Ambrosious Lamm Dresden Porcelain Tete-a-Tete Tea Set 8 pcsA-1 Auction4.6(176)$2,400(11 bids)Mar 16, 2025
Vintage Chinoiserie Swinging Monkey Metal Bamboo Pagoda 6 Light ChandelierHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)$1,300(6 bids)Feb 28, 2025
A Chinese Carved Wood Brush Pot with Inscribed DecorationLeland Little4.5(697)$225(8 bids)3 days Left
Antique Sunburst Pattern Leaded Stained Glass Window w/ 20 JewelsHoller and Hammer4.5(55)$425(3 bids)Mar 08, 2025
A French Gilt Bronze Mounted Chinese Porcelain JarFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)$1,500(1 bid)2 days Left
Christofle "Cluny" Flatware Service Set, 107 Pcs.Auctions at Showplace4.6(729)$1,000(4 bids)3 days Left
Massive Round Tray, Cut Glass, Bubble Flower Designed By W.C. Anderson, Exceptional BlankWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)$1,500(2 bids)Mar 08, 2025
Tiffany & Co Sterling Silver Flatware "Palmette" 131 Pieces 238 Troy OuncesMagnusson Art Group4.5(49)$5,100(2 bids)3 days Left
Central Anatolian Bellini Rug, Turkey, Ca. 1700, 4'10'' x 6'4''Material Culture4.6(766)$4,000(1 bid)Feb 25, 2025
Vintage Handmade Persian Wool Rug W FringesThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)$200(9 bids)2 days Left
SoldPre-Columbian Nicoya Guanacaste Style PotteryPre-Columbian Nicoya Guanacaste Style Pottery Assortment (3) polychrome vessels from Costa Rica, all having dark brown, brick red and cream colored slip decoration; including a hemispherical bowl haviSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Style Nicoya Guanacaste FiguresPre-Columbian Style Nicoya Guanacaste Figures (2) burnished polychrome pottery seated figures from the Nicoya culture, Guanacaste, Costa Rica; hollow construction, having vent holes at sides Height: 5See Sold Price
SoldPRE-COLUMBIAN STYLE NICOYA EFFIGY VESSELPre-Columbian style, Costa Rican, Nicoya - Guanacaste terracotta pottery effigy vessel with bands of polychrome painted decoration and tripod form, rattle legs, depicting a human on one side and an anSee Sold Price
SoldCentral American Pre-Columbian Style Pottery AssortmentCentral American Pre-Columbian Style Pottery Assortment (7) items including Nicoya Guanacaste polychrome head pot, a similar pot having a parrot effigy head (both on flared feet), a rattle leg tripodSee Sold Price
SoldCentral American Pre-Columbian Style Pottery AssortmentCentral American Pre-Columbian Style Pottery Assortment (6) items including a Cocle bowl from Panama, a Nicoya Guanacaste polychrome pear-shaped vase having rattle tripod feet, a coatimundi effigy botSee Sold Price
SoldCosta Rican Effigy Vessel AssortmentCosta Rican Effigy Vessel Assortment (5) Pre-Columbian Nicoya Guanacaste style items including a stone depiction of a prone male bearing a bowl on his back, the lid of which supports an animal; a pottSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Style Guanacaste Pottery VasePre-Columbian Style Guanacaste Pottery Vase Ovoid four-sided form having an undulating flared rim; black, red and cream slip geometric decoration Height: 7 1/8 inches, Length: 3 3/4 inches, Width: 3 3See Sold Price
SoldNicoya Guanacaste Pre-Columbian Pottery Figure, Costa RicaPainted, burnished and fired Pre-Columbian ceramic figure. Circa 800 - 1200 A.D. Height - 6 1/4” (16 cm) PROVENANCE - California collection CONDITION : Good overall condition. Small old rough spSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Guanacaste / Nicoya region Style Jade Face Amulet.Pre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Guanacaste / Nicoya region Style Jade Face Amulet. Size 2 3/8 inches tall. Carved and string-cut from a stunning piece of white iade with amber and pale brown veining, a facSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Nicoya Pottery BowlPre-Columbian Nicoya pottery bowl, Costa Rica, Guanacaste Province, circa 800-1200 CE the round-bottomed red clay bowl painted with geometric designs, the natural pigment decorations in madder red andSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Nicoya Pottery BowlPre-Columbian Nicoya pottery bowl, Costa Rica, Guanacaste Province, circa 800-1200 CE. the round-bottomed red clay bowl painted with geometric designs, the natural pigment decorations in madder red anSee Sold Price
