Antique German Simon and Halbig 1079 DEP Bisque head DollRaia Auctioneers, Inc.4.5(118)$70(3 bids)Feb 24, 2025
Three Doll Buggys incl. Antique German Carriage with two All Bisque baby dollsRaia Auctioneers, Inc.4.5(118)$10(1 bid)Feb 24, 2025
Collection of Beaded Doll Purses, one Sterling, one German SilverRaia Auctioneers, Inc.4.5(118)$20(3 bids)Feb 24, 2025
Beautiful Collection of Beaded Doll Purses, one German SilverRaia Auctioneers, Inc.4.5(118)$30(3 bids)Feb 24, 2025
German All Bisque Girl with three blue bows Gebruder HeubachRaia Auctioneers, Inc.4.5(118)$40(4 bids)Feb 24, 2025
Antique German Simon Halbig 1079 DEP Bisque head DollRaia Auctioneers, Inc.4.5(118)$10(1 bid)Feb 24, 2025
GERMAN BISQUE DOLL W/SLEEP EYES, PERIOD CORRECT CLOTHESEstateOfMind Auctions4.6(283)$25(1 bid)Feb 15, 2025
Dollhouse Miniature German Lusterware Canister setRaia Auctioneers, Inc.4.5(118)$10(1 bid)Feb 24, 2025
Doll, Antique Floradora 5M, German bisque head/hands, leather jointed, sawdRich Penn Auctions4.3(423)$5(1 bid)
Large Blond German Porcelain Frozen Charlie DollRaia Auctioneers, Inc.4.5(118)$20(3 bids)Feb 24, 2025
SoldGERMAN BISQUE ART CHARACTER, GRETCHEN 114, WITH RARE GLASS EYES BY KAMMER AND REINHARDT. 17”.GERMAN BISQUE ART CHARACTER, GRETCHEN 114, WITH RARE GLASS EYES BY KAMMER AND REINHARDT. 17”. Marks: K * R 114. Bisque socket head, brown sleep eyes, painted lower lashes, eyeliner, tapered browSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN BISQUE CHARACTER KNOWN AS “GRETCHENGERMAN BISQUE CHARACTER KNOWN AS “GRETCHEN” BY KAMMER AND REINHARDT. 14”. Marks: K * R 114. Bisque socket head, painted features, blue eyes, upper eyeliner, tapered brows, closed mouth iSee Sold Price
Sold20" K*R 114 "Gretchen" German Character Child.The classic 114 mold by the Kammer & Reinhardt firm. Fine quality deep molding with nicely colored bisque and less common dove grey painted eyes. She is wearing what appears to be a factory dress withSee Sold Price
SoldVERY RARE GERMAN BISQUE ART CHARACTER, 700, BY MARSEILLE. 11”. Marks: 700, 2. BisqueVERY RARE GERMAN BISQUE ART CHARACTER, 700, BY MARSEILLE. 11”. Marks: 700, 2. Bisque socket head, blue glass sleep eyes, deeply-defined sockets, painted lashes, short tapered brows, closed mouthSee Sold Price
SoldBEAUTIFUL KAMMER & REINHARDT BISQUE CHARACTER 11451-A. GERMAN BISQUE CHARACTER 114 “HANS” BY KAMMER AND REINHARDT. Marks: K *R 114, 49. 20”. Bisque socket head, painted features, shaded blue eyes, molded eyelids with upper eyeliner, tapered brSee Sold Price
Sold4-A. TINY KAMMER & REINHARDT BISQUE CHARACTER4-A. TINY KAMMER & REINHARDT BISQUE CHARACTER "GRETCHEN" 114. Marks: K * R 114. 7 ½". Bisque socket head, painted facial features, blue eyes, black upper eyeliner, tapered brows, closed mouth with poSee Sold Price
Sold66. KAMMER & REINHARDT BISQUE CHARACTER "GRETCHEN".66. KAMMER & REINHARDT BISQUE CHARACTER "GRETCHEN". Marks: K * R 114, 30. 12". Bisque socket head with painted blue eyes, upper eyeliner, tapered brows, closed mouth in pouty expression, shaded lips,See Sold Price
