SoldMoche / Chimu Pottery Figural Vessel - Ai Apec as CornPre-Columbian, North/Central Coast of Peru, late Moche to Chimu, perhaps Huaylas/Santa, ca. 600 to 1000 CE. A mold-formed pottery vessel depicting the primary Moche god Ai Apec (also Ai Apaec) seatedSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Figural Bi-chrome Vessel w/ Ai Apec & PeppersPre-Columbian, Peru (North Coast), Moche Culture, ca. 100 to 700 CE. A fascinating, intact example of one of the classic forms of pre-Columbian pottery - the Moche stirrup vessel, in the form of an anSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Ai-Apec Deity Vessel. Moche.Moche Ai-Apec Deity Vessel. Moche. . Size 9 3/4 inches high x 6 inches wide. molded salmon-pink pottery figural vessel depicting the enthroned deity Ai-Apec, holding a jaguar in his left arm and a birSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Pre-Columbian Moche Figural Bottle Depicting Ai-Apec c.400-700 AD.Ancient Pre-Columbian Moche Figural Bottle Depicting Ai-Apec c.400-700 AD. Size 9 3/4 inches high. A Pottery figure vessel. Provenance: Estate of David Sheridan, Branchburg, NJ., acquired 1950’See Sold Price
SoldMoche Pottery Vessel Ai Apec & Mountains, ex-MuseumPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche, ca. 400 to 800 CE. A hand-built pottery vessel of a flat-bottomed form featuring Ai Apec - the primary deity of the Moche peoples - standing amongst a plethoraSee Sold Price
SoldRare Moche Pottery Vessel - Ai Apec in Snail Form**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, Peru (North Coast), Moche Culture, ca. 100 to 700 CE. A rare form of vessel, a depiction of the god Ai Apec partially transformed into a snail. Ai Apec, the chSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Pottery Stirrup Vessel Ai Apec w/ Snakes**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche, Phase IV, ca. 450 to 700 CE. A fierce pottery stirrup vessel in the form of the head of Ai Apec (also Ai Apaec), the primary god of thSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Pottery Stirrup Vessel - Ai Apec, Bird, & MonkeyPre-Columbian, north coast of Peru, Moche V, ca. 600 to 800 CE. A classic Moche form, the stirrup vessel, with the body in the form of the transformative god Ai Apec, with a tall, black bird on one arSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Pottery Jar - Ai Apec as Corn God** A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this lot will benefit The Fowler Museum at UCLA ** Pre-Columbian, Northern Peru, Moche culture, ca. 300 to 500 CE. Very fine molded pottery jar of ovoid fSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Pottery Stirrup Vessel w/ Ai Apec, ex-MuseumPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche, Phase IV, ca. 500 to 650 CE. A hand-built pottery vessel of a flat-bottomed form depicting Ai Apec, the chief deity of the Moche people. The spherical vessel beSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Pottery Stirrup Vessel w/ Ai ApecPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche, Phase IV, ca. 500 to 700 CE. An enticing pottery stirrup vessel depicting Ai Apec - the primary deity of the Moche peoples - standing amongst a plethora of mounSee Sold Price
SoldMoche / Salinar Pottery Vessel w/ Ai Apec, ex-MuseumPre-Columbian, north coast of Peru, Moche Valley, Salinar / Moche transition, ca. 200 BCE to 200 CE. An intriguing hand-built pottery vessel with a highly stylized depiction of Ai Apec, the chief deitSee Sold Price
SoldPre Columbian Moche/Chimu Peru PotteryPre Columbian Moche/Chimu Peru Pottery Figural Blackware Vessel, larger central figure flanked by two smaller figures. 0.8lb Measures Approx.7.5 x 5.75 x 4 inchesDomestic Shipping: $40See Sold Price
