Antique German Simon and Halbig 1079 DEP Bisque head DollRaia Auctioneers, Inc.4.5(118)$70(3 bids)Feb 24, 2025
Three Doll Buggys incl. Antique German Carriage with two All Bisque baby dollsRaia Auctioneers, Inc.4.5(118)$10(1 bid)Feb 24, 2025
Collection of Beaded Doll Purses, one Sterling, one German SilverRaia Auctioneers, Inc.4.5(118)$20(3 bids)Feb 24, 2025
Beautiful Collection of Beaded Doll Purses, one German SilverRaia Auctioneers, Inc.4.5(118)$30(3 bids)Feb 24, 2025
German All Bisque Girl with three blue bows Gebruder HeubachRaia Auctioneers, Inc.4.5(118)$40(4 bids)Feb 24, 2025
Dollhouse Miniature German Lusterware Canister setRaia Auctioneers, Inc.4.5(118)$10(1 bid)Feb 24, 2025
Antique German Simon Halbig 1079 DEP Bisque head DollRaia Auctioneers, Inc.4.5(118)$10(1 bid)Feb 24, 2025
GERMAN BISQUE DOLL W/SLEEP EYES, PERIOD CORRECT CLOTHESEstateOfMind Auctions4.6(283)$25(1 bid)6 days Left
Doll, Antique Floradora 5M, German bisque head/hands, leather jointed, sawdRich Penn Auctions4.3(423)$5(1 bid)
Large Blond German Porcelain Frozen Charlie DollRaia Auctioneers, Inc.4.5(118)$20(3 bids)Feb 24, 2025
SoldPETITE GERMAN BISQUE POUTY CHILD BY KESTNER. 10”. Marks: 5. Bisque socket head, blue sleepPETITE GERMAN BISQUE POUTY CHILD BY KESTNER. 10”. Marks: 5. Bisque socket head, blue sleep eyes, painted lashes, feathered brows, closed mouth, accented lips, original light brown mohair wig oveSee Sold Price
SoldPETITE GERMAN BISQUE, 1009, CHILD BY SIMON & HALBIG107. PETITE GERMAN BISQUE, 1009, CHILD BY SIMON & HALBIG. 10”. Marks: 1009 Halbig, S & H Germany. Bisque socket head, blue sleep eyes, painted lashes, feathered brows, open mouth, shaded lips, aSee Sold Price
SoldPETITE GERMAN BISQUE CLOSED-MOUTH CHILD BY KESTNERPETITE GERMAN BISQUE CLOSED-MOUTH CHILD BY KESTNER. 9". Marks: Bisque socket head, brown sleep eyes, painted lashes, feathered brows, closed mouth, accented lips, original blonde mohair wig over plastSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN BISQUE CLOSED MOUTH CHILD BY KESTNERGERMAN BISQUE CLOSED MOUTH CHILD BY KESTNER. 29". Marks: 15. Bisque socket head, blue sleep eyes, painted lashes, closed mouth, accented lips, human hair wig, composition ball-jointed body, cotton dreSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN BISQUE CHILDGERMAN BISQUE CHILD. 13". Marks: Dep A S 5 ½. Bisque socket head, blue sleep eyes, painted lashes, tapered brows, open mouth, blonde human hair wig, composition and wooden jointed body, white cSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN BISQUE POUTY CHILD BY GEBRUDER HEUBACH. 12 ½”. Marks: 6969 Germany 3. BisqueGERMAN BISQUE POUTY CHILD BY GEBRUDER HEUBACH. 12 ½”. Marks: 6969 Germany 3. Bisque socket head, blue sleep eyes, painted lashes, eyeliner, feathered short brows, closed mouth with accentedSee Sold Price
SoldPETITE GERMAN BISQUE CHILD BY MARSEILLE IN ORIGINAL COS19. PETITE GERMAN BISQUE CHILD BY MARSEILLE IN ORIGINAL COSTUME. Marks: A.M. 390. 9". Bisque socket head, blue sleep eyes, painted lashes, open mouth, mohair wig, fully-jointed composition body, origiSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN BISQUE GLASS-EYED POUTY CHILD BY HEUBACH. 13”. Marks: 6969. Pink-tinted bisqueGERMAN BISQUE GLASS-EYED POUTY CHILD BY HEUBACH. 13”. Marks: 6969. Pink-tinted bisque socket head, blue glass sleep eyes, painted curly lashes, eyeliner, feathered brows, closed mouth with downcSee Sold Price
SoldPETITE GERMAN BISQUE GLASS-EYED POUTY, 6970, BY GEBRUDER HEUBACH85. PETITE GERMAN BISQUE GLASS-EYED POUTY, 6970, BY GEBRUDER HEUBACH. Marks: 6970 Germany 1. 11”. Bisque socket head, blue sleep eyes, painted lashes, feathered brows, closed mouth, accented lipSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN BISQUE CHILD, MODEL 196, BY KESTNER270. GERMAN BISQUE CHILD, MODEL 196, BY KESTNER. 25”. Marks: J. made in Germany 13/ 196. Bisque socket head, blue sleep eyes, applied upper lashes, painted lower lashes, inset mohair eyebrows, oSee Sold Price
