Lot Pre-Columbian, Native American & Other PotteryWillow Auction House4.5(284)$100(1 bid)Feb 20, 2025
SoldMesoamerican, pre Columbian figures, vessels (unsure about age)Mesoamerican, pre Columbian figures, vessels (unsure about age)See Sold Price
SoldA Group of Five Pre-Columbian Terracotta Seated FiguresA Group of Five Pre-Columbian Terracotta Seated Figures West Mexico, Circa 1st Century B.C.-2nd Century A.D. Height of tallest 9 1/2 inches. Property from the Collection of Judith Meister, Highland PaSee Sold Price
SoldFive Chimu Blackware Bird-Form VesselsFive Chimu Blackware Bird-Form Vessels Peru, Circa 1100-1400 A.D. Width of widest 9 inches (22.86 cm). Size Width of widest 9 inches (22.86 cm). Provenance Provenance:HaSee Sold Price
SoldANCIENT PRE COLUMBIAN FRAGMENT OF CERAMIC PIG VESSELAn ancient Pre Columbian Mesoamerican fragment of ceramic pig head vessel. Circa 500 AD. The pigs head, painted red and brown, is elongated with a raised snout and well detailed ears. There is a slitSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Five Pre-Columbian Pottery FiguresGroup of five Pre-Columbian pottery figures; each possibly of Veracruz; including: three seated, of female form; figural vessel; together with fragment of figure with elaborate headdress; all with mouSee Sold Price
SoldA Group of Five Pre-Columbian Style Earthenware FiguralA Group of Five Pre-Columbian Style Earthenware Figural Form Vessels and Figures. H: 13 W: 6 D: 7 in.See Sold Price
SoldPRE-COLUMBIAN NARINO CAPULI SEATED FIGURE VESSELA Narino seat figure vessel with black geometric designs on body, circa 900 - 15-- A.D, Colombia. A squatting figure with expressive face and ears. Two arms with elbows resting on knees. Mineral deposSee Sold Price
SoldA Pre-Columbian Calima alcarraza pottery vesselA Pre-Columbian Calima alcarraza pottery vesselCirca 200 BC; ColombiaThe hollow-bodied ceramic vessel with double spout and handle above five domicile-form protrusions with incised details10" H xSee Sold Price
SoldFive Pre-Columbian ItemsFive Pre-Columbian Items, incl. a head, h. 6 in., a small vessel with rattle legs, h. 4 1/2 in., a small vessel, and two small figuresSee Sold Price
SoldD'Argenta Silver Overlaid Mexican VesselDESCRIPTION: A D'argenta silver overlaid vessel depicts ancient Mayan figures, stickered underneath "D'Argenta". CIRCA: 20th Cent. ORIGIN: Mexico DIMENSIONS: H: 4.5" W: 4.5" CONDITION: Great conditionSee Sold Price
SoldPre Columbian Style Ceramic Jaguar VesselDESCRIPTION: Pre-Columbian-style ceramic vessel featuring polychrome depicting figures and a Jaguar or other beast, its head protruding from the side of the vessel. CIRCA: 20th century or later ORIGINSee Sold Price
SoldA Pre-Columbian Jama-Coaque pottery effigy vesselA Pre-Columbian Jama-Coaque pottery effigy vesselCirca 200 BC-200 AD; EcuadorThe ceramic vessel in the form of an animal-nosed figure donning an elaborate cuirass, headdress, and other adornments, witSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Colima Redware Figural VesselAncient Pre-Columbian, Colima, Mexican Ceramic Pottery Redware Vessel, circa 100 BCE to 250 CE, in the form of a hunchbacked infant figure holding a cup and a rattle. 11.25" H x 10" W x 8" D. ProvenanSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Seven Various ItemsGroup of seven various items: five possibly ancient, including two Pre-Columbian-style figural pottery pieces, Cycladic-style stone figure, Neolithic-style stone vessel, and Pre-Columbian-style textilSee Sold Price
Sold(12 Pc) Pre Columbian Style Pottery ArticlesDESCRIPTION: A lot of 12 Pre Colombian style pottery vessels depicting animals and figures. CIRCA: Possibly Pre Colombian ORIGIN: Central and South America DIMENSIONS: H: 2.5" - 6.5" CONDITION: GreatSee Sold Price
SoldSix Pre-Columbian ArtifactsMexico & Central America, ca. 1st millenium AD. Five large fragments from large figures and vessels and one complete bowl. Various cultures. One with custom mount. MEASUREMENTS Diameter of bowl: 7 1/4See Sold Price
SoldThree Pre-Columbian earthenware figuresCirca 2nd Century BCE or Later Comprising a seated figure, a standing slab-style figure, and a dog vessel, possibly Colima or Jalisco, 3 pieces Larger: 5.5" H x 5.25" W x 7" D; Smaller: 5" H x 3" WSee Sold Price
Sold(7) Pre-Columbian Style ArtifactsTwo Pre-Columbian style figures, in the style of Aztec / Mexica, carved from stone, supported on wooden bases and five contemporary Maya style / reproduction vessels, with hand-built bodies, painted aSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Pre Columbian Nayarit Pottery Abstract VesselAncient Pre Columbian Nayarit Pottery Abstract Vessel, West Coast circa 300 BC to 200 AD. Size 12 inches high. A Large bulbous vessel with anthromrphic figure at neck; added details in painted slip, aSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Chavin style pottery vesselPre-Columbian Chavin style pottery vessel from Peru, circa 1200-800 BC. A crouching figure with hands held to its legs. 13-1/2" H.See Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Style Circle of Friends TerracotaDESCRIPTION: Pre-Columbian style circle of friends statue, depicting five figures interlocking composed of terracotta. CIRCA: 20th Century ORIGIN: South America DIMENSIONS: H: 7.25" x D: 9" Have a simSee Sold Price
SoldPRE-COLUMBIAN MASK-FORM VESSELS, FIVEPRE-COLUMBIAN MASK-FORM VESSELS, FIVE H 4 1/2"-7":Polychrome. Including 1 kneeling figure (cracked), and 2 have handles. DuMouchelles does not guarantee the age of this article. Please preview in persSee Sold Price
SoldLambayeque Sican Chimu Flute Player Spouted Bottle VaseA Pre-Columbian Lambayeque Valley Sican Chimu circa 1250-1450 AD burnished blackware stirrup spout bottle vase or vessel having a Sican frontal figure with bird and a stirrup handle with elongated spoSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 6 Jalisco Ceramics - Figures and JarsPre-Columbian, West Mexico, Jalisco, ca. 300 BCE to 300 CE. A group of five ceramic figural vessels and one round-bodied hollow figure from one of the famous shaft tomb cultures. Each is brightly painSee Sold Price
Guerrero Mezcala Carved Greenstone Axe God FigureAuctions at Showplace4.6(727)$150(2 bids)Mar 06, 2025