Mahogany Two Piece Glass Door Corner Cabinet with Dental Molding CrestLangston Auction Gallery4.7(504)$150(1 bid)3 days Left
SHIP'S APOTHECARY SET 19th Century Height 10". Width 11.5". Depth 8.5".Eldred's4.7(416)$350Feb 27, 2025
Sold[MEDICAL] A lot of 8 volumes sold together[MEDICAL] A lot of 8 volumes sold together. Mostly 8vo, or smaller, calf or vellum, various defects and conditions.A Descriptive Catalogue of the Anatomical Museum of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. LondoSee Sold Price
SoldTWAIN, MARK. LOT OF 8 VOLUMES SOLD TOGETHERPAUPER: A TALE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE OF ALL AGES. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co., 1882. Quarto. Full green pictorial cloth. Top edges gilt. * MARK TWAIN'S SKETCHES, NEW AND OLD. Hartford: The American PubSee Sold Price
Sold[ART BOOKS] LOT OF 8 VOLUMES SOLD TOGETHERART BOOKS. A lot of 8 volumes sold together. Generally very good condition, various imperfections. Including: Miller, Henry. TO PAINT IS TO LOVE AGAIN. Including the text of Semblance of a Devoted PasSee Sold Price
Sold[CHILDREN/ILLUS] LOT OF 8 VOLUMES SOLD TOGETHERCHILDREN'S LIT. A lot of 8 volumes sold together. Roughly 12mo-8vo, hardcovers, most cloth, all but one (Fairies and Chimneys) illustrated. Generally good-fair condition, various imperfections. IncludSee Sold Price
Sold[LITERATURE] LOT OF 8 VOLUMES SOLD TOGETHERJOHN MASEFIELD. A lot of 8 volumes sold together. Including:THE TAKING OF HELEN. London: William Heinemann, 1923. Small quarto. Paper boards, blue backed in white. With printed dust jacket. 2 copies.See Sold Price
SoldMATISSE, HENRI. LOT OF 8 VOLUMES SOLD TOGETHERMATISSE, HENRI. A lot of 8 volumes sold together. All generally very good condition, various imperfections: shelfwear, toning, etc. Including: Stewart, Jean [translator]. ARAGON. HENRI MATISSE: A NOVESee Sold Price
Sold[CANADIAN ART] LOT OF 8 VOLUMES SOLD TOGETHERCANADIAN ART. A lot of 8 volumes sold together. Generally very good condition, various imperfections. Including: Duval, Paul. THE TANGLED GARDEN. THE ART OF J.E.H. MACDONALD. SIGNED. Scarborough (OntaSee Sold Price
Sold[POETRY] LOT OF 8 VOLUMES SOLD TOGETHERPOETRY. A lot of 8 volumes sold together. All roughly 8vo, wraps. Including: Miller, Warren C. A SMALL TOWN IS BEST FOR WAITING AND OTHER STORIES. [SIGNED] Washington: Climate Books, 1981. * Miller, JSee Sold Price
Sold[TWAIN, MARK] LOT OF 8 VOLUMES SOLD TOGETHERTWAIN, MARK. A lot of 8 volumes sold together. All 8vo, hardcover, cloth boards; all but 1 volume in Mark Twain Library red cloth binding, gilt stamps on upper. Including: THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYERSee Sold Price
Sold[SCI-FI] LOT OF 8 VOLUMES SOLD TOGETHER[SCI-FI.] 8 volumes sold together, including: Crawford, F. Marion. ZOROASTER. 1885. * Bois, Theodora Du. MURDER STRIKES ATOMIC UNIT. 1946. * Campbell, Joseph. THE MASK OF GOD ORIENTAL MYTHOLOGY. 1962.See Sold Price
Sold[CANADIAN ART] LOT OF 8+ VOLUMES SOLD TOGETHERCANADIAN ART. A lot of 8+ volumes sold together. All quarto, wraps (paperback), one hardcover. Including: Cochran, Bente Roed. PRINTMAKING IN ALBERTA, 1945-1985. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press,See Sold Price
Sold[KEROUAC, JACK] LOT OF 8 VOLUMES SOLD TOGETHERKEROUAC, JACK. A lot of 8 volumes sold together. All roughly 8vo. Including: JACK KEROUAC. SCATTERED POEMS. Pocket Poet Series #28. San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1989. Paper wraps. * Beaulieu, VicSee Sold Price
Sold[HAKLUYT SOCIETY] LOT OF 8 VOLUMES SOLD TOGETHERPennington, L.E.; James, Wendy; Bridges, R.C.; Hair, P.E.H. et al. HAKLUYT SOCIETY, 8 volumes: THE TRAVELS OF IBN BATTUTA A.D. 1325-1354 (vols IV and V); THE PURCHAS HANDBOOK (2 vols); THE VOYAGE OF SSee Sold Price
Sold[SOUTHERN, TERRY] LOT OF 8 VOLUMES SOLD TOGETHERSOUTHERN, TERRY. A lot of 8 volumes sold together. Including: Southern; Hoffenberg, Mason. CANDY. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1964. 1ST EDITION. 8vo, paper and cloth boards, dust jacket, unclipped.See Sold Price
