Vintage Art Deco Green Art Glass Colonial Revival Eagle Electric Wall Sconce Pair 23inHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)$250(5 bids)Feb 28, 2025
19th C. Large Venetian Gilt Bronze & Eglomise Glass SconcesAkiba Galleries4.7(1.7k)$750(5 bids)Feb 25, 2025
An Italian Painted Wood and Tole Three-Light Candle SconceFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)$350(3 bids)3 days Left
PAIR OF ITALIAN GILTWOOD CANDLE SCONCESThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)$100(1 bid)6 days Left
(2) LARGE CARVED WOOD ELEPHANT HEAD 1-LT WALL SCONCES & ART GLASS SHADESAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)$150(1 bid)7 days Left
A Pair of Monumental Italian Polychrome Painted and Parcel Gilt Candle SconcesFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)$1,000(1 bid)3 days Left
George III Giltwood Three-Branch Appliques, PairAuctions at Showplace4.6(728)$125(2 bids)Mar 06, 2025
A Large Italian Neoclassical Giltwood and Gesso Five-Light Wall SconceFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)$400(1 bid)3 days Left
SoldPair Louis XVI style bronze & crystal sconcesPair of Louis XVI style bronze and glass basket wall sconces. Late 20th century. 29"l x 12"w x 6 1/2"dSee Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF LOUIS XVI STYLE BRONZE & CRYSTAL SCONCESContinental, 20th century. Pair of 4-light gilt bronze sconces in the Louis XVI taste, having a lyre form backplate and hung with faceted colorless crystal pendants, apparently unmarked. Provenance: PSee Sold Price
SoldPAIR LOUIS XVI STYLE BRONZE CRYSTAL 5-ARM SCONCESA pair of Louis XVI style bronze and crystal sconces having five arms circa 1920. Ht: 16" Wd: 14" Dpth: 8.5"See Sold Price
SoldPr. of French Louis XVI Style Bronze & Crystal SconcesPair of French Louis XVI style bronze and crystal sconces.Dimensions: 28"t x 13"wCa. 1920See Sold Price
SoldLouis XVI-style wall sconcesPair of Louis XVI-style gilt bronze and crystal wall sconces of tear drop form, decorated with laurel wreath and floral swag ornaments. 29" tall.See Sold Price
SoldWall SconcesPair of Louis XVI-style gilt bronze and crystal wall sconces of tear-drop form decorated with laurel wreath and floral swag ornaments. 55cm (22") tall.See Sold Price
Sold(2) LOUIS XVI STYLE ORMOLU & CRYSTAL 5-LIGHT WALL SCONCES(pair) Louis XVI style bronze dore and crystal five-light wall sconces, with flaming torch finial above vasiform back, issuing five scrolled arms, each terminating on faux candle, hung with faceted crSee Sold Price
SoldGilt Bronze and Cut Crystal Four-Light SconcesPair of Louis XVI-Style Gilt Bronze and Cut Crystal Four-Light Sconces , foliate arms, h. 15 in., w. 13 in., d. 11 inSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Louis XVI-Style Gilt Bronze SconcesPair of 20th century gilt bronze 2-light wall sconces, with crystal garlands and drops. [34 1/2" H x 15" W x 9" D]. In good condition.See Sold Price
SoldPair Bagues style bronze, rock crystal sconcesPair Bagues style bronze, rock crystal sconces, First half 20th c., France, in the Louis XVI style, vasiform stacked molded and cut crystal backplate centered between lyre-form twisted gilt bronze scrSee Sold Price
SoldPair Bagues style bronze, rock crystal sconcesPair Bagues style bronze, rock crystal sconces, First half 20th c., France, in the Louis XVI style, vasiform stacked molded and cut crystal backplate centered between lyre-form twisted gilt bronze scrSee Sold Price
SoldPair Louis XVI Style Gilt Bronze SconcesFrench, 20th Century, Each Five Lights, Hung With Crystal Prisms, 19w X 22h X 14.5 Inches Deep, Provenance: Manheim Antiques, New Orleans, Electrification Present But Function Not GuaranteedSee Sold Price
SoldPAIR LOUIS XVI STYLE BRONZE SCONCESA pair of Louis XVI style bronze sconces having tassel and laurel motif circa 1960. Ht: 16" Wd: 9.5" Dpth: 4.75"See Sold Price
SoldA Pair Of Louis XVI Style Bronze & Crystal ChandeliersA Pair Of Louis XVI Style Bronze & Crystal Chandeliers. H47" x 31" x 31" (each one). Note: These items will be set with Item #3 at this auction.See Sold Price
