George III Mahogany Bow-Front Chest of DrawersDevin Moisan Auctioneers, Inc.4.4(108)$300(1 bid)Mar 02, 2025
Miniature Furniture: A George II or George III walnut, yew wood banded, purplewood and boxwood l...Bonhams4.1(309)£1,400
SoldEnglish George III Inlaid & Figured Mahogany & Yew Wood Chest of DrawersCirca 1810. Having a rectangular top over the case housing two over three drawers atop a nice bracket foot. H40" D20" W42" Sold from the collection of a Florence, South Carolina ladySee Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Inlaid Yew Wood & Mahogany ChestCirca 1810, England. Having a well figured and inlaid top over the lowercase housing two over three drawers with charming pull out work shelf at upper case all resting on nice bracket feet. H38 1/4" WSee Sold Price
SoldENGLISH GEORGE III INLAID MAHOGANY CHEST, C. 1810English, circa 1810. George III mahogany bowfront chest, having ebony, satinwood and holly wood inlay, two-drawers across with three conforming below, and rising on bracket feet. Unmarked. Approx. h.See Sold Price
SoldFine English George III Figured Mahogany ChestCira 1770. Having a very well figured one board top with molded edge over the case housing four slight graduated drawers centered with inlaid escutcheons all atop a nicely pronounced ogee bracket footSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish George III Figured Mahogany Chest on ChestCirca 1790. Having a molded crown over the upper case housing two drawer over three slightly graduated drawer over the lowercase housing two drawers atop a nice bracket foot. H53 1/2" W44" D20 1/2"See Sold Price
SoldEnglish George III Figured Mahogany ChestCirca 1800. Having a rectangular top with shaped edge over the case housing two drawers over three slightly graduated drawers atop a bracket foot. H35 1/2" W39" D20" Sold from the Braford Collection oSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish George III Figured Mahogany ChestCirca 1810. Having a rectangular top over one large drawer and three graduating drawers flanked by reeded sides atop four nicely reeded legs. H45" W46 1/2" D22" Sold from the collection of a CharlotteSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish George III Inlaid Mahogany Chest on ChestCirca 1780. Having a handsome dentil molded crown above two over six drawer case all banded nicely with satinwood and resting on a bracket foot. H75" W43 1/4" D21" Sold from the collection of a KiawahSee Sold Price
SoldFine English George III Figured Mahogany ChestCirca 1800. Having a fine well figured rectangular top with shaped edge over the case housing two over three drawer case flanked by reeded quarter columns at left and right all resting atop very niceSee Sold Price
George III Inlaid Mahogany Chest of DrawersEnglish late 18th C. 34"h x 35 1/2" x 19"d Provenance: By descent, Bishop, Peabody, Metcalf familiesSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish George III Figured Mahogany Bachelors ChestCirca 1830. Having a rectangular top with shaped edge over the case housing four slightly graduated drawers flanked by turned quarter columns all atop a bracket foot. H27 1/2" W23" D16" Sold from theSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish George III Inlaid Mahogany Miniature ChestCirca 1820. Having brilliant form with excellently grained mahogany and fine banding at the top and drawers atop well pronounced foot. H12 3/4" W 10 3/4" D 6 3/4" Sold from the collection of a CharlotSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGE III PERIOD INLAID MAHOGANY BOW FRONT CHESTEnglish, early 19th century. A George III inlaid mahogany bow front chest with three drawers accented by inlaid bordering and cornered fan motif inlays to the drawers and top. Apparently unmarked. AppSee Sold Price
Sold19TH C. ENGLISH GEORGE III-STYLE CHEST OF DRAWERSEnglish, 19th century. George III-style mahogany, and various woods, five-drawer chest with bracket feet. Unmarked. Approx. h. 35.25", w. 43.25", d. 19.75".See Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Inlaid Mahogany Bowfront Chest of DrawersGeorge III Inlaid Mahogany Bowfront Chest of DrawersEnglish, late 18th C. with graduated drawers.Losses to top rear frieze panel.39"h x 40-1/2"w x 22"dSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Style Inlaid Mahogany Chest of DrawersEnglish, 20th C. 35-1/2"h x 37"w x 21"dSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGE III MAHOGANY INLAID CHEST OF DRAWERS ENGLISH 18th CENTURYMahogany inlaid George III chest of drawers from England 18th century. Oblong top with double line of inlay and cross banded edge over two split drawers and three long drawers on a bracket base. Old rSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish George III Inlaid Mahogany Dressing MirrorCirca 1820. Having turned wood mirror support centered by framed looking glass atop lower case housing three drawers all with turned pulls and atop four nicely turned feet. H22 1/2" W22" D9"See Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Inlaid Mahogany Bow-Front Chest of DrawersGeorge III Inlaid Mahogany Bow-Front Chest of Drawerscirca 1800, mahogany and mixed wood veneers, oak secondary, banded top with vertically veneered edge, two over three graduated cock beaded drawersSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Inlaid Mahogany Diminutive Chest of DrawersGeorge III Inlaid Mahogany Diminutive Chest of Drawerscirca 1800, mahogany veneer, pine and oak secondary, the top with banded veneer edge and light wood line inlays, applied molded edge, three graduaSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Inlaid Mahogany Chest of DrawersGeorge III Inlaid Mahogany Chest of Drawersearly 19th century, mahogany and mixed wood veneers, pine secondary, banded top with applied molded edge, the case with two over three graduated flush drawerSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish Regency Inlaid & Figured Mahogany ChestCirca 1825. Chest of drawers having a bow front case with nicely figured top banded in satinwood and two over two drawer lower case having turned wood pulls all centered with excellent mother of pearlSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish George III Chest on ChestA good English George III mahogany and satinwood inlaid chest on chest with stepped cornice and graduated set of drawers on bracket feet. Size: 72 x 46 x 23.5 inches.See Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Mahogany Inlaid Chest on ChestBritish, possibly Scottish George III mahogany and highly figured mahogany veneer chest on chest, pine secondary wood. Top comprised of an ogee bracket cornice with a geometric line-inlaid frieze andSee Sold Price
PR GEORGE III PERIOD MAHOGANY KNIFE BOXESThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)$100(1 bid)Feb 22, 2025
George III Mahogany Bow-Front Chest of DrawersDevin Moisan Auctioneers, Inc.4.4(108)$300(1 bid)Mar 02, 2025
A rare George III satinwood, burr yew and tulipwood crossbanded serpentine 'harlequin' writing/d...Bonhams4.1(309)£2,000123 Lots Away
A late George III satinwood, rosewood crossbanded, purplewood and burr yew banded Pembroke table...Bonhams4.1(309)£650134 Lots Away
Miniature Furniture: A George II or George III walnut, yew wood banded, purplewood and boxwood l...Bonhams4.1(309)£1,400316 Lots Away
A George III figured mahogany, satinwood inlaid and rosewood crossbanded Pembroke tableBonhams4.1(309)£460370 Lots Away