SoldFine Costa Rican Pottery Rattling Janus Headed VesselPre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Nicoya-Guanacaste region, ca. 1000 to 1500 CE. An intriguing rattle leg terracotta vessel painted in a color palette characteristic of this region - in a cream slip overallSee Sold Price
SoldCosta Rican Pottery Double Headed VesselPre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Nicoya-Guanacaste region, ca. 1000 to 1500 CE. An intriguing janus-headed bichrome pottery vessel finished in a cream slip with black painted details. The piece is comprisedSee Sold Price
SoldCosta Rican Nicoya Pottery Double Headed Bird Ocarina**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Nicoya / Guanacaste, ca. 500 to 1000 CE. A fantastical ocarina in the form of a double headed bird- the brownware surface incised with stippled patSee Sold Price
SoldCosta Rican Pottery Rattle TurtlePre-Columbian, Guanacaste/Nicoya, Costa Rica, ca. 1 to 800 CE. This is a pottery turtle rattle, molded with stylized features; the head and legs protrude and the shell has a scalloped design. This isSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Nicoya Tripod Pottery Bowl, Costa RicaPre-Columbian Costa Rica Nicoya Burnished Brown Tripod Pottery Bowl. Location: Guanacaste, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica. Date: Circa. 1000 - 1250 A.D. Type: Rare type of tempered brown burnished/slippSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Style Pottery GroupPre-Columbian Style Pottery Group including a Nicoya figure, nayarit figure, nazca vessel and narino vessel. Smallest 6" H, Largest 9 1/2" H,See Sold Price
SoldLarge & Fine Nicoya Pottery IncensarioPre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Guanacaste-Nicoya Peninsula, ca. 600 to 1100 CE. A magnificent hand-built terracotta, two-piece incensario with a zoomorphic effigy finial perched upon the vented lid, a sphSee Sold Price
SoldRare / Large Nicoya Pottery Tripod - Maya InfluencePre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Guanacaste/Nicoya region, ca. 200 to 600 CE. A large ceramic vessel standing on three fierce zoomorphic feet, each glaring out at the viewer with large eyes and long snouts.See Sold Price
SoldNicoya Polychrome Tripod Rattle Jar, ex-Museum**Originally Listed At $400** Pre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Guanacaste / Nicoya region, ca. 500 to 1000 CE. A wonderful pottery rattle jar presenting a spherical body that narrows to an annular rim, allSee Sold Price
Sold6 Pottery Items - 2 Small Pueblo Pots, 2 "Rain God"6 Pottery Items - 2 Small Pueblo Pots, 2 "Rain God" Figurines (Damaged) Nicoya Style Whistle and Precolumbian DishSee Sold Price
SoldNicoya Polychrome Trophy Head Vessel**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, Atlantic Watershed, Costa Rica, Nicoya or Guanacaste region, ca. 300 to 500 CE. A wonderful pottery vessel in the form of a trophy head decorated with war painSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian style jade effigy pendantPre-Columbian style jade effigy pendant, Possibly Guanacaste-Nicoya (1st c. BCE–1st c. CE), Costa Rica, green-blue semi-translucent jade, carved as an animal effigy, 1"h x 1.75"l Provenance: The EstSee Sold Price
Sold7 Costa Rican Pendants & Celt.A group of Seven Costa Rican Pendants & Celt. Smallest: 1 3/4." Largest: 4 1/2." ++ Mayan Style Unfinished Pendant. 20th century. ++ Guanacaste-Nicoya Axe-God Pendant. 300 BCE to 500 CE. Guanacaste-NiSee Sold Price
3 3/4" Tall Authentic Pre Columbian Pottery Human Effigy Wearing Red Paint Mayan, Auctioning as AuthHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)$10(1 bid)6 days Left
2 1/4" Diameter Pre Columbian Pottery Vessel w/ Dual Suspension Holes and Tri Leg, Red and White PaiHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)$10(1 bid)6 days Left
2 1/2" Diameter Stirrup Handle Pre Columbian Pottery Vessel, Nice Paint and Art, Mexico, Auctioning Heartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)$106 days Left
3 1/8" Diameter Pre Columbian Pottery Vessel, Southern Mexico, Good Burnish, Small Pressure Crack, OHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)$106 days Left
Pre-Columbian Polychrome Pottery Bowl, Possibly Nazca - Earthenware with polychrome pigments. A bowlBill Hood & Sons Art & Antique Auctions4.6(678)$50(1 bid)Feb 25, 2025
Collection of Pre-Columbian Pottery Figurines & Spindle Whorls - Various cultures from Mexico,Bill Hood & Sons Art & Antique Auctions4.6(678)$50Feb 25, 2025