SoldPETITE GERMAN BISQUE CLOSED-MOUTH CHILD, 949, BY SIMONPETITE GERMAN BISQUE CLOSED-MOUTH CHILD, 949, BY SIMON AND HALBIG. 10". Marks: 949 S 2 H. Bisque socket head, brown sleep eyes, painted lashes, feathered brows, closed mouth, pale pink lips with centeSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN BISQUE GLASS-EYED POUTY CHILD BY GEBRUDER HEUBACHGERMAN BISQUE GLASS-EYED POUTY CHILD BY GEBRUDER HEUBACH. 11 ½”. Marks: 7247 Germany 1 and Heubach sunburst symbol. Bisque socket head, blue sleep eyes, painted lashes, eyeliner, short featSee Sold Price
SoldPETITE GERMAN BISQUE POUTY CHILD, 6969, BY GEBRUDER HEUBACH WITH ALL-BISQUE DOLL. 9î. Marks:PETITE GERMAN BISQUE POUTY CHILD, 6969, BY GEBRUDER HEUBACH WITH ALL-BISQUE DOLL. 9". Marks: 6969 Germany/ Heubach sunburst symbol. Bisque socket head, painted features, painted intaglio blue eyes, scSee Sold Price
Sold223. GERMAN BISQUE POUTY BY KESTNER. Marks: 13. 19".223. GERMAN BISQUE POUTY BY KESTNER. Marks: 13. 19". Bisque socket head, blue stationary glass eyes, painted lashes, feathered brows, closed mouth, accented lips, blonde human hair wig, early KestnerSee Sold Price
SoldVERY LOVELY GERMAN BISQUE POUTY BY KESTNER. 25”. Marks: 15. Bisque socket head, brown sleepVERY LOVELY GERMAN BISQUE POUTY BY KESTNER. 25”. Marks: 15. Bisque socket head, brown sleep eyes, eyeliner, painted lashes, feathered and brushstroked brows, closed mouth, shaded and accented liSee Sold Price
SoldBEAUTIFUL GERMAN BISQUE DOLL KNOWN AS "A.T. KESTNER".BEAUTIFUL GERMAN BISQUE DOLL KNOWN AS "A.T. KESTNER". 14". Marks: 6. Bisque socket head, blue sleep eyes, painted lashes, brushstroked and feathered brows, closed mouth with shaded and accented lips,See Sold Price
SoldEARLY GERMAN BISQUE CLOSED-MOUTH CHILD BY KESTNEREARLY GERMAN BISQUE CLOSED-MOUTH CHILD BY KESTNER. 25”. Marks: 15. Bisque socket head, brown sleep eyes, painted lashes, eyeliner, feathered brows, closed mouth, accented lips, blonde human hairSee Sold Price
SoldBEAUTIFUL GERMAN BISQUE POUTY BY KESTNER Marks: 7 12 ½"BEAUTIFUL GERMAN BISQUE POUTY BY KESTNER Marks: 7 12 1/2" Bisque socket head, brown sleep eyes, painted lashes, feathered brows, closed mouth, accented lips, plump cheeks, blonde human hair wig, plastSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN BISQUE CLOSED-MOUTH POUTY BY KESTNER. 24”. Marks: 17. Bisque socket head, brownGERMAN BISQUE CLOSED-MOUTH POUTY BY KESTNER. 24”. Marks: 17. Bisque socket head, brown sleep eyes, painted lashes, feathered brows, closed mouth, thin modeled white space between outlined lips,See Sold Price
SoldGERMAN BISQUE CLOSED-MOUTH POUTY BY KESTNER Marks: 13GERMAN BISQUE CLOSED-MOUTH POUTY BY KESTNER Marks: 13 19" Bisque socket head, brown sleep eyes, painted lashes, feathered and brushstroked brows, closed mouth, accented lips, blonde mohair wig, earlySee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN BISQUE CHARACTER BABY BY KESTNER151. GERMAN BISQUE CHARACTER BABY BY KESTNER. 13”. Marks: JDK 211. Bisque socket head, blue sleep eyes, painted lashes, feathered brows, original blonde mohair wig over plaster pate, compositionSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN BISQUE CHILD BY KESTNER.GERMAN BISQUE CHILD BY KESTNER. 27". Marks: made in Germany 146. Bisque socket head, brown sleep eyes, painted lashes, feathered brows, pierced ears, open mouth, accented lips, original blonde human hSee Sold Price
SoldEARLY CLOSED-MOUTH GERMAN BISQUE CHILD DOLL, SIZE 18,EARLY CLOSED-MOUTH GERMAN BISQUE CHILD DOLL, SIZE 18, BY KESTNER. Marks: 18/ 103 30". Bisque socket head, stationary blue glass eyes, painted lashes, feathered brows, closed mouth with outlined lips,See Sold Price
SoldEARLY GERMAN BISQUE POUTY BY KESTNER. 12”. Marks: 7. Bisque socket head, plump shortEARLY GERMAN BISQUE POUTY BY KESTNER. 12”. Marks: 7. Bisque socket head, plump short rounded face, brown sleep eyes, painted lashes, feathered brows, closed mouth in pouty expression, shaded andSee Sold Price
Meissen Porcelain Figural & Animal Tea Cup SaucerMiddleManBrokers Inc.4.6(425)$580(5 bids)3 days Left
Rare Giuseppe Armani Porcelain Figurine, Mother and ChildLion and Unicorn4.7(1.8k)$20(1 bid)3 days Left