SoldPeruvian Chankay Pottery Jar and Textile DollPeruvian Chankay Pottery Jar and Textile Doll (2) items including a large hand-built brown on buff biscuit effigy jar in the form of a dignitary holding a conical cup (kero) on a wood stand and a 'mumSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Chancay Bichrome Pottery Figural JarPre-Columbian, Central Coast Peru, Chancay, ca. 1000 to 1300 CE. A large, hand-built bi-chrome terracotta vessel of a characteristic egg-shape depicting an anthropomorphic figure presenting a rotund bSee Sold Price
SoldChancay Pottery Figural Jar w/ Tump LinePre-Columbian, Peru, Chancay culture ca. 1000 to 1200 CE. Medium-size pottery jar of ovoid form ironically showing a man carrying pottery jar. His features in high relief with headband sporting largeSee Sold Price
SoldChancay Pottery Jar - Figure w/ KeroPre-Columbian, Central Coast Peru, Chancay, ca. 900 to 1250 CE. A wonderful pottery vessel in the form of a stylized figure seated with legs propped up and holding a kero with both hands. Surmounted bSee Sold Price
SoldChancay Pottery Figural Hunchback Jar**Originally Listed At $300** Pre-Columbian, Peru, Chancay culture, ca. 1200 to 1400 CE. This is a fascinating hand-built pottery cup or jar in the form of a crouching person with a squat body and stySee Sold Price
SoldLarge Chancay figural vesselLarge Chancay figural vessel, Probably Pre-Columbian, nice polychrome decorated anthropomorphic seated terracotta vessel, holding small offering cup, 15.5"h x 8.5"wSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Chancay bi-chrome pottery vesselPre-Columbian, Peru, Central Coast, ca. 1000 to 1300 CE. Polychrome pottery olla of a seated male. He wears large ear spools and pendant on his back, hands to his chest holding a kero, rounded legs tuSee Sold Price
SoldTall Chancay Polychrome Figural Jar (Holding a Jar)Pre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Chancay, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. A remarkable pottery vessel in the form of a figure holding a goblet with both hands. Adorned with black, red, and beige pigment, the figuSee Sold Price
SoldHuge Chancay Pottery Effigy Jar - Man w/ OfferingPre-Columbian, Central Coast Peru, Chancay, ca. 10th to 12th CE. An exceptionally large, hand-built, polychrome effigy vessel, perhaps a burial urn, depicting a seated male figure holding a pedestaledSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Chancay Bi-chrome Terracotta China VesselPre-Columbian, Peru, Central Coast, ca. 1000 to 1300 CE. Polychrome pottery olla of a seated male, he wears large ear spools and pendant on his back, hands to his chest holding a kero, rounded legs tuSee Sold Price
SoldChancay Pottery Figural Jar with HeaddressPre-Columbian, Central Coast Peru, Chancay, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. A massive figural vessel with painted and applied details on a classically egg-shaped body with a cylindrical head. Toes and fingers areSee Sold Price
SoldChancay Pottery Figural Jar with HeaddressPre-Columbian, Central Coast Peru, Chancay, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. A massive figural vessel with painted and applied details on a classically egg-shaped body with a cylindrical head. Toes and fingers areSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Chancay Bichrome Pottery Jar w/ Linear Motifs**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, Central Coast Peru, Chancay, ca. 1000 to 1300 CE. A fabulous pottery jar meticulously hand-painted with black-on-white linear and geometric motifs, and adornedSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Pre Columbian Chancay Large Bulbous Figural Vessel Ca. 800-1200 A.D.Ancient Pre Columbian Chancay Large Bulbous Figural Vessel Ca. 800-1200 A.D. Size 15 1/4 inches High. x 8 1/2 inches Diameter widest point. A large Chancay Bulbous pottery figural Vessel with hands hoSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Chancay Pottery China Anthropomorphic JarPre-Columbian, Chancay culture, Peru, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. A fabulous bi-chrome earthenware egg-shape bodied effigy vessel, the figure's head depicted on the neck of the vessel with bulging coffee-beanSee Sold Price
SoldChancay Pottery Jar w/ Figural Handle & Feline MotifsPre-Columbian, Central Coast Peru, Chancay, ca. 1000 to 1470 CE. A handsome medium-sized pottery jar or olla painted with polychrome pigments. The bulbous body has a gently carinated side, and a roundSee Sold Price
SoldRare Chancay Pottery Jar w/ Large FacePre-Columbian, Peru, Chancay, ca. 1200 to 1400 CE. A fascinating bichrome face vessel, the body of a bell-like shape with a tubular spout on the top and a cylindrical protrusion extending from the botSee Sold Price
SoldA Pre Columbian Chavin Style Figural Vessel.A Pre Columbian Chavin Style Figural Vessel. Size 13 1/4 inches high. Large pottery figural stirrup vessel of seated figure holding animal on his shoulder. Age unknown. Provenance: EX: Fortuna GallerySee Sold Price
SoldLarge & Exceptional Nazca Figural Pottery Stirrup JarPre-Columbian, southern Peru, Nazca, ca. 200 to 400 CE. Large and quite wonderful pottery stirrup vessel. In generally circular form with front molded with slightly raised shoulders and squared lowerSee Sold Price
SoldChancay Pottery Figural Vessel, Turtle FigurePre-Columbian, Central Coast Peru, Chancay, ca. 800 to 1200 CE. A playful pottery jar showcasing a figure resembling a cross between a human and turtle with a swollen, shell-like body and a petite taiSee Sold Price
SoldColima Pottery Figural Jar - Cargador**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, West Mexico, Colima, ca. 300 BCE to 300 CE. A fascinating ceramic jar with a globular body, small mouth at its top, and an anthropomorphic figure "holding" itSee Sold Price
Sold2 Pcs French Moustiers Faience Olive Jar, Egg CupLot Of 2 Pieces Of French Moustiers Hand-decorated Pottery. Blue And White Figural, Birds Faience Olive Jar, Egg Cup/warmer. Cvx Moustiers, H.l. Olive Jar Measures 8 Inches, Egg Cup Measures 6.5 IncheSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Chancay Anthropomorphic AmphoraPiriform Vessel With Anthropomorphic Features With two Arms Holding a Kero 16" TallSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Figural Pottery Jar in Human FormPre-Columbian, northern Peru, Moche, ca. 300 to 700 CE. Large pottery jar in the form of a standing male. He has led a very "satisfying" life and has eaten well judging by his large girth. Hands to hiSee Sold Price
Antique Japanese Large Imari Jar, Figural Motif & Floral Decor Pottery 1900sFrost & Nicklaus4.7(202)$507 hrs Left
Karl Richard Klemm Dresden Porcelain Cabinet SteinAuctions at Showplace4.6(727)$50(2 bids)Mar 13, 2025
LARGE AFTER JOSEPH CHERET BRONZE FIGURAL SCONCEEchoes Antiques & Auction Gallery, Inc.4.6(437)$2506 days Left
Chester Hewell Confederate SoldierBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)$550(2 bids)Feb 24, 2025
A Collection of Modernist Pottery Table ItemsWilliam Bunch Auctions & Appraisals4.6(877)$40(2 bids)5 days Left
Edwin & Mary Scheier-Earthenware Jar & Cover, 1959Devin Moisan Auctioneers, Inc.4.4(108)$2,500Mar 01, 2025