SoldDelaware and Hudson RR Adlake Non-Sweating Round Top Caboose Marker LampThis is a Delaware and Hudson Railroad Adlake round top non-sweating caboose marker lamp. It is marked D.&H. Co. and is a LEFT marker lamp. Two red, and two amber lenses. Correct fount and long stem bSee Sold Price
Sold3 Railroad Switch Keys: NYO&W, D&H, NH3 brass switch keys: (1) New York Ontario & Western Railroad, made by Adlake with 13686 stamped on the reverse (2) Delaware & Hudson with Fraim stamped on the back (3) New Haven steel key with D398 onSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Switch Locks-Penn Central RR; Delaware and Hudson RRThis is a pair of railroad switch locks. The first is a brass lock from the Penn Central Railroad, stamped PC RR, made by Adlake. It opens easily with a Pennsylvania Railroad key stamped PRR, which isSee Sold Price
SoldThree Delaware and Hudson RR Switch Brass KeysThis is a trio of Delaware and Hudson Railroad brass keys. All are stamped D&H on the front, and two of them are stamped S on the back. All are made by ADLAKE.See Sold Price
SoldAdlake &Railroad Switch LampAdlake &Railroad Switch Lamp. &Marked "The Adlake Non-Sweating Lamp, Chicago" Approximately 14.0H x 9.5W x 9.5D in.See Sold Price
SoldRailroad Switch Lamp by Adlake - Complete, ExcellentA beauty - black Adlake railroad switch lamp with four, ~5-inch diameter, glass Fresnel lenses, two blue (green) and two red. Include the kerosene tank, burner, and 1-inch diameter glass chimney. TopSee Sold Price
SoldAdlake Cast Iron Electrified Railroad Switch LampCast iron Adlake railroad switch lamp with green and amber lenses. The lamp body has been repainted, but appears to retain its' original wiring and lamp socket.See Sold Price
SoldAdlake Cannonball Railroad Switch LampOne Adlake Cannonball 1264 switch lamp with the battery box. With two blue and two red plastic doubled reflex lenses. The battery box with alternating red and green sides to match the lenses.21 x 8 xSee Sold Price
SoldNew York Central & Hudson River Railroad Switch LampAn older model square switch lamp with a cast iron mounting post that has NYC&HRRR cast into one side. It has 2 clear and 2 red 4 1/4" lenses. The top has a nice wooden bail handle and a cookie cutterSee Sold Price
SoldAdlake Restored Railroad Switch LampAdlake Partially Restored Railroad Switch Lamp Lamp has no specific railroad markings. Repainted body with red, amber and green lenses and a Adams & Westlake burner pot. No glass flame protector. SeeSee Sold Price
SoldAdlake Four-way Railroad Switch Marker LampAdlake four-way railroad switch marker lamp, marked Adlake on top height 10 in. x width 9.5 in. x depth 9 in. Provenance: Property from the collection of a San Antonio, Texas gentleman Shipping avaSee Sold Price
SoldAdlake 4-Way Electric Railroad Switch LampS120 Adlake four-way electric railroad switch lamp, cast iron base with enameled metal red and white day targets, blue and red lensesSee Sold Price
SoldPennsylvania Railroad Adlake Switch LampA standard Adlake switch lamp with a Pennsylvania Railroad keystone logo on one shoulder. It has a square top, 2 blue and 2 amber lenses. It has porcelain targets on all lenses. It is complete with poSee Sold Price
SoldRestored Adlake SBH-1406 Electric Railroad Switch LampNicely restored Adlake switch lamp which doubled as a battery box for the electric lamp in the housing. The bulb socket and Photocell are present in the lamp but disconnected. See photos for best descSee Sold Price
SoldAdlake railroad switch stand marker lampAdlake railroad switch stand marker lamp, electrified for modern use, 11" (height) x 10" (length)See Sold Price
SoldAdlake / Adams & Westlake Railroad Switch LampAdlake / Adams & Westlake Railroad Switch Lamp Lamp is not marked for a specific railroad and retains its' original manufacturing tag with a last patent date of August 1907. The original burner is incSee Sold Price
SoldAdlake / Adams & Westlake Railroad Switch LampAdams & Westlake switch lamp is unrestored with paint wear and some surface rust. No specific railroad markings. Good lenses, burner pot and fount are present.See Sold Price
SoldAT&SF SANTA FE RAILROAD ADLAKE SWITCH LAMPNicely marked old lamp with embossed Santa Fe logo tab at the base ring, additional number plate applied to side, and embossed Adlake chimney cover. Measures 12.25 x 8.75 inches. We happily provide seSee Sold Price
SoldAdlake Pennsylvania Railroad Switch Marker LampAdams & Westlake / Adlake Pennsylvania swich marker lamp missing the mounting base. Body is marked with a circular tag with the Pennsylvania keystone herald. The lamp was converted to electric operatiSee Sold Price
SoldAdlake SBH-1406 Electric Railroad Switch LampAdlake switch lamp which doubled as a battery box for the electric lamp in the housing. Worn paint and needs rewiring. The bulb socket and Photocell are present in the lamp but disconnected. See photoSee Sold Price
SoldAdlake Railroad Pennsylvania Railroad Switch Lamp Part Lot- Body, Lenses, Wicks, Day Targets, andAdlake Railroad Pennsylvania Railroad Switch Lamp Part Lot- Body, Lenses, Wicks, Day Targets, and More! Parts lot of Adams & Westlake switch lamp parts. Includes one body (Marked with Pennsylvania KeySee Sold Price
SoldAdlake Partially Restored Railroad Switch LampAdlake Partially Restored Railroad Switch Lamp Lamp has no specific railroad markings. Repainted body with new lenses and a Dressel burner pot. Some minor bends to the lens hoods, but otherwise good cSee Sold Price
Circa 1910 decorative slag glass panel lamp from Hudson Valley home, nice filigree detail on shade,$50(1 bid)4 days LeftJMW Auction Service
Circa 1910 decorative slag glass panel lamp, from Hudson Valley home, nice overall condition,$50(1 bid)4 days LeftJMW Auction Service
Antique Delaware & Hudson Canal Company Railroad Lock Key$30(2 bids)Feb 02, 2025Grace Auction & Estate Gallery LLC