STICKLEY Set 3 Vntg Mission Style Wood BarstoolsThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)$15 days Left
Steel and Wood Shark Stool by Ernest Cox (American, 1937-2024)Caronna Estate Sales, LLC4.4(14)$20(1 bid)2 days Left
Craftsman No. 391-5197 Bench Vise Heavy Duty 6"X17"X9"Swisher Bros. Auction LLC4.4(248)$5(1 bid)Feb 23, 2025
MIDCENTURY LUCITE LUGGAGE STAND Creations At Dallas MACRAME STRAPSMarnie Collection Auction4.5(70)$2502 days Left
MIDCENTURY LUCITE LUGGAGE STAND Creations At Dallas MACRAME STRAPSMarnie Collection Auction4.5(70)$2502 days Left
Lot Of Plastic Containers, Tool Boxes, Bench And Craftsman Large Truck Box 24"Swisher Bros. Auction LLC4.4(248)$5Feb 23, 2025
SoldAmerican Classical Carved Mahogany ArmchairsRare Pair of American Classical Carved Mahogany Armchairs , early 19th c., probably New York, arched back, spurred splat, scrolled arms, Ionic columnar supports, bolection seat rail and blocks, squareSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Classical Carved Mahogany Curule StoolAmerican Classical Carved Mahogany Curule Stool , early 19th c., Boston, saddle seat, horsehair damask upholstery, decorative nailhead trim, turned stretchers, h. 17 in., w. 16 1/4 in., d. 21 inSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Empire carved mahogany piano stoolAmerican Empire carved mahogany piano stool, 19th c., possibly New York or Philadelphia, adjustable height, swivel seat, dolphin-carved side rails, hairy paw feet, 23.5"h x 16"w x 16"dSee Sold Price
SoldClassical Carved Mahogany Side ChairsFour American Classical Carved Mahogany Side Chairs, early 19th c., New York, foliate carved, reeded stiles, cornucopia-carved splats, saber legs, h. 32 1/2 in., w. 18 3/4 in., d. 19 in Note: The highSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Classical Mahogany Tilt-Top CandlestandAmerican Classical Carved Mahogany Tilt-Top Candlestand, early 19th c., New York, manner of Duncan Phyfe, oval top, turned standard, outswept acanthine legs, scrolled toes, h. 28 in., w. 26 in., d. 18See Sold Price
SoldAN AMERICAN LATE CLASSICAL CARVED MAHOGANY SOFA, EARLYAN AMERICAN LATE CLASSICAL CARVED MAHOGANY SOFA, EARLY 19TH CENTURY, PROBABLY NEW YORK, the crest rail centered by a lattice carved ring within adorsed acanthus leaf carved fluted tube forms to scrollSee Sold Price
SoldCarved Mahogany Work Table, attr. J. & J.W. MeeksAmerican Classical Carved Mahogany Work Table, early 19th c., attr. to J. and J.W. Meeks, New York, foldover swivel top, well interior above a drawer, yoke support, stepped graduated base, outset ogeeSee Sold Price
SoldMahogany Games TableAmerican Classical Stenciled Carved and Rosewood-Banded Mahogany Games Table, early 19th c., probably New York, foldover swivel top, ring-turned and foliate-carved legs, turned and blocked stretcher cSee Sold Price
SoldClassical Carved Mahogany Breakfast TableAmerican Classical Carved Mahogany Breakfast Table , early-to-mid 19th c., likely New York, shaped drop-leaf top, frieze drawer, four pineapple carved supports, stretcher shelf, acanthus carved hairySee Sold Price
SoldMahogany Armoire, attr Meeks & SonsAmerican Classical Carved, Gilded and Stenciled Mahogany Armoire, early 19th c., attr. to Joseph Meeks and Sons, New York, flared cornice, blocked lyre decorated frieze, columnar supports, paneled dooSee Sold Price
SoldBronze-Mounted Mahogany Box SofaAmerican Classical Bronze-Mounted Mahogany Box Sofa, early 19th c., New York, rounded crest rail, columnar supports, turned floral and wreath carved front legs, casters, h. 33 1/4 in., w. 84 in., d. 2See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Classical Mahogany Breakfast TableAmerican Classical Mahogany Drop-Leaf Breakfast Table , early 19th c., New York, frieze drawer with lion and ring pull, foliate carved urn standard, leaf carved saber legs, brass paw, casters, h. 29 1See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Classical Curule-Base Work TableAmerican Classical Mahogany Curule-Base Work Table first quarter 19th century, New York, school of Duncan Phyfe, the case with a pair of drawers flanked by reeding over a floral-carved rosette, the siSee Sold Price
