Antique French Neogothic Altar Torchère Candlestick Set w/ Architectural Elements & PatinaJasper524.5(9.8k)$1,020Available to Buy Now
Vintage French Neogothic Altar Torchère Candlestick Set w/ Black PorcelainJasper524.5(9.8k)$1,480Available to Buy Now
Antique French Neogothic Altar Torchère Candlestick Set w/ Jesus & CrossJasper524.5(9.8k)$1,980Available to Buy Now
SoldFrench Bronze Ormolu & Porcelain Cassolette Reversable Urn/Candle Holders C. 1800This pair of French porcelain Cassolette reversable urns/candle holders c.1800 have satyr faces and floral bronze garlands and has small squat bronze feet. They each measure 9" tall X 3.5" across.See Sold Price
SoldPAIR ORMOLU MOUNTED PORCELAIN URN CANDLE HOLDERSPair of Antique French Sevres Style Ormolu Mounted Candle Holders. Each 10" tall. Weight 4 pds 3 oz. PROVENANCE: The Estate of Mrs. John Rutherfoord Bennett of Charleston, by descent.See Sold Price
SoldFrench Ormolu & Sevres Porcelain Mantel ClockA Very Fine 19Th C. French Ormolu Bronze & Sevres Porcelain Mantel Clock, France, Circa 1880. A Very Well Made Mantel Clock With Original Ormolu Bronze And Sevres Style Painted Porcelain Panels. MovemSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of Covered BoxesCollection of six covered boxes to include a 19th c. French hand-painted oval porcelain box, a 19th c. French bronze ormolu box with artist-signed portrait, etc., French oval box measures 2 3/8" h. xSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Gilt Bronze Figural Mantel Clock, 19th C.19th century French gilt bronze ormolu figural chiming clock with white porcelain dial bearing black Roman numerals, features a reaper with a scythe and wheat in his left hand, on a Neoclassical baseSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH ORMOLU MOUNTED URN - Early 19th c. PorcelainFRENCH ORMOLU MOUNTED URN - Early 19th c. Porcelain Sachet with hand painted floral decoration, giltwork over green field; bronze ormolu filligree cap, collar top, acanthus leaf handles, pedestal baseSee Sold Price
Sold19TH C. CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE ORMOLU MOUNTED BOWLChinese Export Famille Rose oval porcelain centerpiece bowl, 19th century, having enamel floral decoration, and French gilt bronze ormolu mounts in the Louis XV taste, the underside of the bowl markedSee Sold Price
Sold19TH C. CHINESE ROSE MANDARIN ORMOLU MOUNTED BOWLChinese Export Rose Mandarin palette porcelain centerpiece bowl, 19th century, decorated with enameled scenes of court life, and in French gilt bronze ormolu mounts in the Louis XVI taste, not examineSee Sold Price
SoldLarge French Bronze Mounted Sevres CenterpieceLarge 19th C. French Sevres Hand Painted Porcelain and Gilt Bronze Ormolu Centerpiece. W 18.5" x H 9.5"See Sold Price
SoldLarge French Bronze Mounted Sevres CenterpieceLarge 19th C. French Sevres Hand Painted Porcelain and Gilt Bronze Ormolu Centerpiece. W 18.5" x H 9.5"See Sold Price
Sold19th C. Pair of French Bronze & Sevres VasesA Pair of Antique French Sevres Porcelain and Ormolu Mounted Bronze. H 17.5" x W 8"See Sold Price
Sold19th C French Louis XV Bronze Mounted Biscuit PorcelainA 19th century Louis XV Neoclassical style biscuit porcelain bronze ormolu mounted lidded garniture urn having classical figural motif and bronze claw foot banded base and band around lid rim. Sold atSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH ORMOLU AND BOULLE MANTEL CLOCK19th c., sgn. BIGELOW KENNARD & CO./BOSTON removable crest with seated bronze cupid, ormolu embellishments, porcelain numbers, sunburst pendulum, 21”h; 11”w; 5”d From the BostonSee Sold Price
SoldAntique French 19th C Sevres Porcelain Ormolu BowlAntique French 19th C Sevres Porcelain Ormolu Bowl / Tazza. Signed on bottom for maker and signed for artist. Gilt bronze ormolu mount with Sevres porcelain at center. Measures 5.5 inches in height, 1See Sold Price
SoldJ. Furet, Porcelain Clock with Grotesques, France, c.Bronze, gold-plated, porcelain, painted gold and rosé, brass, metal, glass France c. 1800 Design of the case pres. Francois Rémond (c. 1747-1812) – - French chaser, engraver, founder and gilder DiSee Sold Price
