SoldHuge Chancay Pottery Effigy Jar - Man w/ OfferingPre-Columbian, Central Coast Peru, Chancay, ca. 10th to 12th CE. An exceptionally large, hand-built, polychrome effigy vessel, perhaps a burial urn, depicting a seated male figure holding a pedestaledSee Sold Price
SoldHuge Chancay Bichrome Vessel w/ FelinePre-Columbian, Central Coast of Peru, Chancay culture, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. An enormous pottery jar of ovoid form exhibiting a convex base, a thick, flared rim, and cream-hued exterior surfaces adornedSee Sold Price
SoldChancay Pottery Figural Jar w/ Tump LinePre-Columbian, Peru, Chancay culture ca. 1000 to 1200 CE. Medium-size pottery jar of ovoid form ironically showing a man carrying pottery jar. His features in high relief with headband sporting largeSee Sold Price
SoldChancay Pottery Jar w/ Geometric Design**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, Peru, Chancay, ca. 1000 to 1300 CE. A lovely bi-chrome pottery vessel decorated with geometric patterns painted on the exterior. The form consists of a globe-sSee Sold Price
SoldChancay Pottery Jar w/ Figural Handle & Feline MotifsPre-Columbian, Central Coast Peru, Chancay, ca. 1000 to 1470 CE. A handsome medium-sized pottery jar or olla painted with polychrome pigments. The bulbous body has a gently carinated side, and a roundSee Sold Price
SoldRare Chancay Pottery Jar w/ Large FacePre-Columbian, Peru, Chancay, ca. 1200 to 1400 CE. A fascinating bichrome face vessel, the body of a bell-like shape with a tubular spout on the top and a cylindrical protrusion extending from the botSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Chancay Bichrome Pottery Jar w/ Linear Motifs**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, Central Coast Peru, Chancay, ca. 1000 to 1300 CE. A fabulous pottery jar meticulously hand-painted with black-on-white linear and geometric motifs, and adornedSee Sold Price
SoldChancay Pottery Jar - Figure w/ KeroPre-Columbian, Central Coast Peru, Chancay, ca. 900 to 1250 CE. A wonderful pottery vessel in the form of a stylized figure seated with legs propped up and holding a kero with both hands. Surmounted bSee Sold Price
SoldChancay Bichrome Pottery Jar w/ Zoomorphic LugsPre-Columbian, Central Coast of Peru, Chancay, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. A pottery jar of sizable, egg-shaped form with a cream-hued ground densely adorned with hand-painted black pigments. Broad panels ofSee Sold Price
SoldHuge Anatolian Pottery Storage Jar w/ Greek Key DesignAsia Minor, Anatolia, ca. late 2nd to early 1st millennium BCE. A large, heavy terracotta jar with an amphora-like shape, narrowed neck, and broad, flared rim. The interior of the rim and body are paiSee Sold Price
SoldHuge Egyptian Predynastic Black-Top Pottery Jar w/ TLAncient Egypt, Predynastic period, late Naqada II to Naqada III, ca. 3200 to 3000 BCE. An enormous hand-built marl clay jar with a russet-hued surface made with a thin iron-oxide slip. The burnished vSee Sold Price
SoldNear Choice Colima Pottery Jar w/ Huge Peyote ButtonsPre-Columbian, West Mexico, Colima, ca. 300 BCE to 300 CE. Among the finest and the largest that we have ever seen, a beautiful redware vessel of an overall gourd-like form with four peyote buttons deSee Sold Price
SoldCalima Ilama Pottery Stirrup Offering Jar w/ DovePre-Columbian, Colombia, Valle Del Cauca, Calima culture, Ilama Phase, ca. 400 BCE to 200 CE. A hand-built redware pottery stirrup vessel of a bulbous form depicting an abstract avian dove. The vesselSee Sold Price
