxAmerican Flyer Prewar narrow gauge O 15 cast iron steam passenger set in original box. Set consists of a cast iron steam locomotive with side rods, brake and a maroon stripe on each side of the cab, 1See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer Prewar O Gauge #3011 Black Electric Pass. Set w/Cars, Station, Tunnel & TrackAmerican Flyer Prewar O Gauge #3011 Black Electric Passenger Set with Three (3) Assorted Passenger Cars, Station, Tunnel and Track, includes #3011 black American Flyer electric in C7 minus, with 1205/See Sold Price
SoldBOXED AMERICAN FLYER 3015 PASSENGER SET1331. BOXED AMERICAN FLYER 3015 PASSENGER SET | O gauge, electric. Loco 9" l.See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer Prewar O Gauge Boxed Litho Steam Passenger SetAmerican Flyer Prewar O Gauge Boxed Litho Steam Passenger Set. The cars and tender are C8 and are beautiful. The loco shell is C8 but the wheels have started to dissinigrate and one is missing along wSee Sold Price
Sold1930's American Flyer pre-war O gauge Minnehaha1930's American Flyer pre-war O gauge Minnehaha passenger set, electric, six piece. This set consists of: a Hiawatha style tin litho electric powered steam locomotive and matching tender, and four #12See Sold Price
SoldBOXED AMERICAN FLYER 1221 PASSENGER SET1277. BOXED AMERICAN FLYER 1221 PASSENGER SET | USA. O gauge, electric. | Loco 8" l. | (Excellent Condition) | $200 - $400See Sold Price
SoldPREWAR AMERICAN FLYER PASSENGER SET222. PREWAR AMERICAN FLYER PASSENGER SET | O gauge, electric. | Loco 11" l. | Loco & tender restored, (Exc. Cond.) | $250 - $500See Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN FLYER O GA. PASSENGER TRAIN SETAmerican Flyer prewar o gauge Passenger Train Set includes #3011 Electric Engine with 2-#1306 Passenger Cars, #1205 United Railway Car, and #1206 Observation Car. All in great original condition. ExceSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer Prewar O Gauge 16 Black CI Clockwork Steam Loco Boxed Passenger SetAmerican Flyer Prewar O Gauge 16 Black CI Clockwork Steam Loco with a 120 four-wheel lithographed tender, RPO and 1107 Jefferson Passenger Cars. The Loco is very nice lower C7 condition. The Tender isSee Sold Price
SoldPrewar American Flyer Narrow Gauge Ambassador PassengerPrewar American Flyer Narrow Gauge Ambassador Passenger set in original boxes consisting of: dark red 3187 center cab electric locomotive, C7 3380 Club Car in C6+, 3381 Pullman in C6+, and 3382 ObservSee Sold Price
SoldPrewar American Flyer Narrow Gauge 1344 The PotomacPrewar American Flyer Narrow Gauge 1344 The Potomac passenger set in original boxes consisting of: 3116 center cab electric locomotive with 3180 Club Car, 3181 Pullman, and 3182 Observation. PassengerSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer Prewar O Gauge Jeffersonian Set BoxedAmerican Flyer Prewar O Gauge Jeffersonian Set Boxed, including 3015 green Electric Loco in C7 and with its original box that shows heavy wear and tears, and Baggage Car and the Illini Pullman X2, inSee Sold Price
(29 PCS) MODEL TRAIN CARS & ACCESSORIES, MAINLY LIONELThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(388)$175(3 bids)Feb 21, 2025
Antique Prewar American Flyer O Gauge Iron and Sheet Steel #7011 Engine w/Pullman "Illini" CarsArarity Auctions4.6(166)$35(2 bids)Feb 23, 2025
American Flyer S Gauge Erie streamline passenger setTurner Auctions + Appraisals4.3(311)$100(1 bid)143 Lots Away
American Flyer S gauge Southern Pacific Daylight passenger setTurner Auctions + Appraisals4.3(311)$100(1 bid)151 Lots Away
Pre-War Lionel Lines O Gauge 600 Series Passenger CarsGOLDEN SUN AUCTIONS, Inc.4.6(578)$50Feb 23, 2025
Pre-War Lionel O Gauge Passenger Cars, 2613, 2614 & 2615GOLDEN SUN AUCTIONS, Inc.4.6(578)$100Feb 23, 2025
Pre-War Lionel Lines O Gauge 262E Locomotive, Tender & CarsGOLDEN SUN AUCTIONS, Inc.4.6(578)$100(1 bid)Feb 23, 2025
Pre-War Lionel O Gauge Hiawatha Passenger SetGOLDEN SUN AUCTIONS, Inc.4.6(578)$110(2 bids)Feb 23, 2025
Lionel O gauge 3177 2124W Conventional Classics GG-1 passenger set in original boxToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(439)$50(3 bids)Feb 22, 2025