SoldLate Classical Carved Mahogany Piano StoolAmerican Late Classical Carved Mahogany Piano Stool , mid-19th c., swivel saddle seat, reverse tapered standard, scroll feet, h. 19 in., w. 16 in., d. 16 inSee Sold Price
SoldCarved Mahogany Games Tables, attr. ConnellyPair of American Classical Carved Mahogany Games Tables, early 19th c., attributed to Henry Connelly, Philadelphia, chamfered foldover swivel top, dolphin lyre support, reeded sabre legs, foliate cuffSee Sold Price
SoldNew York Classical Mahogany Shelf Clock, Asa MungerAn American Classical Carved Mahogany Shelf Clock, Asa Munger, Auburn, New York, Second Quarter 19th Century. The circular enamel dial with Arabic numerals, having an eight-day brass time and rack strSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Classical Carved Mahogany ArmchairAmerican Classical Carved Mahogany Armchair , early 19th c., Boston, tablet crest padded back, down-scrolled arms, lappet supports, turned and carved legs, casters, lemon yellow silk upholstery, h. 39See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Classical Carved Mahogany ArmchairAmerican Classical Carved Mahogany Armchair, early 19th c., Boston, elliptical crest rail with carved anthemion petals, scrolled volute arms, saber front legs, h. 38 inSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Classical carved mahogany sofaAmerican Classical carved mahogany sofa, 19th c., probably New York, back crest with acanthus scroll ends, down-scrolled foliate carved arms, elaborately carved fruit cluster seat skirt, over out-turnSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Classical Carved Mahogany SofaAmerican Classical Carved Mahogany Sofa, early 19th c., probably Boston, scrolled crest rail with acanthine accents, outswept arms, blocked base, cabochon-carved turned feet, casters, h. 37 in., w. 83See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Classical Mahogany Drum TableAmerican Classical Mahogany Drum Table , early 19th c., New York, rotating top with inset leather, four deep drawers and four hinged compartments, octagonal standard, sabre legs, brass paw feet, casteSee Sold Price
SoldClassical Carved Mahogany Sofa TableAmerican Classical Carved Mahogany Sofa Table, early 19th c., possibly Boston, drop-leaf top, each side with frieze drawer and faux drawer, scrolled trestle base, ogee feet, casters, h. 29 1/2 in., w.See Sold Price
SoldCarved Mahogany Gentleman's DresserAmerican Late Classical Carved Mahogany Gentleman's Dresser , 19th c., probably New York, cyma-curved mirror supports, three small drawers, three long drawers, pineapple stiles, paw feet , h. 64 1/2 iSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Bronze-Mounted Mahogany Basin StandAmerican Classical Bronze-Mounted Mahogany Basin Stand, early 19th c., New York, School of Duncan Phyfe, hinged top, interior fittd with porcelain basin, lyre-decorated door, lower drawer, ring-turnedSee Sold Price
A CINNABAR LACQUER CARVED VASE.M029.Metropolitan Auction of Art.-Regis Auction4.2(14)$550Feb 22, 2025
Sevres Blue Ground Porcelain Vases as Lamps, PairAuctions at Showplace4.6(727)$325(4 bids)6 days Left
1825 AMERICA 1ed Spanish Declaration of Independence Constitution Revolution WARSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(421)$1(1 bid)Mar 09, 2025
Pair of 18th-19th Century Georgian Compatible Card / Game or Flip Top TablesJasper524.5(9.8k)$16,0004 days Left
STAR LOT - YOUNG SHEPHERDESS - HARRY HUMPHREY MOORE (New York, 1844-Paris, 1926)Templum Fine Art Auctions4.3(8)€32,5006 days Left