SoldChancay Pottery Two Chambered Whistling Vessel w/ ManPre-Columbian, Central Coast Peru, Chancay, ca. 1000 to 1400 CE. A hand-built pottery vessel bearing a pair of discoid chambers resting atop two flared feet. The vessel's chambers are bridged by a horSee Sold Price
SoldChancay Pottery Two Chambered Whistling Vessel w/ ManPre-Columbian, Central Coast Peru, Chancay, ca. 1000 to 1400 CE. A hand-built pottery vessel bearing a pair of discoid chambers resting atop two flared feet. The vessel's chambers are bridged by a horSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Mexcan artifact 5.5" pottery jar w/ rabbit effigyPre-Columbian Mexcan artifact 5.5" pottery jar w/ rabbit effigy; ; **FROM THE GALEN NICHOLS COLLECTION WE HAVE RELIED ON GALEN HEAVILY FOR WHAT DETAILS AND PROVENANCE WE HAVE SHARED. GALEN HAS COLLECTSee Sold Price
SoldHuge Chancay Pottery Figure - AnthropomorphicPre-Columbian, Chancay culture, Peru, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. An endearing bi-chrome earthenware egg-shape bodied effigy vessel, the figure's head depicted on the neck with bulging coffee-bean shaped eyesSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Amazonian Shipibo Pottery Jar w/ Human FaceSouth America, Upper / Western Amazon Basin, Ucayali River, Peru, Shipibo people, 20th century CE. A huge ceramic polychrome vessel with a human face in high relief at the top of the neck. A dark, earSee Sold Price
SoldNative Mexican Casas Grandes Pottery Effigy JarNative Mexican Folk Art Casas Grandes pottery vessel, having hand painted effigy with three faces, having dual handles 17.5"h x 11"w x 8"d Provenance: The Corporate Collection of USAA We happily proviSee Sold Price
SoldChancay Pottery Human Effigy Vessel**Originally Listed At $400** Pre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Chancay, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. A hand-built pottery jar depicting a squatting anthropomorphic figure. The rounded base boasts a pair of lowSee Sold Price
SoldPrecolumbian Pottery Jar w/ a Human Effigy ReliefPrecolumbian Pottery Jar w/ a Human Effigy Relief Modeled. Sound and Restored 7" x 6"See Sold Price
SoldMata Ortiz Black on Black Bird Effigy JarMata Ortiz Black on Black Pottery Bird Effigy Jar by Jose Gonzales, measures 9.75''H x 9''W, textured neck, features 4 concave rabbit medallions, signed by artist, on one side there is a 2'' wear lineSee Sold Price
SoldNative American Cochiti? Pueblo polychrome pottery owl figure / effigy jar with removable head 8"H xNative American Cochiti? Pueblo polychrome pottery owl figure / effigy jar with removable head Body has been reconstructed. 8"H x 6 3/4"WSee Sold Price
SoldPre-columbian Costa Rica Polychrome Effigy OllaPre-columbian Costa Rica (Diqui) Polychrome Zoomorphic Effigy Olla Pottery | Jar with White and Black painted zoomorphic formed design with single right angle handle | Approx. Size: 5.5" H x 7" W | ReSee Sold Price
4 1/4" Super Offering Jar, Tri-Leg w/ Engraved Rim, Nice Use Polish, Southern Mexico, Auctioning as Heartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)$107 days Left
Huge Hawk Effigy Stone Pipe Indian Artifact ArrowheadMike Nichols Auctions4.5(464)$10(1 bid)29 mins Left
Signed Mexican Mata Ortiz Polychrome Pottery Jar with Wood StandMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)$40(2 bids)6 days Left
Craven Five Gallon Storage JarBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)$1,250(3 bids)Feb 24, 2025
Mid Century Postmodern Stoneware Covered Jar with Blue Glaze 5.5"WMynt Auctions4.6(682)See Sold PriceFeb 16, 2025
Three Dartmouth College Carved Wood Walking SticksDevin Moisan Auctioneers, Inc.4.4(108)$200Feb 28, 2025
Edwin & Mary Scheier-Earthenware Jar & Cover, 1959Devin Moisan Auctioneers, Inc.4.4(108)$2,500Mar 01, 2025