Sold[ATWOOD, MARGARET] LOT OF 8 SOLD TOGETHERATWOOD, MARGARET. A lot of 8 volumes sold together. Generally very good condition, various imperfections. Including: ALIAS GRACE [SIGNED]. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1996. Quarto. Full beige-broSee Sold Price
Sold[CANADIAN ART] LOT OF 8 VOLS SOLD TOGETHERCANADIAN ART. A lot of 8 volumes sold together. Including: * Jackson, A.Y. BANTING AS AN ARTIST. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1943. 8vo. Printed paper boards. Fully illustrated in b&w. Copy numbered 259, sSee Sold Price
Sold[CHILDREN'S & ILLUSTRATED] DEFOE, BURNETT, ETC. 8VCHILDREN'S & ILLUSTRATED. A lot of 8 volumes sold together. All roughly 8vo, hardcover, mostly cloth boards. Including: Denny, Norman. THE YELLOW BOOK: A SELECTION. London: Bodley Head, 1949. Dust jacSee Sold Price
Sold[INDIGENOUS LANGUAGES] LOT OF 8 VOLUMES TOGETHERINDIGENOUS LANGUAGES. A lot of 8 volumes sold together. Including: Pilling, James Constantine. 3 vols: BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF THE LANGUAGES OF THE NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS. New York: AMS Press, 1973. 8vo, clSee Sold Price
Sold[ANTIQUARIAN MISCELLANY] LOT OF 8 VOLUMES TOGETHERANTIQUARIAN MISCELLANY. A lot of 8 volumes sold together. Including: THE VICAR OF WAKEFIELD. Paris: P. Didot, 1815. 12mo, marbled paper boards backed in calf. * [5 volumes in 1; comedy] Cibber, ColleySee Sold Price
Sold[BAEDEKER] GUIDE BOOKS. LOT OF 8+1 SOLD TOGETHERKARL BAEDEKER: BAEDEKER'S GUIDE BOOKS. A lot of 8+1 volumes sold together. All 8vo, hardcovers, limp red cloth boards, published by Baedeker in Leipzig. Including: PALESTINE AND SYRIA. WITH ROUTES THRSee Sold Price
Sold[MEDICAL]. A lot of 26 volumes sold together[MEDICAL]. A lot of 26 volumes sold together. Mostly 8vo, or smaller, calf or vellum, various defects and conditions. Many with the bookplate of Dr. John Brown. FRIEND, Dr. John. Nine commentaries upoSee Sold Price
Sold[LITERATURE] LOT OF 10 VOLS SOLD TOGETHERWINSTON SPENCER CHURCHILL. A lot of 8 works in 10 volumes sold together. Including:MY AFRICAN JOURNEY. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1908. Large 8vo. Full red pictorial cloth.MY EARLY LIFE: A ROVING COMSee Sold Price
Sold[STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS] LOT OF 8 SOLD TOGETHERSTEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS. A lot of 8 volumes published by the Co-operative Publication Society (New York and London) sold together. No dates (circa 1910s). Titles: KIDNAPPED [bound with] THE DYNAMITERSee Sold Price
CAULFIELD, James (1764 – 1826). Portraits, Memoirs, and Cha...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(541)$25019 hrs Left
Antique Histoire L Expedition De Russie French HardcoversRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)$110(2 bids)4 days Left
16 Vintage Magazine Digest 1930s & 1940sRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)$14 days Left
8 Volume Set of Crimes and Punishment BooksRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)$1Feb 25, 2025
Exquisite Lot 8 Ornate Victorian Brass Door Knobs w/ Mortise Lock & Door PlatesHoller and Hammer4.5(55)$140(4 bids)Mar 08, 2025
Print Of Kaiser Wilhelm II And Prince Bismarck A Commemorative Sheet For January 26, 1894.Rapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)$5Mar 03, 2025
Aero Album 1968 1969 Aircraft Aviation Plane Photos Collection Lot of 8 Eight Magazine BooksRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)$5Mar 03, 2025
(8) CHINESE IRON RED PORCELAIN TABLEWARE & HEREND LEAF DISHAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)$80Feb 23, 2025
A late 19th / early 20th century Anglo – Indian unmarked silver tray, Kashmir circa 1900Chiswick Auctions4.3(82)£600Feb 26, 2025
8 Vintage Retired Lenox Rose SaucersRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)$4024 hrs Left