SoldPre-Columbian & Mississippian Pottery Assortment, 11 pc**Originally Listed At $400** Native American, Southern United States, Missouri, Pemiscot County, Mississippian culture, ca. 1200 to 1500 CE; Pre-Columbian, Mexico to Costa Rica, Olmec, Maya, VeracruzSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Effigy Pottery AssortmentPre-Columbian Effigy Pottery Assortment (11) items including a Chorerra owl vessel; a monkey vessel; a solid bodied monkey; a goose; a dog; a Teotihuacan crested figure; West Mexico figurines; and (3)See Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Effigy Pottery AssortmentPre-Columbian Effigy Pottery Assortment (11) items including a Chorerra owl vessel; a monkey vessel; a solid bodied monkey; a goose; a dog; a Teotihuacan crested figure; West Mexico figurines; and (3)See Sold Price
Sold(3 Pc) Pre-Columbian Pottery AssortmentDESCRIPTION: A three piece assortment of Pre-Columbian pottery features the following: 1 Figural vase in brown and red hues embellished by a snake motif pattern along the body, the shoulder is decoratSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Central and North American Pottery AssortmentPre-Columbian Central and North American Pottery Assortment (5) items including bowls, pots and dishes of varying sizes and finishes, including (4) Costa Rican items and a Mississippian style strap haSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Pottery AssortmentPre-Columbian Pottery Assortment (10) multi-cultural Mexican items including (2) shell effigies, bowls, jars and vases; together with (2) North American Mississippian gray ware pots having applied decSee Sold Price
SoldMexican Pottery AssortmentMexican Pottery Assortment (23) folk and souvenir pottery items including Pre-Columbian and Southwestern style Property from: a St. Charles, Illinois estate Height: 7 1/2 inches, Length: 11 inches, WiSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Pottery Assortment, 4 pcs**Originally Listed At $150** Pre-Columbian, Ecuador, Chorrera culture, ca. 800 to 500 BCE; Ecuador, Guangala culture, ca. 100 to 500 CE; West Mexico, Nayarit culture, ca. 300 BCE to 300 CE. A set ofSee Sold Price
SoldMayan Pottery AssortmentMayan Pottery Assortment (2) pieces including a Mayan cylinder having (3) legs and a geometric pattern; and a poly-chrome goblet / vessel having figural drawings Provenance: The Estate of George 'YorgSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Pottery AssortmentPre-Columbian Pottery Assortment (2) items including a cylindrical vessel having incised geometric decor; and a polychrome footed pedestal bowl Height: 6 1/8 inches, Diameter: 5 1/4 inches (cylinder)See Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Pottery AssortmentPre-Columbian Pottery Assortment (17) items in various shapes, sizes, colors, some having pigment remnants Provenance: The Estate of George 'Yorgo' Demetrakopoulos; professor, assistant director of thSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Pottery AssortmentPre-Columbian Pottery Assortment (2) items including a burnished red ware pot depicting a fattened dog, from West Mexico, assembled from fragments; and a Jama Coaque seated figure from Ecuador, depictSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Pottery AssortmentPre-Columbian Pottery Assortment (8) items including a reconstructed sitting female, a pot, a figural pot, a reconstructed mask, a partial sitting figure, a group figure, a spool and a fragment; togetSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Pottery AssortmentPre-Columbian Pottery Assortment (4) items including (3) figures and a figural vessel, some having pigment remnants Provenance: The Estate of George 'Yorgo' Demetrakopoulos; professor, assistant direcSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Mayan Pottery AssortmentPre-Columbian Mayan Pottery Assortment (12) items including full and fragmented pieces, in various shapes, sizes, colors, some having pigment remnants Provenance: The Estate of George 'Yorgo' DemetrakSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Chimu Pottery AssortmentPre-Columbian Chimu Pottery Assortment (4) items including (3) stirrup pots and a double pot whistle Provenance: The Estate of George 'Yorgo' Demetrakopoulos; professor, assistant director of the MediSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Chimu Pottery AssortmentPre-Columbian Chimu Pottery Assortment (5) blackware vessels depicting animals Provenance: The Estate of George 'Yorgo' Demetrakopoulos; professor, assistant director of the Medieval Institute and assSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Mayan Pottery AssortmentPre-Columbian Mayan Pottery Assortment (7) items, mostly tripod bowls, including (4) having rattle legs, (2) having zoomorphic legs, a bisque having figural lug handles and a footed grater bowl ProvenSee Sold Price
SoldSouth American Pre-Columbian Style Pottery AssortmentSouth American Pre-Columbian Style Pottery Assortment (4) Peruvian black ware items including a Sican or Lambayeque figural bottle and a Chimu culture stirrup bottle as well as a jar and a canteen havSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Chupicuaro Pottery AssortmentPre-Columbian Chupicuaro Pottery Assortment Four items including a painted and burnished hollow bodied female figurine, a smaller solid figurine of a woman holding a basket; together with two bowls deSee Sold Price
SoldNazca Pre-Columbian Style Pottery AssortmentNazca Pre-Columbian Style Pottery Assortment (5) total items including a strap handle two-spouted bottle, a squat bottle having a carinated shoulder and (2) bowls, all having burnished polychrome decoSee Sold Price
SoldCentral American Pre-Columbian Style Pottery AssortmentCentral American Pre-Columbian Style Pottery Assortment (6) items including a Cocle bowl from Panama, a Nicoya Guanacaste polychrome pear-shaped vase having rattle tripod feet, a coatimundi effigy botSee Sold Price
SoldCentral American Pre-Columbian Style Pottery AssortmentCentral American Pre-Columbian Style Pottery Assortment (7) items including Nicoya Guanacaste polychrome head pot, a similar pot having a parrot effigy head (both on flared feet), a rattle leg tripodSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Style Pottery AssortmentPre-Columbian Style Pottery Assortment (18) items including (3) Coloma figures (including two deathbed figures), a Tlatilco figure, (7) head fragments, and various West Mexican pottery from Jalisco, TSee Sold Price
Guerrero Mezcala Carved Greenstone Axe God FigureAuctions at Showplace4.6(727)$150(2 bids)Mar 06, 2025
3 3/4" Tall Authentic Pre Columbian Pottery Human Effigy Wearing Red Paint Mayan, Auctioning as AuthHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)$10(1 bid)Feb 23, 2025
Semi Precious Stone Mosaic Mayan Aztec Death MaskEast-Wing Estate Sales & Auction Company4.3(78)$2522 hrs Left
Lot Pre-Columbian, Native American & Other PotteryWillow Auction House4.5(284)$125(2 bids)6 days Left
Pre-Columbian Crystal Tube, Jade and Gold NecklaceAuctions 4 America Inc4.2(19)$70(4 bids)2 days Left
Pre-Columbian Style Mayan Jade and Tairona Gold Bead NecklaceAuctions 4 America Inc4.2(19)$35(5 bids)2 days Left