Pre-Columbian Green Stone Effigy Figure, Costa RicaAuctions 4 America Inc4.2(19)$100(5 bids)2 days Left
Pre-Columbian earthenware figural sculpture of a face on stand. Cylindrical form.Tremont Auctions4.6(293)$100Mar 02, 2025
Pre-Columbian NAYARIT Seated Figure Burnished red slip, long thin armsCarnegie's Auction Gallery4.3(4)$400Feb 22, 2025
SoldPre-Columbian Veracruz green stone hachaPre-Columbian Veracruz stone hacha, originating from the Gulf Coast region of Mexico, and dating to around 600–900 CE. The hacha is an elaborate stone carving often associated with the MesoamericanSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Veracruz green stone bird hachaPre-Columbian Veracruz green stone bird hacha, Mexico, ca. 600-800 CE. Large green stone carved hacha in the form of a bird with with openwork beak. A nice and rare example. 17" height. Ex. Kevern GreSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Veracruz stone HachaPre-Columbian Veracruz stone Hacha, Likely 600-800 CE, Mexico, carved basalt, stylized human face with elaborately carved headdress, on custom patinated brass museum stand, 14"h x 5"w x 7.5"d (stone),See Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Veracruz stone hachaPre-Columbian Veracruz stone hacha from Mexico, ca. 600-800 CE. A superb and beautiful hacha with human face and elaborate headdress. 13" height. Ex. D. Farias, Texas, acquired by descent from DarrylSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Pre-Columbian Veracruz stone hachaLarge Pre-Columbian Veracruz style stone hacha from Mexico, ca. 400-600. ad. Carved hacha with open work geometric design. 11 3/4” height.See Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Veracruz Culture Stone HachaPre-Columbian Veracruz Culture Stone Hacha-Axe, 500 - 1521 AD, Mexico, h. 6 3/8 in., w. 9 5/8 in., d. 4 1/4 in.See Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Veracruz Style Stone HachaPre-Columbian Veracruz Style Stone Hacha (2) items including a Veracruz style deity head hacha made from granitic rock having open mouth, wide nose and partially braided hair including protrusions onSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Veracruz Style HachaPre-Columbian Veracruz Style Stone Hacha from Mexico, ca. 400-600 CE. 10" in height.See Sold Price
SoldVERACRUZ CARVED STONE HACHAPre-Columbian Veracruz carved stone hacha; in the form of a deity's head; circa 500 A.D.; Provenance: Collection of Dr. Donald Feigelson; with appraisal by Sidney Newman, Ethnic Arts Council of LoSee Sold Price
SoldVeracruz Stone Hacha - Eagle w/ Chief EmergingPre-Columbian, Vera Cruz, Mexico, ca. 500 to 800 CE. Exceptional and important stone hacha - implement used in the ballgame - in the form of a warrior inside the head of an eagle. The warrior is shownSee Sold Price
SoldVeracruz Stone Hacha - Abstract Face w/ CinnabarPre-Columbian, Gulf Coast of Mexico, Veracruz (Vera Cruz) culture, ca. 5th to 7th century CE. A fabulous example of a hand-carved stone hacha depicting an abstract anthropomorphic face, perhaps that oSee Sold Price
SoldVeracruz Stone Hacha Stylized Face in ProfilePre-Columbian, Mexico, Vera Cruz/Veracruz, ca. 700 to 900 CE. A large carved stone hacha fragment depicting a stylized face in profile - the indented eye outlined with low relief curving shapes that mSee Sold Price
SoldVeracruz Stone Hacha of Stylized Bird Man FacePre-Columbian, Gulf Coast Mexico, Veracruz (Vera Cruz) culture, Postclassic period, ca. 13th to early 16th century CE. This is an amazing carved stone hacha in the form of a highly abstract anthropomoSee Sold Price
SoldFine Mayan Stone Hacha - Human Head FormPre-Columbian, Vera Cruz / Maya, ca. 500 to 950 CE. A magnificent example of a ceremonial hacha depicting a human head donning an arched headdress/headband upon a high, crested forehead, hand-carved fSee Sold Price
SoldPRE-COLUMBIAN: Veracruz Hacha, Ancient Mesoamerica, c.PRE-COLUMBIAN: Veracruz Hacha, Ancient Mesoamerica, c. 600 - 900 AD, stone, carved Veracruz stone hacha associated with the ancient Mesoamerican ballgame, in shape of jaguar head with crest headdressSee Sold Price
SoldVera Cruz Stone Hacha Depicting Ocelocoatl / TlacuachePre-Columbian, Mexico, Veracruz, ca. 600 to 800 CE. Finely carved on both sides, a ceremonial grey stone hacha (axe) depicting an animal, perhaps an ocelocoatl or a tlacuache, voraciously eating a fruSee Sold Price
SoldHuge Ecuadorian Greenstone Ritual Hacha - 3000 Y/OPre-Columbian, Ecuador, Valdivian to La Tolita phase, ca. 1500 to 300 BCE. Among the largest we have ever had the privilege of handling, a beautiful ritual hacha, of a flat, abstract form with an anguSee Sold Price
SoldFine Veracruz Stone Ballgame Yoke**Originally Listed At $8000** Pre-Columbian, Mexico, Vera Cruz, ca. 400 to 700 CE. A large and finely carved, greenstone yoke replete with tremendous artistry and technique, and therefore likely a ceSee Sold Price
Fine Veracruz Stone Jaguar Head Hacha - Ex ArnovickPre-Columbian, Mexico, Veracruz culture, ca. 6th to 8th century CE. This is a large piece of carved volcanic rock called a hacha, which was worn atop the protective yoke that ballplayers wore in ancieSee Sold Price
SoldMezcala Guerrero Stone Figure & Veracruz CoyotePre-Columbian, Mexico, ca 300 Bce to 600 CE. First fine Mezcala Guerrero stone figure in mottled gray-green stone. Along with pottery coyote head - from a larger statue. Size: 3.5" H (8.9 cm) for largSee Sold Price
SoldMiniature Teotihuacan Greenstone FigurePre-Columbian, Gulf Coast of Mexico, Veracruz, ca. 3rd to 7th century CE. A hand-carved greenstone figurine of miniature size. The anthropomorphic figure features attenuated limbs, string-cut groovesSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Pre-Columbian Chavin stone hachaA large Pre-Columbian Chavín stone hacha or ceremonial axe from Peru, circa 900600 BC., crafted from smooth, dark green stone and marked by delicate engravings in the Chavín style. The front face isSee Sold Price
SoldMonumental Pre-Columbian Valdivia/Chorreral stone hachaa monumental hacha form from the Valdivia or Chorrera culture, originating in what is now Ecuador, dating back to 1500 BCE. This piece is crafted from a smooth, dark green stone that has been meticuloSee Sold Price
SoldImpressive Veracruz Basalt Hacha (Stylized Bird of Prey)Pre-Columbian, Mexico, Veracruz culture, ca. 6th to 8th century CE. This large, carved volcanic basalt hacha was crafted through a meticulous process of pecking the stone (evident at the rear) and polSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Green Stone Effigy Figure, Costa RicaAuctions 4 America Inc4.2(19)$100(5 bids)2 days Left
Pre-Columbian Crystal Tube Bead Necklace with JadeAuctions 4 America Inc4.2(19)$25(3 bids)2 days Left
Pre Columbian Polished Jade Stone Mask Pendant, Detailed headdress. Rose, tanCarnegie's Auction Gallery4.3(4)$500Feb 22, 2025
Veracruz, Yoke with a stylized frog and geometric designsToomey & Co. Auctioneers4.7(391)$6,000Feb 26, 2025