SoldGERMAN BISQUE GLASS-EYED “MARIE” CHARACTER MOLD 101, BYGERMAN BISQUE GLASS-EYED “MARIE” CHARACTER MOLD 101, BY KAMMER AND REINHARDT. Marks: K * R 101. 12”. Bisque socket head, blue glass sleep eyes, painted upper lashes, tapered brows, closed mouth,See Sold Price
SoldKammer & Reinhardt 114 bisque socket head characterKammer & Reinhardt 114 bisque socket head character girl "Gretchen". 13 1/2" doll with mohair wig, molded and painted facial features, closed mouth, on jointed composition German body. Gretchen wearsSee Sold Price
SoldKÄMMER & REINHARDT 775-1, rare, black, character baby, 32 cm, celluloid socket head, brownKÄMMER & REINHARDT 775-1, rare, black, character baby, 32 cm, celluloid socket head, brown glass eyes, jointed arms and legs, good condition German Description KÄMMER & REINHARDT 775-1, seltSee Sold Price
SoldKAMMER & REINHART CHARACTER “PHILLIP” BY ARTISTKAMMER & REINHART BISQUE ART CHARACTER “PHILLIP” BY ARTIST. Marks: K * R 114 Yarnall. 17”. Bisque socket head, painted brown eyes, closed mouth, light brown mohair wig, composition ball-jointedSee Sold Price
SoldRARE BISQUE ART CHARACTER BY SIMON AND HALBIGRARE BISQUE ART CHARACTER BY SIMON AND HALBIG. 27". Marks:1448 Simon & Halbig S & H. Bisque socket head, blue glass sleep eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, feathered brows, closed mouth with very fSee Sold Price
SoldVERY RARE GERMAN BISQUE, PAINTED-EYE ART CHARACTER BY MARSEILLE160. VERY RARE GERMAN BISQUE, PAINTED-EYE ART CHARACTER BY MARSEILLE. 16”. Marks: Made in Germany, A 4 M. Bisque socket head of older child, distinctive shaped jaw, painted blue eyes with heavySee Sold Price
Sold20. RARE GERMAN BISQUE ART CHARACTER, 526, BY KLEY &20. RARE GERMAN BISQUE ART CHARACTER, 526, BY KLEY & HAHN. Marks: Germany K & H 526. 15". Bisque socket head, painted features, shaded blue eyes, upper eyeliner and eyelashes, feathered brows, full chSee Sold Price
SoldRARE, ALL-ORIGINAL KAMMER & REINHARDT, 107, CHARACTER BOY27. RARE, ALL-ORIGINAL KAMMER & REINHARDT, 107, CHARACTER BOY. 12”. Marks: K * R 107. Bisque socket head, painted features, outlined blue eyes, upper eyeliner, tapered brows, closed mouth with aSee Sold Price
SoldVERY RARE GERMAN BISQUE GENTLEMAN WITH SCULPTED MUSTACHE216. VERY RARE GERMAN BISQUE GENTLEMAN WITH SCULPTED MUSTACHE. 14” H. Marks: None. Bisque socket head of gentleman with brown glass inset eyes, painted lashes, slightly modeled thick brush strokSee Sold Price
RARE, PETITE MODEL 150 ART CHARACTER BY SIMON & HALBIG141. RARE, PETITE MODEL 150 ART CHARACTER BY SIMON & HALBIG. 12”. Marks: S & H 150. Bisque socket head, painted features, shaded brown eyes, upper eyeliner, tapered brows, closed mouth, full lipSee Sold Price
SoldK&R, SIMON & HALBIG wonderful German Googly by Kämmer & Reinhardt, Mold 131 bisqueK&R, SIMON & HALBIG wonderful German Googly by Kämmer & Reinhardt, Mold 131 bisque porcelain socket head melon-shaped with thick cheeks, big blue to the side looking sleeping glass eySee Sold Price
