Odon Szamovolszky (hungary, 1878–1914), "eve With The Apple," Early 20th C., H. 16 1/2 In., W. 9
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Odon Szamovolszky (Hungary, 1878–1914), "Eve with the Apple," early 20th c., H.- 16 1/2 in., W.- 9 First Image
Odon Szamovolszky (Hungary, 1878–1914), "Eve with the Apple," early 20th c., H.- 16 1/2 in., W.- 9 First Image

Odon Szamovolszky (Hungary, 1878–1914), "Eve with the Apple," early 20th c., H.- 16 1/2 in., W.- 9

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