Cute PENDE Mbuya Mbangu illness Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art MC2019Jasper524.5(9.8k)$2803 days Left
Superb ! Chokwe Mwana po female Mask Congo Drc Tshokwe African Tribal Art 2094Jasper524.5(9.8k)$6503 days Left
SoldBEMBE rare powerful initiation wood mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art 1304CONGO DRC BEMBE MASK The Bembe are based in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, north of Lake Tanganyika. (Do not confuse them with the Beembe who sometimes also spell Bembe and who are a people ofSee Sold Price
SoldBeautiful Large KOMO - KUMU wood Mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art Gallery 1659CONGO DRC LARGE KUMU - KOMO NSEMBU MASK The "Nsembu" masks were used during the initiation rites of the "secret" divination society Nkunda The Kumu are a Bantu people living in the equatorial forest oSee Sold Price
SoldSuperb Double LEGA Idimu Bwami wood Mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art 1205CONGO DRC SUPERB DOUBLE LEGA BWAMI IDIMU MASK Rare Double face Mask This type of mask was used as part of the cult of the Bwami, an association that organized the social structure and ensured the stabSee Sold Price
SoldLEGA Lukwakongo Wood Mask Bwami Cult Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1451CONGO DRC LEGA Superb Lukwakongo Mask Nice little mask, visibly old, very expressive despite its absence of a mouth, a relatively rare characteristic Lukwakongo maskettes are small and light wooden maSee Sold Price
SoldInitiation YAKA Mask Congo Rdc Bayaka African Tribal Art TRIBALART BE 1180CONGO DRC YAKA Mask CHARACTERISTICS : TYPE OF OBJECT : Mask ETHNICAL GROUP : Yaka - Bayaka COUNTRY OF ORIGIN : DRC Congo (ex Zaïre ex Belgian Congo) MATERIAL : Wood. Textile Vegetal fibers DIMENSSee Sold Price
SoldA Rare Red Biombo mask, African ArtThis is an old hand carved wooden mask from the Biombo Peoples, Congo / DRC , Africa. Masks of this type are known as "Tshimwana" which were used during Initiation festivals. The mask was decorated wiSee Sold Price
SoldRare Old Lwalwa Shifola African Mask, African ArtA very rare old wooden mask from the Lwalwa peoples, Congo / DRC, Africa. Carved wood with sharp angular features, and the wood is dyed with the red sap of the Mukala fruit.The Lwalwa live in southernSee Sold Price
SoldExtremely Rare Maniema Mask Ex Joseph Gerana Fine ArtsExtremely Rare Maniema mask, Possibly Shi or Zimba peoples, DRC/ Congo, Africa. Carved wood with Black and White pigments and bold archaic form. * A metal display stand can be included for an additionSee Sold Price
SoldA Rare Yaka N-Khanda African mask , African ArtThis is a wonderful older wooden dance mask from the Yaka peoples of The DRC / Congo, central Africa.Carved wood with a well handled and weathered patina. An unusual example that appears to have fieldSee Sold Price
SoldBeautiful idimu LEGA Bwami Cult Wood Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1056CONGO DRC LEGA BWAMI IDIMU MASK This type of mask was used as part of the cult of the Bwami, an association that organized the social structure and ensured the stability of the Lega community. The LegSee Sold Price
SoldLEGA Bwami Cult Idimu bearded Wood Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1049CONGO DRC Large LEGA Bwami idimu MASK This type of mask was used as part of the cult of the Bwami, an association that organized the social structure and ensured the stability of the Lega community. TSee Sold Price
SoldLEGA Idimu Bwami wood Mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art 0873CONGO DRC LEGA BWAMI MASK The heartshaped face covered with kaolin is very characteristic of the Lega art This type of mask was used as part of the cult of the Bwami, an association that organized theSee Sold Price
Soldidimu LEGA Bwami Cult Wood Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1125CONGO DRC LEGA BWAMI IDIMU MASK Beautiful mask, cross-shaped scarifications on the cheeks Idimu masks are significantly larger than Lukwakongo masks, but stylistically very close These are collectiveSee Sold Price
SoldBEMBE zoomorphic initiation owl mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art 1744CONGO DRC Superb BEMBE zoomorphic mask Eluba ya butende Architecture very similar to that published in "Masks in Congo" in 2016 and sold at Sotheby's in 2007 In this book, Pol Pierre Gossiaux, undispuSee Sold Price
SoldBeautiful initiation BEMBE Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1303Title: Beautiful initiation BEMBE Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1303 Provenance/Additional Info: CONGO DRC BEMBE Large zoomorphic Owl mask Atypical mask, with his off-center smile that gives him aSee Sold Price