SoldPair Louis XVI Style Gilt Bronze Sconces20th Century, Each With Five Lights, Ribbon Finial Over Lyre Applique With Masque, And Scroll Candle Arms With Grapes, Height 36.5, Width 19, Depth 13 Inches, 20th Wired But Without Sockets. StructuraSee Sold Price
SoldPair Louis XVI Style Gilt Bronze SconcesFrench, 19th century, each with patinated bronze cornucopia form arm with ram's head masks, surmounted by circular plinth with fluted central candle cup, issuing three scrolled cornucopia arms with flSee Sold Price
SoldPair Louis XVI Style Gilt Bronze Sconces21st Century, Each With Six Lights, Trompe L Oeil Ribbon Hanger, Fluted And Foliate Armature, Cornucopia Candle Arms Each With Three Lights, Electrification Present But Function Not Guaranteed, HeightSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Louis XVI style bronze sconcesPair of Louis XVI style bronze candle sconces with Sevres style porcelain plaques. Late 20th century. 14 1/2"h x 10 1/2"w.See Sold Price
SoldPAIR, LOUIS XVI STYLE GILT BRONZE SCONCESContinental, 20th century. Pair of gilt bronze two-light wall sconces in the Louis XVI neoclassical taste having tapering bodies surmounted by laurel draped urns, and curving arms. Unmarked. Approx. oSee Sold Price
SoldPAIR LOUIS XVI STYLE BRONZE 5-ARM SCONCES C.1900A pair of large Louis XVI style bronze five arms sconces having foliate casting and bellflower garland circa 1900. Ht: 32" Wd: 18" Dpth: 11"See Sold Price
SoldPAIR LOUIS XVI STYLE BRONZE 5-ARM SCONCES C.1900A pair of large Louis XVI style bronze five arm sconces having foliate casting with bellflower garland circa 1900. Ht: 32" Wd: 18" Dpth: 11"See Sold Price
SoldPair Louis XVI style bronze candle sconcesPair Louis XVI style bronze candle sconces, 19th/20th c., torch and drapery swag casting, unmarked, 17"h x 10"w x 5.5"dSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Louis XVI-Style Bronze SconcesPair of Louis XVI-Style Bronze Sconces second quarter 20th century, the tapered backplates molded with acanthus leaves and laurel swags, and set with flame finials on urns hung with swags, the scrolleSee Sold Price
SoldPair Louis XVI style gilt bronze sconcesPair Louis XVI style gilt bronze sconces, 19th/20th c., two-light, flaming urn finial, unmarked, 15.5"h x 10"w (total)See Sold Price
Louis XVI Style Bronze and Crystal Basket PendantAuctions at Showplace4.6(728)$150(3 bids)4 days Left
PAIR OF FRENCH LXVI BRONZE TORCH SCONCESEchoes Antiques & Auction Gallery, Inc.4.6(437)$200(3 bids)2 days Left
Pair Of Louis XVI Style Wall Lights Attb to E.F. Caldwell & CoCain Modern Auctions4.4(44)$400Feb 28, 2025
Pair of Three-Arm Bronze Wall Sconces French Louis XVI Style Bronze DoreJasper524.5(9.8k)$4,0002 days Left
Set of Four Large Ornate Three-Light Torch and Ribbon Form Wall SconcesJasper524.5(9.8k)$6,5002 days Left
Pair of French Louis XVI Style Dore Bronze Sconces with Foundry NameJasper524.5(9.8k)$5,5002 days Left
Pair of Louis XVI Style Gilt Bronze Candelabra, Cherub Florentine FormJasper524.5(9.8k)$1,8002 days Left
A Pair of Gilt Bronze Louis XVI Style Ballroom Chandeliers, Crystal, RewiredJasper524.5(9.8k)$22,0002 days Left
A Pair Of Louis Xvi Style Gilt Bronze Mounted Cut GlassWorld of Antiques, Inc.3.9(74)$20(1 bid)Feb 27, 2025
(2) LARGE FRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE ORMOLU THREE-LIGHT WALL SCONCESAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)$4007 days Left
A pair of Louis XVI style bronze five-light wall sconces, 20th centuryClars Auctions4.5(952)$1505 days Left
A Set of Four Louis XVI Style Gilt Bronze Two-Light SconcesFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)$300(1 bid)287 Lots Away
A Set of Four Louis XVI Style Gilt Bronze Two-Light SconcesFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)$300288 Lots Away
Pair of Monumental French Louis XVI Style Bronze Dore Sconces, French, Mid-19th Century, four candleBill Hood & Sons Art & Antique Auctions4.6(678)$750Feb 25, 2025