Original Antique White Star Line Celery Vase Etched & HandblownA-1 Auction4.6(176)$225(4 bids)Mar 16, 2025
Vintage 1940s Roseville Pottery Freesia Brown Two-Handled JarRbfinearts4.5(575)$50(1 bid)Mar 01, 2025
Chinese doucai porcelain jar pair Ming dynasty Chenghua Mark & PeriodPower Auction House4.3(11)$350Feb 28, 2025
Qing Dynasty Emperor Qianlong imperial gift Ming blue and white peacock flower pattern jarMONTANA ANTIQUES4.3(8)$500Mar 20, 2025
Yuan Dynasty blue and white flower-shaped carved dog head lid jarMONTANA ANTIQUES4.3(8)$1,200Mar 20, 2025
Chinese famille rose porcelain jar Qing dynasty Jiaqing Mark & PeriodPower Auction House4.3(11)$1,450Feb 28, 2025
SoldLambayeque / Sican Blackware Stirrup - Naylamp**Back at auction due to non-paying bidder** Pre-Columbian, Peru, north-coast, Ca 800 to 1000 CE. Lambayeque/ Sican pottery blackware bridge-spouted jar depicting face of the underworld deity Nylamp,See Sold Price
SoldSouth American Pre-Columbian Style Pottery AssortmentSouth American Pre-Columbian Style Pottery Assortment (4) Peruvian black ware items including a Sican or Lambayeque figural bottle and a Chimu culture stirrup bottle as well as a jar and a canteen havSee Sold Price
SoldVery Fine Inca Blackware Pottery Stirrup Jar - WarriorPre-Columbian, northern to central Peru, Inca, but possibly made by a Chimu artisan, ca. 1300 to 1500 CE. A handsome burnished blackware stirrup vessel depicting the head of an elite lord or warrior,See Sold Price
SoldLambayeque Blackware Pottery Stirrup Jar - NylampPre-Columbian, north coast of Peru, Lambayeque culture, ca. 750 to 1370 CE. This is a black ware stirrup vessel with a strap handle decorated with a frog and a conical spout shaped like the head and hSee Sold Price
SoldChimu Incan Blackware Jaguar Stirrup JarPre-Columbian, Peru, ca. 1200 to 1500 CE. A lively blackware pottery stirrup vessel with a near-spherical body in the form of a jaguar head featuring an expressive visage with incised almond-shaped eySee Sold Price
SoldSican Blackware Whistle Vessel - Ai Apec as Corn GodPre-Columbian, North Coast of Peru, Sican Lambayeque culture, ca. 750 to 1000 CE. A mold-formed blackware pottery stirrup vessel with a frontal figure of Ai Apec - the principal Mochica deity - standiSee Sold Price
SoldSican Lambayeque Blackware Vessel w/ NaylampPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Sican / Lambayeque culture, ca. 1000 CE. A tall blackware stirrup jar with a foot adorned on the upper body adorned with several figures. Included is Naylamp, the tradSee Sold Price
SoldSican Blackware Vessel Gourds, Figural, ex-MuseumPre-Columbian, Northern Peru, Lambayeque Valley, Middle Sican-Lambayeque culture, ca. 900 to 1100 CE. A remarkable mold-made pottery stirrup vessel, presenting in the form of 6 gourds organized into 2See Sold Price
SoldSican Blackware Pottery Whistle Vessel w/ Figure - TL'd**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, Northern Peru, Lambayeque Valley, Middle Sican-Lambayeque culture, ca. 900 to 1100 CE. A charming pottery stirrup whistle vessel displaying a cuboid body, a coSee Sold Price
SoldChimu Inca Pottery Standing Jaguar Stirrup JarPre-Columbian, Peru, Chimu/Inca, ca. 1200 to 1500 CE. A spirited blackware pottery effigy stirrup vessel in the form of a jaguar standing squarely on all four paws with a curled tail. The wild cat's eSee Sold Price
SoldChavin Salinar Transitional Pottery Stirrup JarPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Chavin/Salinar, ca. 500 to 100 BCE. A blackware stirrup vessel of a classic form with a round, near spherical body, a thick stirrup and substantial, subtly flaring tubSee Sold Price
SoldChimu Blackware Pottery Jar - Birds & FishPre-Columbian, Peru, Chimu, ca. 1100 to 1470 CE. A blackware stirrup jar with one half of the stirrup in the form of a perched bird. Around the upper shoulder is a repeated register of different kindsSee Sold Price