SoldBeautiful initiation BEMBE Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1756CONGO DRC BEMBE INITIATION MASK "Eluba Ya Butende" Beautiful mask, with the typical aesthetic of this area of the country The face is surrounded by a stylized beard, the large half-closed eyes emit aSee Sold Price
SoldBeautiful LUBA Kifwebe Wood Mask Congo DRC Baluba African Tribal Art Songye 0985CONGO DRC CUTE LITTLE BALUBA KIFWEBE MASK With their streaks that characterize them, the Kifwebe masks of the Luba and Songye have many similarities, so it is quite difficult to differentiate them witSee Sold Price
SoldLEGA Lukwakongo Wood Mask Bwami Cult Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1192CONGO DRC LEGA Bwami Lukwakongo Mask Beautiful heart-shaped face mask bleached with kaolin Eyes are cowry-shaped, the mouth is barely suggested Cross-shaped scarifications on the forehead and cheeks LSee Sold Price
SoldLEGA Lukwakongo Wood Mask Bwami Cult Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1083CONGO DRC LEGA Lukwakongo mask Beautiful cute Bwami mask Lukwakongo maskettes are small and light wooden masks belonging to high-ranking members of the Bwami (rank Yananio) This type of mask was usedSee Sold Price
SoldRARE ! HEMBA Cute Anthropomorphic Face Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1361CONGO DRC Anthropomorphic HEMBA Mask Anthropomorphic Hemba masks are rare, they give off an impression of majesty and serenity The Hemba are a people living in the province of Katanga (Congo DRC) betwSee Sold Price
SoldRare & LEGA Idimu Mask with handle Congo Drc African Tribal Art 1430CONGO DRC LEGA Rare idimu Bwami mask with handle A similar mask is illustrated in "Masks in Congo", by Marc Léo Félix, page 57. Other Lega "with handle" masks have been published in: BiebuycSee Sold Price
SoldLEGA Wood idimu Mask Bwami Cult Congo Zaire DRC African Tribal Art 1264CONGO DRC POWERFUL LEGA BWAMI IDIMU MASK (One of a pair: see picture n°12) This mask is part of a pair, most likely from the hand of the same artist A special price can be negotiated for both, it wouSee Sold Price
SoldLEGA idimu Wood Mask Cult of the Bwami Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1081CONGO DRC LEGA BWAMI IDIMU MASK Joli petit masque idimu Le visage en forme de cœur blanchi au kaolin est typique La forme de la bouche est assez originale Idimu masks are significantly larger thaSee Sold Price
SoldLEGA idimu Wood Mask Cult of the Bwami Congo DRC African Tribal Art 0771CONGO DRC LEGA BWAMI MASK Atypical mask, by the shape of his nose and the bags under eyes that may suggest an influence of neighboring Bembe This type of mask was used in the cult of the Bwami, a "semSee Sold Price
Rare LEGA KWAME Kayamba Mask Bwami Cult Congo Drc African Tribal Art 1101Jasper524.5(9.8k)$6003 days Left
BEMBE Nice zoomorphic initiation owl mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art MC 1871Jasper524.5(9.8k)$9503 days Left
Large mask KOMO KUMU or neighboring people Congo Drc African Tribal Art MC2021Jasper524.5(9.8k)$4003 days Left
Rare LEGA KWAME Kayamba Mask Bwami Cult Congo Drc African Tribal Art 1131Jasper524.5(9.8k)$1,2003 days Left
ZANDE AZANDE Rare & Powerful Ubangi Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1741Jasper524.5(9.8k)$4003 days Left
Superb KOMO - KUMU wood pannel Mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art Gallery 1673Jasper524.5(9.8k)$5503 days Left
Rare NYANGA wood initiation Mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art Gallery TA1688Jasper524.5(9.8k)$3203 days Left
Large KOMO - KUMU wood Mask Ituri Congo Drc African Tribal Art Gallery TA1689Jasper524.5(9.8k)$2403 days Left
Rare large Ndaka Ndaaka Ituri Mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art Gallery 1517Jasper524.5(9.8k)$2403 days Left
Beautifull KOMO - KUMU wood Mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art Gallery 1640Jasper524.5(9.8k)$2403 days Left
Superb ! LEGA Idimu Bwami wood Mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art Gallery 1197Jasper524.5(9.8k)$6003 days Left
Large LEGA Bwami cult wooden Face Mask Congo Drc Warega African Tribal Art 1077Jasper524.5(9.8k)$6003 days Left
Extremly Rare & Powerful SHI plank wood Mask Congo Lega African Tribal Art 1184Jasper524.5(9.8k)$7503 days Left
Powerfull BOA Pongdudu Warrior Mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art 1213Jasper524.5(9.8k)$2803 days Left
BOYO BUYU Initiation Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art Pre Bembe 1146Jasper524.5(9.8k)$3203 days Left
ZANDE AZANDE Rare Ubangi large Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1308Jasper524.5(9.8k)$4803 days Left
Rare initiation GOMA wood mask Congo DRC Bembe African Tribal Art 1110Jasper524.5(9.8k)$6003 days Left