SoldEthnographic Object AssortmentEthnographic Object Assortment (4) items including (2) Pre-Columbian Moche or Chimu style blackware pottery figural vessels and (2) carved stone figures, Chilean styleSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Pottery Ai Apec Rattle Vessel - ex MuseumPre-Columbian, Peru (North Coast), Moche Culture, ca. 100 to 700 CE. A little bit terrifying - and also a little bit comical - example of one of the classic forms of pre-Columbian pottery - the MocheSee Sold Price
SoldMOCHE STYLE BLACKWARE STIRRUP VESSELMOCHE STYLE BLACKWARE STIRRUP VESSELPeru, Blackware pottery vessel portraying Ai Apec. 8" heightSee Sold Price
SoldInca Pottery Stirrup Vessel, Ai Apec as Maize GodPre-Columbian, Peru, Inca, ca. 1300 to 1500 CE. A remarkable pottery stirrup vessel featuring the Andean god Ai Apec as the corn god. Portrayed traditionally with feline eyes and jaguar fangs, the deiSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Vessel Depicting Ai Apec (The Decapitator), ex-Sotheby'sPre-Columbian, Northern Peru, Moche culture, ca. 100 to 700 CE. This striking pottery vessel represents Ai Apec, the principal deity of the Moche, depicted with his iconic fierce expression and prominSee Sold Price
SoldSican Blackware Whistle Vessel - Ai Apec as Corn GodPre-Columbian, North Coast of Peru, Sican Lambayeque culture, ca. 750 to 1000 CE. A mold-formed blackware pottery stirrup vessel with a frontal figure of Ai Apec - the principal Mochica deity - standiSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Stirrup Vessel Ai Apec & Pet - TL TestedPre-Columbian, Peru (North Coast), Moche Culture, ca. 100 to 700 CE. This is a gorgeous intact example of one of the classic forms of pre-Columbian pottery -- the Moche stirrup vessel, using the shapeSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Stirrup Spout Vessel of Ai ApecPre-Columbian, Peru (North Coast), Moche Culture, ca. 100 to 700 CE. A little bit terrifying - and also a little bit comical - example of one of the classic forms of pre-Columbian pottery - the MocheSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Pottery Figural Dipper w/ Face, ex-MuseumPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Moche, ca. 300 to 500 CE. An intriguing handmade and stone burnished pottery canchero vessel (also known as a corn popper or water dipper) presenting in saucer form wiSee Sold Price
SoldWonderful Moche Ai Apec Stirrup Vessel - Severed HeadsPre-Columbian, Peru (North Coast), Moche Culture, ca. 100 to 700 CE. This is a gorgeous intact example of one of the classic forms of pre-Columbian pottery - the Moche stirrup vessel, using the shapeSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Bichrome Ai Apec Rattle Vessel w/ TL, ex-MuseumPre-Columbian, Peru (North Coast), Moche Culture, Phase IV to V, ca. 500 to 850 CE. Both a bit terrifying and comical, a fine example of one of the classic forms of pre-Columbian pottery - the Moche sSee Sold Price
Karl Richard Klemm Dresden Porcelain Cabinet SteinAuctions at Showplace4.6(727)$50(2 bids)Mar 13, 2025
A Large Shipibo-Conibo Peruvian Amazon Effigy Pottery VesselLocati, LLC4.8(465)$225(2 bids)5 days Left
Native American Zuni Kewa Pottery Vessels Pots LOTHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)$275(4 bids)Feb 26, 2025
CLAUDE CONOVER, 'NARANGO' STUDIO POTTERY VESSELAhlers & Ogletree Auction Gallery4.5(599)$2,500(1 bid)Feb 20, 2025
CLAUDE CONOVER, 'CBESAH', STUDIO POTTERY VESSELAhlers & Ogletree Auction Gallery4.5(599)$2,500Feb 20, 2025
Group Of Santa Clara Storyteller Figural Pottery (15 Pieces)Western Trading Post4.5(71)$175(3 bids)1 day Left
Pre Columbian Moche Peru Pottery, Figural Vessel with Stirrup SpoutCarnegie's Auction Gallery4.3(4)$300Feb 23, 2025