SoldMoche / Sican Pottery Stirrup Vessel - Man & MonkeyPre-Columbian, northern Peru, Sican / Lambayeque valley, ca. 800 to 1100 CE. A rare pottery stirrup jar showing strong Moche influence. The male figure sits with hands placed upon upraised knees, leanSee Sold Price
SoldLambayeque Sican Blackware Jar with NylampPre-Columbian, north coast of Peru, Lambayeque culture, ca. 750 to 1370 CE. A blackware stirrup jar featuring Naylamp (Naymlap or Ñañlap), a powerful god in pre-Columbian Peru. This vessel featuresSee Sold Price
Sold2 Chimu Blackware Figural Jar & Stirrup VesselPre-Columbian, Central Coast Peru, Chimu, ca. 1100 to 1470 CE. A set of 2 hand-built blackware pottery vessels from the ancient Chimu culture. First is a stirrup vessel resting atop a flared foot withSee Sold Price
SoldCute Chimu Blackware Stirrup Jar w/ FrogsPre-Columbian, northern Peru, Chimu culture, ca 1100 to 1400 CE. Very fine pottery stirrup vessel in blackware. Bulbous base decorated with temple step pattern and small stippled pattern many think reSee Sold Price
SoldSican Blackware Stirrup Seated Elder, ex-Arte PrimitivoPre-Columbian, northern Peru, Sican, Lambayeque Valley, ca. 700 - 900 CE. Blackware pottery figural vessel depicting a seated elder, holding his left hand to his chin, right hand to his chest, legs crSee Sold Price
SoldFine Moche / Sican Blackware Figural Stirrup Vessel**Originally Listed At $600** Pre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, late Moche to Sican/Lambayeque culture, ca. 650 to 1000 CE. An interesting blackware pottery vessel, mold-formed and highly-burnished, deSee Sold Price
SoldChimu Blackware Stirrup Jar w/ 2 Lizards Biting TailsPre-Columbian, Central Coast Peru, Chimu, ca. 1100 to 1470 CE. A fabulous, mold-made pottery stirrup vessel presenting a planar base, a spherical body, and a tubular spout, all enveloped in a rich blaSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Figural Jars + Chimu Stirrup Vessel**Originally Listed At $350** Pre-Columbian, north coast Peru, Moche culture, ca. 200 to 800 CE; Chimu, ca. 900 to 1300 CE. A lovely trio of pottery vessels from ancient Per: a Chimu blackware stirrupSee Sold Price
SoldSican Pottery Vessel - Avian Relief w/ TL, ex-MuseumPre-Columbian, Northern Peru, Lambayeque Valley, Middle Sican-Lambayeque culture, ca. 900 to 1100 CE. An impressive, mold-made blackware stirrup vessel comprised of a flat base, flared walls, a carinaSee Sold Price
SoldMaria Martinez and Popovi Da (San Ildefonso, 1887-1980 / 1923-1971) Blackware Pottery Jar, withMaria Martinez and Popovi Da (San Ildefonso, 1887-1980 / 1923-1971) Blackware Pottery Jar, with Gunmetal Finish, July 1968 rainclouds and Avanyu on body; signed and dated on base height 10 inches x diSee Sold Price
SoldTammy Garcia (Santa Clara, b. 1969) Carved Blackware Pottery JarTammy Garcia (Santa Clara, b. 1969) Carved Blackware Pottery Jar deeply carved with cresting wave and winged elements; signed Tammy Garcia on base height 5-3/4 inches x diameter 7-1/2 inchesSee Sold Price
SoldMaria Martinez and Popovi Da (San Ildefonso, 1887-1980 / 1923-1971) Blackware Pottery Jar, withMaria Martinez and Popovi Da (San Ildefonso, 1887-1980 / 1923-1971) Blackware Pottery Jar, with Gunmetal Finish, March 1968 signed and dated on base height 8 inches x diameter 8-1/2 inches This lot isSee Sold Price
Signed Mexican Mata Ortiz Polychrome Pottery Jar with Wood StandMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)$45(3 bids)3 days Left
Desideria Montoya Sanchez - Blackware JarDevin Moisan Auctioneers, Inc.4.4(108)$225(2 bids)Mar 01, 2025
NATIVE AMERICAN BLACKWARE POTTERY GROUP - FIVE VESSELSRockport Center for the Arts4.3(1)$240Mar 22, 2025