Rare antique pre-columbian chimu pot or urn Peru face reliefLake Lanier Antiques LLC4.3(8)$603 days Left
Casas Grandes Polychrome Olla w/ Coatimundi, ex-TillouArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)$514Available to Buy Now
SoldMoche Bichrome Stirrup Vessel w/ Birds, ex-MuseumPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche, Phase IV, ca. 450 to 550 CE. A splendid hand-built pottery stirrup vessel with a bichrome finish in hues of umber and cream that displays a fascinating avian icSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Bichrome Stirrup Vessel w/ BirdsPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche, Phase IV, ca. 400 to 700 CE. A delightful pottery stirrup jar of globular form with a tall, tubular spout and a dramatically arched handle. Painted in hues of rSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Bichrome Figural Stirrup Vessel - Shaman w/ BirdPre-Columbian, northern Peru, Moche, Phase V, ca. 650 to 850 CE. A delightful pottery of stirrup vessel in the form of a seated figure, likely a lord or shaman, dressed elaborately with a plumed headdSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Bi-Chrome Stirrup Vessel w/ WavesPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche, Phase III to Phase IV, ca. 400 to 600 CE. A classic bi-chrome stirrup vessel decorated with a rolling two-tiered tidal wave. The vessel's playful design is deliSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Bichrome Deer Stirrup Vessel w/ TL, ex-MuseumPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche, Phase IV, ca. 500 to 700 CE. A charming, hand-built pottery vessel in the form of a deer with a bulky body surmounted by a stirrup-shaped handle and cylindricalSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Bichrome Owl Stirrup Vessel w/ TL, ex-MuseumPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche, Phase IV, ca. 500 to 650 CE. A charming stirrup vessel, hand-built from pottery, in the form of a seated owl. Highly burnished and adorned with soft cream and cSee Sold Price
SoldMoche V Bi-Chrome Portrait Stirrup Vessel w/ TL**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, Peru, Moche, Phase V, ca. 600 to 750 CE. A beautiful, hand-built pottery stirrup vessel depicting a highly stylized and attractive portrait of a male, perhapsSee Sold Price
SoldMoche V Fineline Stirrup Vessel w/ Bird Men**Originally Listed At $1800** Pre-Columbian, North Coast of Peru, El Moro de Peten, Moche, Phase V, ca. 600 to 800 CE. A hand-built and highly burnished pottery vessel of carinated form atop a petiteSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Pottery Stirrup Vessel - Eagle w/ SnakePre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche, Phase IV, ca. 450 to 550 CE. A charming polychrome pottery stirrup vessel in the form of an eagle with a writhing snake in its beak. The seated bird has wings tSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Fineline Spouted Vessel w/ Birds - TL TestedPre-Columbian, northern Peru, Moche culture, Moche III, ca. 450 to 600 CE. Wonderful pottery stirrup vessel painted in shades of brick-red and off-white. Procession of standing sea birds walk along coSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Pottery Fineline Stirrup Vessel w/ Eagle - TL'd**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche, Phase III to IV, ca. 400 to 700 CE. A magnificent example of a fineline bichrome stirrup vessel, the near spherical body decorated witSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Bichrome Vessel w/ Ai Apec as Turtle, ex-MuseumPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche, Phase III, ca. 350 to 550 CE. A unique bichrome stirrup vessel in the form of the deity Ai Apec as a turtle. The god has anthropomorphic and reptilian elementsSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Stirrup Vessel Bird Drummer, Ex-MuseumPre-Columbian, Peru, Moche IV, ca. 100 CE to 500 CE. Bichrome terracotta stirrup vessel depicting a sitting drummer, most likely a shaman, wearing a bird head mask with tear rolling down his cheeks, hSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Figural Bi-chrome Vessel w/ Ai Apec & PeppersPre-Columbian, Peru (North Coast), Moche Culture, ca. 100 to 700 CE. A fascinating, intact example of one of the classic forms of pre-Columbian pottery - the Moche stirrup vessel, in the form of an anSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Bichrome Vessel - Figure in Hut w/ TL, ex-MuseumPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche, Phase II, ca. 250 to 400 CE. A charming pottery vessel presenting a flat base and spherical body topped with a high arching stirrup spout and a petite figure inSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Bi-Chrome Stirrup Vessel Skeleton Cargador**Originally Listed At $1500** Pre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche 4, classic period, ca. 400 to 500 CE. Perfect for any fan of the macabre - a bichrome pottery effigy stirrup vessel representing tSee Sold Price
SoldFine Moche Bi-Chrome Stirrup Vessel - WarriorPre-Columbian, Northern Peru, Moche II, ca. 300 to 400 CE. Very attractive pottery stirrup vessel - jar used to store water and chicha with the spout shaped so it can be attached to one's belt. VesselSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Bichrome Stirrup Vessel Seated JaguarPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche, Period III, ca. 350 to 550 CE. A charming pottery stirrup vessel in the form of a jaguar, hand-painted with a spotted back and striped tail and limbs. Seated wiSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Bichrome Stirrup Vessel, Seated Elder WomanPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche, Phase IV to V, ca. 500 to 850 CE. An amusing pottery stirrup vessel in the form of an elder woman with an evocative visage, shown sitting with her head restingSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Bichrome Stirrup Vessel - Merchant Offering TunicPre-Columbian, North Coast of Peru, Moche, Phase IV, ca. 400 to 650 CE. A hand-built and highly burnished vessel depicting a seated merchant offering one of his wares: a grid-patterned tunic. The vessSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Bichrome Stirrup Vessel - Sea LionPre-Columbian, Peru (North Coast), Moche Culture, ca. 100 to 700 CE. A large, mold-made pottery vessel in the form of a sweet, smiling sea lion. He has a well-rendered, naturalistic face capped by a sSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Bi-Chrome Stirrup Vessel - Cargador Form**Originally Listed At $500** Pre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche V, ca. 600 to 800 CE. A hand-built and highly-burnished pottery vessel with a planar base, globular body, rounded shoulders, a wideSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Bi-Chrome Stirrup Vessel -Snakes, Shell, & LadderPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche I, ca. 300 BCE to 100 CE. A bichrome stirrup vessel of red and cream hues in the shape of an Andean mountainside with a caracol (snail) shell and two slitheringSee Sold Price
SoldSican Lambayeque Pottery Stirrup Vessel w/ BirdsPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Sican/Lambayeque culture, ca. 750 to 1370 CE. A fascinating pottery whistle vessel comprised of 2 chambers connected by a tubular extension and a stirrup handle. The lSee Sold Price
2 1/4" Diameter Pre Columbian Pottery Vessel w/ Dual Suspension Holes and Tri Leg, Red and White PaiHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)$10(1 bid)Feb 23, 2025
2 1/2" Diameter Stirrup Handle Pre Columbian Pottery Vessel, Nice Paint and Art, Mexico, Auctioning Heartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)$10Feb 23, 2025
Lot 2 Vtg Hand Painted Asian Porc Vessels W LidsThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)$2(2 bids)4 days Left
Pre Columbian Moche Peru Pottery, Figural Vessel with Stirrup SpoutCarnegie's Auction Gallery4.3(4)$300Feb 23, 2025
A piece of material painting enamel flower and bird pattern appreciation bottleSMC Auctions$100Mar 01, 2025
English Painted Pine Noah's Ark w/ Animals & BirdsDevin Moisan Auctioneers, Inc.4.4(108)$250Mar 02, 2025
Maj. Gen.l James Parker's Light Horse Army SaddleDevin Moisan Auctioneers, Inc.4.4(108)$250Mar 02, 2025