Rare antique pre-columbian chimu pot or urn Peru face reliefLake Lanier Antiques LLC4.3(8)$602 days Left
Casas Grandes Polychrome Olla w/ Coatimundi, ex-TillouArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)$514Available to Buy Now
SoldPanamanian Gran Cocle Macaracas Type Olla, ex-Tillou**Originally Listed At $500** Pre-Columbian, Central America, Panama, Gran Cocle, Macaracas type, ca. 800 to 1000 CE. A lovely pottery jar of round-bottomed form exhibiting 4 emanating corners that crSee Sold Price
SoldGran Cocle Macaracas Olla Reptilian Motifs, ex-TillouPre-Columbian, Central America, Panama, Gran Cocle, Macaracas type, ca. 800 to 1000 CE. This striking spherical pottery olla features a round but stable base, with meticulously stone-burnished surfaceSee Sold Price
SoldCocle Macaracas Polychrome Plate Zoomorph, ex-TillouPre-Columbian, Central America, Panama, Gran Cocle, Macaracas type, ca. 800 to 1000 CE. A hand-built pottery plate of shallow form that exhibits an elaborate and abstract zoomorphic creature within thSee Sold Price
SoldCocle Polychrome Effigy Jar Zoomorph, ex-TillouPre-Columbian, Central America, Panama, Gran Cocle, Macaracas type, ca. 800 to 1000 CE. A spherical pottery jar of round-bottomed form with a tapered shoulder and a thick, in-folded rim. Displayed onSee Sold Price
SoldPanamanian Cocle Macaracas Vessel Feline, ex-TillouPre-Columbian, Central America, Panama, Gran Cocle, Macaracas type, ca. 800 to 1000 CE. A hand-built pottery vessel round-bottomed but stable form. The squat neck doubles as the head of a stylized felSee Sold Price
SoldGran Cocle Macaracas Type Frutero w/ Saurian, ex-TillouPre-Columbian, Central America, Panama, Gran Cocle culture, Macaracas type, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. A hand-built and highly burnished pottery dish known as a frutero, featuring a flared pedestal foot. TheSee Sold Price
SoldGran Cocle Macaracas Polychrome Jar Abstract Fish, ex-TillouPre-Columbian, Central America, Panama, Gran Cocle, Macaracas type, ca. 800 to 1000 CE. This striking hand-built pottery jar features a broad, rounded form with an angled shoulder and flared rim. ItsSee Sold Price
SoldPanamanian Cocle Pedestal Bowl Creatures, ex-TillouPre-Columbian, Central America, Panama, Gran Cocle, Macaracas type, ca. 800 to 1000 CE. A sizable pottery bowl resting atop a squat, wide pedestal with a flared foot. The cream-ground basin is decoratSee Sold Price
SoldPanamanian Cocle Polychrome Olla, ex-TillouPre-Columbian, Central America, Panama, Gran Cocle, ca. 600 to 1000 CE. A hand-built and stone-burnished pottery vessel of spherical, round-bottomed form with a rounded shoulder, a squat neck, and anSee Sold Price
SoldCocle Polychrome Fruitera Zoomorphs, ex-TillouPre-Columbian, Central America, Panama, Gran Cocle, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. A hand-built pottery pedestal dish with a flared foot supporting the relatively shallow vessel body. The orange-hued vessel is aSee Sold Price
SoldCocle Macaracas Plate Abstract Zoomorphs Avian HeadsPre-Columbian, Central America, Panama, Gran Cocle, Macaracas type, ca. 800 to 1000 CE. A hand-built and stone-burnished pottery plate of broad and shallow form resting atop a squat foot. The white-grSee Sold Price
SoldCocle Effigy Vessel Human Transformation, ex-TillouPre-Columbian, Central America, Panama, late Gran Cocle, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. An intriguing pottery vessel of broad, oblong form with a protruding tail, painted limbs, and a stylized head of characteriSee Sold Price
SoldCocle Effigy Vessel Human Transformation, ex-TillouPre-Columbian, Central America, Panama, late Gran Cocle, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. An intriguing pottery vessel of broad, oblong form with a protruding tail, painted limbs, and a stylized head of characteriSee Sold Price
