1876 Black Americana 1ed Art Uncle John Drolleries Slavery Racism DiscriminationSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(421)$82(10 bids)Feb 16, 2025
Old Master Paintings, Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection Exhibition Catalog 1979Frost & Nicklaus4.7(202)$10(2 bids)6 days Left
1894 Kipling SIGNED Jungle Book 1ed Rudyard Kipling Childrens IllustratedSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(421)$280(9 bids)Feb 16, 2025
Two Persian Illuminated Manuscript PagesAssociated Estate & Appraisal Co.4.3(49)$400(1 bid)23 hrs Left
Field, Poems of Childhood, 1st State of 1st Print, 1904, Maxfield Parrish illustrationsFrost & Nicklaus4.7(202)$305(3 bids)6 days Left
Indian Miniatures Exhibition Catalog 1963, Mildred & Archer CollectionFrost & Nicklaus4.7(202)$30(1 bid)6 days Left
1963 "A Stereoscope Atlas of Human Anatomy" - 24 Medical Books by David L Bassett MDA-1 Auction4.6(176)$60(2 bids)Mar 16, 2025
Large illustrated Holy Bible, 1863, Civil War Harding Ed., Clasp & Family AlbumFrost & Nicklaus4.7(202)$390(1 bid)6 days Left
1872 Alice in Wonderland Lewis Carroll Tenniel Illustrated Fantasy ClassicSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(421)$215(11 bids)Feb 16, 2025
1977 JRR Tolkien 1st ed Silmarillion Lord of the Rings Middle Earth + MAP<Schilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(421)$115(6 bids)Feb 16, 2025
8 Book Collection of Native American Books on Weaving - Navajo, Pueblo etcNorth American Artifact Auctions4.6(182)$110(6 bids)21 hrs Left
Ephemera Lot W/ Postcards, Letters & Holiday Greeting CardsFlannery's Estate Services4.7(423)$175(3 bids)1 day Left
Pre-Raphaelite Paintings & Decorative Arts, 1982 Exhibition CatalogFrost & Nicklaus4.7(202)$20(2 bids)6 days Left
Treasures from the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1st Edition, 1985Frost & Nicklaus4.7(202)$12(1 bid)6 days Left
Sold7 Easton Press leather bound books7 Easton Press leather bound books. 8 3/4"h-11 1/4"hSee Sold Price
SoldPortrait of a Lady by Henry JamesBook Title: Portrait of a Lady Author: Henry James Illustrated by Colleen Browning Publishing: Easton Press 1978 Size: 7.5 x 10.5 inches 516 pages From the Magnificent “The 100 Greatest Books Ever WSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 9 Easton Press leather bound booksLot of 9 Easton Press leather bound books. Tallest book height: 11 3/8". Widest book: 7 3/8". Smallest book: 8 1/4"h x 6"wSee Sold Price
SoldUncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1979Book Title: Uncle Tom's Cabin Author: Harriet Beecher Stowe Publishing: Easton Press, 1979 Hardcover Collectors' Edition 294 pages Size: 7.375 x 10.5 inches Introduction by Raymond Weaver and illustraSee Sold Price
Sold(33) GROUP OF EASTON PRESS LEATHER BOUND BOOKS(lot of 33) Collection of Easton Press books from "The 100 Greatest Books Ever Written", 1978, gilt accented leather bound books, various titles, ideal for decorating, largest: 10.5"h, 68lbs Start PriSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of 7 Jimmy Carter Signed Easton Press BooksLeather stamped in gilt with gilt edges. Sealed in original plastic. Easton Press signed edition.&See Sold Price
SoldLot of 7 Easton Press leather bound booksLot of 7 Easton Press leather bound books- Greatest books ever written series. 9 1/8"h - 11 1/2"hSee Sold Price
SoldEaston Press Anne books, 8 volumesHeading: Author: Montgomery, L,M. Title: Anne of Green Gables [with] seven additional Anne titles Place Published: Norwalk, Connecticut Publisher:Easton Press Date Published: [2002] DeSee Sold Price
Sold(8) Group of 'The 100 Greatest..' Books by Easton PressA group of (8) leather bound books printed by The Easton Press for "The 100 Greatest Books Ever Written" Collection including "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens, "Moby Dick" by Herman Melville,See Sold Price
Sold[EASTON PRESS]. MICHENER, James A. (1907-1997). Group of 3 ...[EASTON PRESS]. MICHENER, James A. (1907-1997). Group of 3 Titles in 6 Volumes. Norwalk, CT: The Easton Press, [ca. 1988-89]. 8vos. Illustrated. Bound in original leather, boards and spines elaboratelSee Sold Price
SoldA GROUP OF TWENTY-FOUR EASTON PRESS TITLES FROM AA GROUP OF TWENTY-FOUR EASTON PRESS TITLES FROM A "NATURE & SCIENCE" SERIES, LATE 20TH CENTURY gilt embossed genuine leather bound works on sporting, fishing, flies and trout. Height: 8 3/4" Width: 6See Sold Price
