Lot Pre-Columbian, Native American & Other PotteryWillow Auction House4.5(284)$125(2 bids)4 days Left
7 1/4" Quality Pre-Columbian Jadeite Celt, Found in Guatemala, Auctioning as Authentic & UnalteredHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)$10(1 bid)Feb 23, 2025
SoldOlmec Pre-Columbian Dark Blue Green Jade CeltOlmec Pre-Columbian Dark Blue Green Jade Celt, 1000-500 BCE, ovoid form with curved blade. 1.75" H x 3.25" W x 0.75" D. Provenance: From the Upper East Side Apartment of a Former Ambassador. Keywords:See Sold Price
SoldGorgeous Olmec Blue-Green Jade Celt**Originally Listed At $1200** Pre-Columbian, Olmec culture, ca. 1150 to 550 BCE. This is a large greenstone tapered hand tool of a highly stylized ritual form with a curved blade. Meticulously flakedSee Sold Price
Superb Olmec Blue Green Jade CeltPre-Columbian, Southern Mexico to Guatemala, Olmec culture, ca. 1150 to 550 BCE. A striking, hand-carved ceremonial jade celt (hand axe) with a muted blue-green coloration and an elegant presentation.See Sold Price
SoldOlmec Jade Celt - Beautiful Blue Green HuesPre-Columbian, Southern Mexico to Guatemala, Olmec culture, ca. 1150 to 550 BCE. A striking, hand-carved ceremonial jade celt (hand axe) with a muted blue-green coloration and an elegant presentation.See Sold Price
SoldOlmec Jade Celt Deep Blue-Green, ex-Arte PrimitivoPre-Columbian, Southern Mexico to Guatemala, Olmec culture, ca. 1150 to 550 BCE. An incredible piece of ancient craftsmanship, hand-carved jade celt with a deep blue-green coloration and a graceful prSee Sold Price
SoldRare / Gorgeous Olmec Blue Jade CeltPre-Columbian, Southern Mexico to Guatemala, Olmec culture, ca. 1150 to 550 BCE. A rare, hand-carved ceremonial jade celt (hand axe) with a muted blue-green coloration and an elegant presentation. MetSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Translucent Blue-Green Jade Avian Celt, Costa Rican 100-800CEPre-Columbian, Central America, Costa Rica, 100 - 800CE Exceptionally colored translucent blue-green jade celt in avian form with pierced drill holes to either side of the neck for suspension. The RevSee Sold Price
SoldPRE COLUMBIAN AMERICA OLMEC MASK MADE OF DARK JADEAn ancient Olmec mask from Pre Columbian America made of dark green jade. It is a mans face with a stern, hard expression. The mask has harshly carved facial features, eyes with drilling holes in theSee Sold Price
SoldPrecolumbian Jade Celt Pendant, Costa RicaPrecolumbian Jade Celt Pendant, Dark Green Jade, Nicoya Costa Rica, 500-800 C.E. West Palm Beach Private CollectionSee Sold Price
SoldOlmec Incised Jade Piercer w/ Cinnabar - SerpentPre-Columbian, Olmec culture, ca. 1150 to 550 BCE. A gorgeous pale blue-green jade piercer made for bloodletting with a simple form that is shaped like a serpent whose body dramatically narrows and foSee Sold Price
SoldMaya Jade Celt Blue-Green HuesPre-Columbian, southern Mexico to Guatemala, Maya, Late Classic Period, ca. 550 to 900 CE. A stunning jade stone celt, or axe head, with a polished surface. This celt is a rounded form with a taperedSee Sold Price
SoldPanamanian Jade Blade / Pendant - Avian FormPre-Columbian, Panama, Chiriqui culture, ca. 500 to 1200 CE. An incredible piece of blue-green jade fashioned from an axe/celt shape into a more abstract, avian form pendant. Drilled holes near one enSee Sold Price
SoldOLMEC BLUE JADE CEREMONIAL CELTTitle: OLMEC BLUE JADE CEREMONIAL CELT Description: Pre-Columbian, Southern Mexico to Guatemala, Olmec culture, ca. 1150 to 550 BCE. A ceremonial hand tool of a highly-stylized ritual form with a wereSee Sold Price
SoldAn Olmec Jade Celt c. 1000 - 500 BC Dark blue-An Olmec Jade Celtc. 1000 - 500 BC Dark blue-green stone, translucent on the thinSee Sold Price
SoldRare / Superb Olmec Jade Perforators (pr)Pre-Columbian, Mexico to Guatemala, Olmec, ca. 1200 to 400 BCE. A magnificent pair of deep blue-green jade blood letting perforators depicting were-jaguar figures with downturned jaguar mouths, phalanSee Sold Price
SoldOlmec Green Jade CeltPre-Columbian, Southern Mexico to Guatemala, Olmec culture, ca. 1150 to 550 BCE. The Olmecs exhibited an extraordinary command of this extremely difficult to carve medium. Olmec jade objects - such asSee Sold Price
SoldSuperb Olmec Jade Standing Were Jaguar Figure**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, Southern Mexico to Guatemala, Olmec, ca. 900 to 500 BCE. An exquisite, finely-carved blue-green jade were-jaguar figure, standing in a characteristically stiffSee Sold Price
SoldSuperb / Near-Miniature Olmec Jade Male FigurePre-Columbian, Southern Mexico to Guatemala, Olmec, ca. 900 to 500 BCE. An exquisite, finely carved, near-miniature, blue-green jade were-jaguar figurine, standing in a characteristically stiff pose wSee Sold Price
SoldFine Olmec Jade Standing Female Figure, ex-SkinnerPre-Columbian, Southern Mexico to Guatemala, Olmec, ca. 1150 to 500 BCE. An exquisite, finely carved, miniature, blue-green jade were-jaguar figurine, most unusual because it appears to represent a feSee Sold Price
SoldOLMEC BLUE GREEN JADE MASKETTETitle: OLMEC BLUE GREEN JADE MASKETTE Date/Period: 900 - 500 BCE Materials: Jade Size: Size: 2.7" W x 3.1" H Provenance: Pre-Columbian, Southern Mexico. 1000 to 400 BCE. A mesmerizing maskette carvedSee Sold Price
SoldBeautiful Costa Rican Jade Celt PendantPre-Columbian, Central America, Costa Rica, ca. 1 to 800 CE. A huge, blue-green celt pendant, smoothed and rounded on one side and unfinished, with a groove on the other. A large perforation has beenSee Sold Price
SoldOlmecoid Blue Green Jade Figure, Costa RicaPre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Olmecoid, ca. 500 to 1000 CE. A striking anthropomorphic axe figure, carved from a beautiful deep blue-green jade, with finely string-cut facial features displaying Olmec inSee Sold Price
SoldCosta Rican Carved Jade Celt Pendant - AnthropomorphicPre-Columbian, Central America, Costa Rica, ca. 250 to 800 CE. An exceptional Costa Rican jade pendant comprised of beautiful blue-green jade with golden inclusions, expertly carved and string cut toSee Sold Price
SoldLovely Costa Rican Jade Celt Pendant**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, Central America, Costa Rica, ca. 1 to 800 CE. This jadeite celt (hand axe) has an incredible color - such a dark green it is almost black, with tiny dark brownSee Sold Price
Aymara Man's Chuspa Coca Bag, Curahuara de Carangas, Dept. of Oruro, 19th CenturyMaterial Culture4.6(766)$200Feb 26, 2025