SoldPanamanian Gran Cocle Figural Jar, ex-TillouPre-Columbian, Central America, Panama, Gran Cocle, ca. 600 to 1000 CE. A spherical, round-bottomed pottery vessel of wide form with a squat neck and a flared rim. The beige-hued ground is decorated wSee Sold Price
SoldGran Cocle Polychrome Pedestal Plate, ex-TillouPre-Columbian, Central America, Panama, Gran Cocle, ca. 800 to 1000 CE. A beautiful pottery pedestal dish featuring a flared foot and a shallow basin. Boasting hues of red, blue, and black, the basinSee Sold Price
SoldPanamanian Gran Cocle Vessel Turtle Form, ex-TillouPre-Columbian, Central America, Panama, Gran Cocle, ca. 500 to 800 CE. A charming pottery jar in the form of a turtle with a tubular spout rising from the top of its shell. Adorned with red, blue, blaSee Sold Price
SoldPanamanian Gran Cocle Parita Style Plate, ex-TillouPre-Columbian, Central America, Panama, Gran Cocle culture, ca. 1000 to 1300 CE. A broad pottery Parita style dish of a shallow form resting on a short ring foot. The surface is slipped in an orange hSee Sold Price
SoldPanamanian Gran Cocle Vessel w/ Saurians, ex-TillouPre-Columbian, Panama, Gran Cocle, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. A wonderful pottery jar featuring a flared rim atop a short neck that dramatically expands to a sloped shoulder and broad rim, all sitting upon aSee Sold Price
SoldGran Cocle Maracas Plate Turtle / Catfish, ex-TillouPre-Columbian, Central America, Panama, Gran Cocle culture, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. This charming pottery dish is painted with an abstract creature. Artists of this culture often created "split representaSee Sold Price
SoldGran Cocle Polychrome Bowl, Saurian / Crocodilian, ex-TillouPre-Columbian, Central America, Panama, Gran Cocle culture, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. A hand-built and highly burnished pottery dish bearing a highly abstract crocodilian creature in hues of red, purple, anSee Sold Price
SoldPanamanian Gran Cocle Bowl Hand or Paw, ex-Tillou**Originally Listed At $650** Pre-Columbian, Central America, Panama, Gran Cocle, ca. 600 to 1000 CE. A hand-built pottery bowl with a white-ground basin decorated with black curvilinear motifs and riSee Sold Price
SoldGran Cocle Polychrome Fruitera Abstract Birds, ex-TillouPre-Columbian, Central America, Panama, Gran Cocle culture, ca. 800 1200 CE. A hand-built pottery pedestal vessel known as a fruitera, the interior of the basin is painted with three abstract birds wiSee Sold Price
SoldFine Cocle Polychrome Olla w/ Abstract CreaturesPre-Columbian, Central America, Panama, Gran Cocle, Macaracas or Conte type, ca. 800 to 1000 CE. A beautiful, hand-built pottery olla with a rounded, hemispherical body with a carinated upper rim, a sSee Sold Price
SoldCocle Polychrome Pedestal Bowl w/ Abstract ZoomorphPre-Columbian, Central America, Panama, Gran Cocle, Macaracas type, ca. 800 to 1000 CE. A stylish and expertly detailed pottery bowl bearing a polychrome rendition of an abstract creature within the dSee Sold Price
Roman Marble Foot wearing Military Sandal with Lion’s Head, c. 2nd-3rd Century A.D.Artemission4.4(51)$3,000Feb 25, 2025
Rare Greek Bronze Axe Head with Inscription, c. 8th-5th Century B.C.Artemission4.4(51)$2,000Feb 25, 2025
Bactrian Bronze Figure of a Deity, ex. Christies NY, c. 2nd Millennium B.C., ex Christie’s N.Y.Artemission4.4(51)$3,000Feb 25, 2025
Phoenician Glass Medallion, Theatre Ticket with Head of Apollo and Inscription, c. 2nd Century A.D.Artemission4.4(51)$200Feb 25, 2025
Pre Colombian Central Panama Gran Cocle Pedestal Bowl (600 AD to 1200 AD)Cordier Auctions4.4(1.5k)$100Mar 06, 2025