SoldThe Works of J.R.R Tolkien 8 Book SetDESCRIPTION: The works of J.R.R. Tolkien in eight uniformly-bound volumes published by the Easton Press. Books bound in full green leather with titles and decorations in 22kt gold. All page edges gildSee Sold Price
Sold(8) Leatherbound books from '100 Greatest' seriesGroup of eight gold-embossed leatherbound books from the '100 Greatest Books Ever Written' collection by Easton Press, 1976, comprising the 'Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam,' 'The Arabian Nights,' 'The AnaleSee Sold Price
Sold(8) Leatherbound books from '100 Greatest' seriesGroup of eight gold-embossed leatherbound books from the '100 Greatest Books Ever Written' collection by Easton Press, 1976, comprising 'The Sound & the Fury,' 'Leaves of Grass,' 'A Farewell to Arms,'See Sold Price
Sold(8) Leatherbound books from '100 Greatest' collectionGroup of eight gold-embossed leatherbound books from the '100 Greatest Books Ever Written' collection by Easton Press, 1976, comprising 'The Prince,' 'The Confessions of Saint Augustine,' 'The CantebuSee Sold Price
Sold(8) Leatherbound books from '100 Greatest' collectionGroup of eight gold-embossed leatherbound books from the '100 Greatest Books Ever Written' collection by Easton Press, 1976, comprising 'The Sound & the Fury,' 'Leaves of Grass,' 'A Farewell to Arms,'See Sold Price
Sold(8) Leatherbound books from '100 Greatest' collectionGroup of eight gold-embossed leatherbound books from the '100 Greatest Books Ever Written' collection by Easton Press, 1976, comprising the 'Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam,' 'The Arabian Nights,' 'The AnaleSee Sold Price
SoldGroup Lot of 8 Art booksCoffee table selection of 7 Titles includes: El Grecco, Vermeer and Manet Velazquez.See Sold Price
SoldMore Book MiscellanyAn illustrated book of nudes in a slipcase by Garden View Press 1 and 7/8" H, Hungarians in the United States printed by Bela Blau, Noah's Ark printed in Holland, Chicken Little printed by Bromer, a bSee Sold Price
A GROUP OF EIGHT EASTON PRESS THOMAS JEFFERSONA GROUP OF EIGHT EASTON PRESS THOMAS JEFFERSON BIOGRAPHY AND WRITINGS TITLES, LATE 20TH CENTURY, gilt embossed genuine leather bound books including "Jefferson and His Time," volumes I-V, by Dumas MalSee Sold Price
Sold(12) EASTON PRESS LEATHERBOUND BOOKS INCL. OTHERTitles classical literature. Dimensions: (Largest book) H 11" x W 1.75" x D 7.5" Condition: Light wear on edges, internally clean.See Sold Price
SoldOne Lilliput Book and Group of Faux BooksOne Lilliput Press book and four vintage match safes shaped like leather bound books 1 7/8"H and a large assortment of blank booksIMPORTANT NOTICE: AFTER REVIEWING THIS LOT, ONLY ONE LILLIPUT BOOK, THSee Sold Price
SoldA GROUP OF EIGHT EASTON PRESS THOMAS JEFFERSONA GROUP OF EIGHT EASTON PRESS THOMAS JEFFERSON BIOGRAPHY AND WRITINGS TITLES, LATE 20TH CENTURY, gilt embossed genuine leather bound books including "Jefferson and His Time," volumes I-V, by Dumas MalSee Sold Price
SoldLot of Nautical Themed Easton Press BooksGroup of three Easton Press collector's edition novels with nautical themes. Titles include "Gipsy Moth Circles the World" (1967) by Sir Francis Chichester, "The Challenge" (1976) by A.B.C. Whipple anSee Sold Price
Henri Focillon, Art of the West, Vol.1 Romanesque Art, 1980, Cornell Ed. illustratedFrost & Nicklaus4.7(202)$7(1 bid)6 days Left
John Milton, L Allegro & Il Penseroso, William Blake Plates, 1954Frost & Nicklaus4.7(202)$106 days Left
Patty Carroll, Spirited Visions, Chcago Artists, 1st/1st Ed. 1991, illustratedFrost & Nicklaus4.7(202)$106 days Left
A GROUP OF THIRTEEN BOOKS PUBLISHED BY THE EASTON PRESS, LATE 20TH CENTURY, leather-bound andSimpson Galleries, LLC.4.5(243)$15021 hrs Left
A GROUP OF THIRTEEN BOOKS PUBLISHED BY THE EASTON PRESS, LATE 20TH CENTURY, leather-bound andSimpson Galleries, LLC.4.5(243)$15021 hrs Left
A GROUP OF SEVENTEEN BOOKS PUBLISHED BY THE EASTON PRESS, LATE 20TH CENTURY, leather-bound andSimpson Galleries, LLC.4.5(243)$15021 hrs Left
1594 DE CRUCE LIBRI TRES & ADMIRANDA LIPSIUS antique vellum PLANTIN ILLUSTRATEDJasper524.5(9.8k)$7005 days Left
Sebastiao Salgado, A Himba group in Orutanda, Namibia, 2005White Knight Auction, Inc4.7(249)$100Feb 15, 2025
Sebastiao Salgado, A Himba group in Orutanda, Namibia, 2005White Knight Auction, Inc4.7(249)$100Feb 15, 2025
Sebastiao Salgado, A himba group ner the Katapati River, Namibia, 2005White Knight Auction, Inc4.7(249)$100Feb 15, 2025