Lionel 6-38334 #11288 Alco Orbitor Diesel Freight Set in Original Set BoxMarz Auctions4.5(92)$100(1 bid)Feb 22, 2025
Lionel 6-38389 O Neil Young UP F3 A-A Diesels. Postwar-inspired #2362 conventional Union Pacific F3Marz Auctions4.5(92)$150(1 bid)Feb 22, 2025
1958 Scarce Postwar Lionel 209 New Haven Alco Diesel Engines 209P & 209T NMIBMarz Auctions4.5(92)$120(3 bids)Feb 22, 2025
Boxed Lionel modern O 11719 Coastal Freight special diesel freight setToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(439)$5(1 bid)Feb 22, 2025
Lionel O gauge 6-1970 Southern Pacific Limited diesel freight set in original boxToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(439)$5(1 bid)Feb 22, 2025
Lionel Santa Fe 2343P & 2343T Diesel Locomotive Set-MIBGOLDEN SUN AUCTIONS, Inc.4.6(578)$120(3 bids)Feb 23, 2025
Boxed Lionel modern Canadian Pacific F3 diesel freight service station setToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(439)$35(2 bids)Feb 22, 2025
Unopened Lionel modern O 18558 MKT JC Penney exclusive diesel locomotive with display caseToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(439)$5(1 bid)Feb 22, 2025
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 470 471 473 chromePostwar American Flyer S Gauge 470, 471, 473, chrome plated Santa Fe Alco PA-PB-PA diesel locomotive units. Please view the items in this lot carefully as they are being sold as shown in the photos wiSee Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 360/361 SF PA-PB diesel locomotivesPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 360 and 361 SF Santa Fe Alco PA-PB diesel locomotives, C6.See Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 360 374 B unit shell instructions sheet inspectionPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 360 Santa Fe Alco diesel A unit powered, 374 Rocket shell missing roof nibs and a front skirt, B unit shell redecorated in Pennsylvania livery, worm drive diesel locomotSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer S gauge chrome Santa Fe Alco PA ABBA diesel passenger setAmerican Flyer S gauge chrome Santa Fe Alco PA ABBA diesel passenger set to include 470 powered Chief Alco PA-1 diesel locomotive, two 471 unpowered B units and an unpowered 473 A unit, 960 Columbus cSee Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge two 364 Santa Fe PB diesel locomotive unitsPostwar American Flyer S Gauge two 364 Santa Fe Alco PB diesel locomotive units, one partially missing a step. Both units have good roof nibs. Train should clean and polish to look C6 or better. PleasSee Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 471 Santa Fe Alco PA diesel B unitPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 471 Santa Fe Alco PA diesel B unit, high clean C6++ with both antenna nibs and no missing porthole lens. Please view the photos of the items in this lot carefully as theSee Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 360 Santa Fe Alco PA diesel locomotivePostwar American Flyer S Gauge 360 Santa Fe Alco PA diesel locomotive. One rear step is detached, shell is missing material at step. Some trains in this lot may clean and polish to look C6 or better.See Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S gauge 484 485 486 Santa FePostwar American Flyer S gauge 484, 485, 486 Santa Fe diesel PA PB PA diesel locomotive units, missing radio nibs, C6. 486 is missing steps, easily replaced.See Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 21927 SF PA-1 diesel loco w/963 obsPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 21927 Santa Fe PA-1 diesel locomotive unit missing horn C6 with 963 red stripe Washington observation passenger car, C7+.See Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S gauge 360 364 Santa Fe AlcoPostwar American Flyer S gauge 360 364 Santa Fe Alco diesel PA-PB locomotive units. A unit has a piece of shell missing at engineers side front steps, rust on frame. Please view the items in this lotSee Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S gauge 360 364 Santa Fe AlcoPostwar American Flyer S gauge 360 364 Santa Fe Alco diesel PA-PB units, with original porthole lens, B unit has real nice antenna. A unit has some light surface rust on frame, trains should clean andSee Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 361 shell GP chassisPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 361 Santa Fe Alco PA diesel shell, screw mounts are uncracked (date stamped OCT 1950). GP diesel chassis with link couplers. Please view the items in this lot carefullySee Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 21910-2 SF PAPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 21910-2 Santa Fe Alco PA diesel locomotive unit. Train is missing antennae and horn, otherwise C6. Please view the items in this lot carefully as they are being sold asSee Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 360 364 shells frames partsPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 360 and 364 Santa Fe Alco diesel A-B shells, frames, side frames, wheels, parts, etc. Shells should clean to look nice C6+. Neither chassis is powered. Please view aSee Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 21927 SF PA-1 diesel locomotivePostwar American Flyer S Gauge 21927 SF Santa Fe Alco PA-1 diesel locomotive, touchup behind horns, C6+.See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer Postwar S Gauge 473/471/470 Santa Fe ABA Alco Diesel Units and 962/962/960/963 CarsAmerican Flyer Postwar S Gauge 473/471/470 Santa Fe ABA Alco Diesel Units and 962/962/960/963 RedSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer Postwar S Gauge Santa Fe A - B - A Diesel Units and Four (4) CarsAmerican Flyer Postwar S Gauge Santa Fe A - B - A Diesel Units and Four (4) Cars, in C6 minus overall condition.See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer Postwar S Gauge Santa Fe 484 – 485 – 486 DieselsAmerican Flyer Postwar S Gauge Santa Fe 484 – 485 – 486 Diesels, in overall C7 plus.See Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 470/471/473 SF PA-PB-PA diesel locosPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 470/471/473 SF Santa Fe PA-PB-PA diesel locomotives. Powered unit is missing horn trim, appears to have had handrails added to body. Trains otherwise look C6.See Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 4713 Santa Fe 470 471Postwar American Flyer S Gauge partial 4713 Santa Fe Alco PA 470 PB 471 diesel locomotive units. Trains look C6+ with all roof nibs fully intact on both units. Please view the items in this lot caSee Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 470 471 473 SFPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 470, 471, 473, Santa Fe Alco PA-PB-PA diesel locomotive units. Please view the items in this lot carefully as they are being sold as shown in the photos with NO returns.See Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 21910 21910-2 SF PA-1 diesel locomotivesPostwar American Flyer S Gauge 21910 and 21910-2 SF Santa Fe Alco PA-1 diesel locomotives. Both units have some touchups to black on roof, dummy unit has touchups to blue on hoods, powered unit has reSee Sold Price
SoldPostwar American Flyer Marx HO Gauge diesel locomotive A unitsPostwar American Flyer and Marx HO Gauge diesel locomotive A units. American Flyer Gilbert L-3003 Santa Fe and Marx diesel custom painted in Chicago and North Western livery. Both units are powered. PSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer Postwar S Gauge Two Santa Fe Dummy Units 473 A Unit and 471 B UnitAmerican Flyer Postwar S Gauge Two Santa Fe Dummy Units 473 A Unit and 471 B Unit, in C7 overall condition. The 471B Unit has a Diesel roar from 1955.See Sold Price
(29 PCS) MODEL TRAIN CARS & ACCESSORIES, MAINLY LIONELThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(387)$90(2 bids)Feb 21, 2025
2 American Flyer S gauge GP20 Diesel Locomotives in original boxesTurner Auctions + Appraisals4.3(311)$100130 Lots Away
American Flyer S Gauge Erie streamline passenger setTurner Auctions + Appraisals4.3(311)$100(1 bid)143 Lots Away
American Flyer S gauge Railsounds Steam and DieselTurner Auctions + Appraisals4.3(311)$70146 Lots Away