SoldCHAMPLEVE BRONZE CANDELABRAS C.1880/1900'SThree French Ormolu Bronze Champleve Enamel Candelabras Dimensions: R and L H 17'' x W 9", C H19" X W 10.5" Condition: The center two holders are missing. Some discoloring to the ormolu bronze.See Sold Price
Sold19th C FRENCH BRONZE & PORCELAIN CLOCK GARNITUREOrmolu foliate body with Sevres porcelain mounts, clock dial and urn top, all hand painted with figures and cherubs in the gardens, accented with jewelling, matching candelabra garniture. French,19thSee Sold Price
Sold(3) FRENCH ORMOLU & COBALT-BLUE GROUND PORCELAIN CLOCK GARNITURE(3 piece) French gilt-bronze garniture set, late 19th c., including: (1) mantel clock, vase-shaped case surmounted by a flower basket, ram's head handles, white enamel dial with Roman numeral hourSee Sold Price
SoldORMOLU MOUNTED SEVRES PORCELAIN URN, SIGNED PATERMonumental Late 19th c. French Gilt Bronze Mounted Hand Painted Porcelain Lidded Urn, in three parts, with painted A within an interlaced Ls mark and "S. 41" in an oval lozenge under the lid, body witSee Sold Price
SoldPair E. Carlier French Art Deco Bronze Candelabra20th c., France, silver-plate over bronze candelabra with centered lady acrobat standing on hands between 2 urn candle holders, signed Emile Carlier (French, 1827-1879), 9.5"l x 4"d x 9.5"hSee Sold Price
Sold19th c. Monumental Sevres Bronze Clock Set19th C. Monumental Sevres Bronze French garniture Clock 3-Piece Set with Two Candelabras Candle Stick Holders hand painted Porcelain by Eugene Poitevin ( France 1806-1870 ) Bronze Mounted Candelabra ASee Sold Price
SoldFrench Ormolu and Porcelain Garniture Set, 19th CFrench Ormolu and Porcelain Garniture Set, 19th C. Porcelain vase with lid and matching pair of 5-arm candelabra supported on a porcelain vase and bronze base. Dimensions:Clock 17" x 7" x 6" CandelabrSee Sold Price
SoldPair Antique French Gilded Bronze CandelabrasPair French Antique Candelabras Girandoles, Porcelain centers in green toned faux marbleized design; center candle holder plus four arms, C Scroll and S Scroll design, fanned base with fillagree, medaSee Sold Price
Two Mid-Century Brutalist Candle HoldersAssociated Estate & Appraisal Co.4.3(49)$170(3 bids)2 days Left
A French Gilt Bronze Mounted and Porcelain-Inset Black Marble ClockFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)$4005 days Left
A French Gilt and Silvered Bronze and Porcelain Clock GarnitureFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)$1,0005 days Left
5 ASSORTED FRENCH H/P PORCELAIN OYSTER PLATES, 19TH C.EstateOfMind Auctions4.6(283)$140(5 bids)Feb 15, 2025
PAIR FRENCH H/P PORCELAIN COVERED MINIATURE TUREENSEstateOfMind Auctions4.6(283)$30(2 bids)Feb 15, 2025
19th C. French Louis XVI Style Bronze Imari Figural CenterpieceAntique Kingdom4.1(21)$6,0001 day Left
DEMETRE CHIPARUS (1886-1947) 'EGYPTIAN DANCER' SCULPTURE France, c. 1925, patinated bronze, enam...Bonhams4.1(306)$6,500(25 bids)98 Lots Away
DEGUE ART DECO TABLE LAMP France, c. 1930, gilt bronze, molded and frosted glass, single candela...Bonhams4.1(306)$1,700(24 bids)119 Lots Away
19th c Barbedienne French Bronze Sculpture Francois-Joseph Bosio, Henri IV As A ChildAvra Art Auctions 4.7(474)$30(2 bids)2 days Left
PR CHINESE PORCELAIN LAMPS WITH ORMOLU MOUNTSThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(386)$100Feb 22, 2025
E Villanis Antq French Bronze Carmen Sculpture29inThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)$60(3 bids)6 days Left
A LARGE 19TH CENTURY FRENCH ORMOLU SEVRES PORCELAIN CLOCK. 52 cm x 28cm. UntestedHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(389)£1,0005 days Left
A LARGE 19TH CENTURY FRENCH PINK SEVRES PORCELAIN BRONZE MANTEL CLOCK. 38cm x 18cm. UntestedHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(389)£1805 days Left
19th C. Gilt Bronze Mounted Cobalt Blue Porcelain Table LampsAkiba Galleries4.7(1.7k)$200Feb 25, 2025