Antique Prewar American Flyer O Gauge Iron and Sheet Steel #7011 Engine w/Pullman "Illini" CarsArarity Auctions4.6(166)$35(2 bids)Feb 23, 2025
Group Of Vintage Train Cars, Engine And AccessoriesRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(235)$50(1 bid)Feb 23, 2025
SoldPostwar American Flyer S gauge 30B 300watt transformerPostwar American Flyer S gauge 30B 300 watt transformer, with handles and original cord. One handle is missing the lock screw. Transformer is graded strictly on looks only and NOT functionality, C6.See Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer 18B 190w transformer original cord in boxPostwar American Flyer 18B 190 watts transformer with solid bar dead man's handles with original cord in an original box for a transformer with the bottom insert. Cord appears original and is supple aSee Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S gauge 30B 300watt transformerPostwar American Flyer S gauge 30B 300 watt transformer, with handles, original instructions sheet. Cord is replaced. Graded strictly on looks alone and NOT functionality, C7.See Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 30B w/instructions sheetPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 30B 300 watts dual control transformer with instructions sheet. Transformer is missing a lantern cover, original cord. Please view the items in this lot carefully as theSee Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer 9B 150 watts transformer inPostwar American Flyer 9B 150 watts transformer in original box. Cord has been cut, clean case C6. Box has split corner and old masking tape, could be repaired to look very square and solid.See Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 22004 track roadbedPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 22004 40 watts transformer with original cord, fifteen sections of curved track with rubber roadbed, one curved roadbed with no track, and two straight road bed with noSee Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 22020 track roadbedPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 22020 50 watts transformer with original cord, twelve curved sections of track with rubber roadbed. Please view the items in this lot carefully as they are being sold asSee Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 1-1/2B rubber roadbed track morePostwar American Flyer S Gauge 1-1/2B 50 watts transformer with original cord, rubber roadbed with twelve curved and two straight sections of track, 90 degree crossover with M3639 figure 8 instructionSee Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 2 in OB 706 track roadbedPostwar American Flyer S Gauge No. 2, 75 watts transformer with original Gilbert power cord and instructions sheet in original box. 706 remote control uncoupler. Straight and curved track, some wholeSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer 19B & 30B Transformers600 watts between the two with 30B being dual operation. They are dusty from display, but appear complete with original caps and handles. Sold AS-IS. Cases C7+See Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 19B 300 watts transformerPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 19B 300 watts transformer, cord is getting brittle and may not be original. No chips, cracks, or damage. Please view the items in this lot carefully as they are being soSee Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 19B two Glen EllenPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 19B 300 watts transformer (no cord), two Glen Ellen stations (one dented roof), curved and straight track (twelve 702 curved in original box) 706 uncoupler in box, transSee Sold Price
SoldPostwar Americna Flyer 22035 175 watts transformer w/cordPostwar Americna Flyer 22035 175 watts transformer with original cord. Base is clean with smudged date stamp, case has tiny cracking at the bottom ON at the Directional Control button. Transformer othSee Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 18B 190 watts transformerPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 18B 190 watts transformer, stiffer cord but not cracked, tape repaired plug. No chips, cracks, or heavy scratches to case. Base has a slightly bent corner. Please view tSee Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge animated station and other control buttons etcPostwar American Flyer S Gauge animated station, whistle, operating car, stock yard, and two plain control buttons, two 697 track trips, transformer handle, inspector vouchers, instructions sheets, inSee Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 1 1295 transformersPostwar American Flyer S Gauge No. 1, 25 watt transformer in original box with instructions sheet, inspections slip, and insert. Prewar 1295 100 watt transformer. 1295 may have a cloth wrapped replaceSee Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge switches crossover track accessoriesPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 1-1/2 50 watts transformer with orginal cord, remote control left and right hand switches, 90 degree crossover, rerailer, two different uncouplers, special track sectionSee Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer 501T Atlantic 3- Car Freight Set In Original Box.Postwar American Flyer 501T Atlantic 3- Car Freight Set In Original Box. Track and Transformer 302, 640, 642, and 638.See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer Dual Control Transformers12BUsed250 Watt Dual Control Transformer. Dirty, cord has been cut off, base is bent, both handles, power and breaker lenses present, some rust, all terminal knurled nuts present. 18BUsed190 Watt DualSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Lot of American Flyer Track, Track Switches and Transformers 18B 12B 30BBoxes of track. Vintage American Flyer transformers including 12 B, 18 B and 30 B. Track Switches in original boxes.See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer Postwar S Gauge Eleven (11) Assorted Freight Cars with Rare 24426American Flyer Postwar S Gauge Eleven (11) Assorted Freight Cars, including 24056 in C7, Fox BoxSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer Postwar S Gauge Fifteen (15) Assorted Freight CarsAmerican Flyer Postwar S Gauge Fifteen (15) Assorted Freight Cars, including 24206 Coal Car in C7See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer Factory Original Lighted Dealer Authorized Service Station Lighted SignAmerican Flyer Factory Original Lighted Dealer Authorized Service Station Lighted Sign. This is a Very Rare Sign To Find and It Lights Up Beautifully. The sign measures approx. 25-1/4" x 10-1/2" and FSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer Train Set - as is?American Flyer? Toy Transformer 75 watts (as is) Made in U.S.A. American Flyer Mfg. Co. Chicago, Illinois Size of largest: 26 1/2 x 4 x 5 1/4 in.See Sold Price
Brush McCoy Tan Pink Mid Century Modern Art Pottery Ceramic Vase 737JustArtPottery4.3(5)$206 days Left
Rookwood 1892 Art Pottery Green Floral Standard Glaze Pitcher 259D DenzlerJustArtPottery4.3(5)$60(2 bids)6 days Left
Van Briggle Pottery Egrets Or Cranes White Lamp With An Original ShadeJustArtPottery4.3(5)$150(1 bid)6 days Left
WW1 U.S. Naval Officer Bicorn Hat, Belt and Gilt EpauletsNew England Auctions - Fred Giampietro4.6(398)$50(1 bid)2 days Left
1780-1860s Naval Cannon Bar Shot 11.75 Inch LongEarly American History Auctions4.4(47)$500(1 bid)5 days Left
Post War Marx/Lionel O Gauge Stream Line Steam Engine SetGOLDEN SUN AUCTIONS, Inc.4.6(578)$40Feb 23, 2025