SoldKÄMMER & REINHARDT 101, colored characterKÄMMER & REINHARDT 101, colored character doll made of biscuit porcelain, 39 cm, socket head, brown painted eyes, closed mouth, dark colored jointed body, old mohair wig German DescriptioSee Sold Price
SoldRARE, LARGEST SIZE J.D.K. 221 KESTNER GOOGLY.43-A. RARE, ADORABLE JDK 221, SIZE 12 GOOGLY BY KESTNER. 17". Marks: H. made in Germany 12 JDK 221 Ges Gesch. Bisque socket head with large round blue glass side-glancing sleep eyes, dark eyeliner, paSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN BISQUE DOLL ON PAPER MACHE DONKEY. 11” x 9”. Paper mache gray donkey withGERMAN BISQUE DOLL ON PAPER MACHE DONKEY. 11” x 9”. Paper mache gray donkey with nodding head, large amber glass eyes, felt-lined ears, paper harness, black mane and feet supports a bisqueSee Sold Price
SoldPETITE GERMAN BISQUE DOLL KNOWN AS AMERICAN SCHOOL BOY. 12”. Marks: None. Bisque socketPETITE GERMAN BISQUE DOLL KNOWN AS AMERICAN SCHOOL BOY. 12”. Marks: None. Bisque socket head, sculpted brown hair with comb-marked detail, inset blue glass eyes, painted lashes, feathered brows,See Sold Price
SoldGERMAN BISQUE LADY DOLL BY GEBRUDER KUHNLENZ.GERMAN BISQUE LADY DOLL BY GEBRUDER KUHNLENZ. 18”. Marks: G.K. 14 – 26. Bisque swivel head on bisque shoulderplate, large blue glass stationary eyes, painted lashes, feathered brows, closed moSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN BISQUE JUBILEE GOOGLY BY HERTEL AND SCHWAB.GERMAN BISQUE “JUBILEE GOOGLY” BY HERTEL AND SCHWAB. Marks: 165. 5 13”. Bisque socket head with blue glass side-glancing and sleep eyes, painted lashes, tapered and arched brows, closedSee Sold Price
Raphael, Madonna of the Pomegranate, 1504, Facsimile 1930s, Glass FrameFrost & Nicklaus4.7(202)$905 days Left
James Bertrand, Marguerite Tempted, Faust, Antique Photogravure, Goupil 1881Frost & Nicklaus4.7(202)$205 days Left
Luigi Da Costa (Italy,19C) watercolor painting antiqueBroward Auction Gallery4.8(277)$120(2 bids)1 day Left
Carl Gustav Herrmann (German,1857-1939) oil painting antiqueBroward Auction Gallery4.8(277)$160(12 bids)1 day Left
George Holston (UK,1833-1923) watercolor painting antiqueBroward Auction Gallery4.8(277)$10Feb 16, 2025
Doll, Antique Germany Bisque Googly, Made in Germany, J.D.K. 221, glass eyeRich Penn Auctions4.3(423)$750(24 bids)161 Lots Away
Art Deco Rare Green Uranium Glass Vase 1930' H.Hoffmann by LaliqueArt Glass Store4.5(61)$105(7 bids)Mar 16, 2025
Art Deco Sculpture Rare Green Uranium Glass Jewellery Bowl 1930' H.Hoffmann by LaliqueArt Glass Store4.5(61)$52(10 bids)Mar 16, 2025
SET OF 3 LARGE BLUE ART GLASS VASES 17"DejaVu Estate Sales & Auctions, LLC4.6(1.3k)$10(1 bid)3 days Left
SET OF 3 LARGE PURPLE ART GLASS VASES 27.5"DejaVu Estate Sales & Auctions, LLC4.6(1.3k)$103 days Left
Finely Carved Black Forest Bear (Early 20th Century)Nadeau's Auction Gallery4.7(401)$300(4 bids)Feb 22, 2025