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Sold20231875 MORMON Tell All Stenhouse Mormonism Utah Polygamy Mountain Meadow LDS1875 MORMON Tell All Stenhouse Mormonism Utah Polygamy Mountain Meadow LDS Tell It All is a rare, first-person account of the life of those living in Mormonism. Thomas Stenhouse and family were againsSee Sold Price
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Sold2020The Deseret reader Mormon Book 1868 Rare LDSThe Deseret Book, Book 1 Mormon Language school Book 1868. Great shape. Elementary Reader designed to teach a new alphabet into Mormon use. Discontinued in 1869. Rare book. Only 10,000 printed and cirSee Sold Price
Sold2020The Deseret Mormon Book Book 2 1868 RareThe Deseret Book, Book 2. Mormon Language Book ca 1868. Slight water damage on back cover, and a few water marks on inside pages. Elementary Reader designed to teach a new alphabet into Mormon use. DiSee Sold Price
Sold20201868 1ed Deseret Alphabet Book Mormon Brigham Young LDS1868 1ed Deseret Alphabet Book Mormon Brigham Young LDS Saints Mormonism Utah Beginning in 1847, Brigham Young and the Church of Latter-Day Saints developed a curious, English-like phoneme language. ISee Sold Price
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Sold2022Hand Written Merchant's Account Book Circa 1840Col. William Wright (ca. 1798-1857) of York District, S.C. The ledger book gives exceptional detail of various matters and accounts within Yorkville, South Carolina. Wright was a prominent figure in tSee Sold Price
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