SoldSingiti HEMBA ancestor figure statue Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1632CONGO DRC HEMBA Ancestor Figure (Singiti) Hemba ancestors figures are famous.They represent the deceased leaders and, venerated by the entire tribe, they help their successors to legitimize their poliSee Sold Price
SoldPowerful Singiti HEMBA ancestor figure statue Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1527CONGO DRC Powerful Ancestor Figure (Singiti) Hemba ancestors figures are famous.They represent the deceased leaders and, venerated by the entire tribe, they help their successors to legitimize their pSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Singiti HEMBA Ancestor Figure Statue Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1793CONGO DRCHEMBA Ancestor FigureBeautiful classic style ancestor statueIts slightly inclined head accentuates the feeling of serenityThe Singiti, the Hemba ancestors figures are famous.They represent thSee Sold Price
SoldLarge 23" Singiti HEMBA ancestor figure statue Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1596CONGO DRC Large Ancestor Figure (Singiti) Hemba ancestors figures are famous.They represent the deceased leaders and, venerated by the entire tribe, they help their successors to legitimize their poliSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Singiti HEMBA Ancestor Figure Statue Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1747CONGO DRC Rare HEMBA Ancestor Figure (Singiti) Beautiful "Niembo de la Luika" style ancestor statue The Singiti, the Hemba ancestors figures are famous. They represent the deceased leaders and, veneraSee Sold Price
SoldSingiti HEMBA ancestor figure Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1458CONGO DRC Cute Ancestor Figure (Singiti) The Hemba are a people living in the province of Katanga (Congo Rdc) between the Congo River and the Lake Tanganyika.They are geographically and culturally cloSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Singiti HEMBA ancestor figure head Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1434Title: Large Singiti HEMBA ancestor figure head Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1434 Provenance/Additional Info: CONGO DRC HEMBA LARGE HEAD Superb head, imposing, which gives off an impression of majestySee Sold Price
SoldCute TABWA ancestor figure statue Congo Drc African sculpture Tribal Art 0712CONGO DRC Cute TABWA ancestor figure The Tabwa are a small people of Central Africa, they live mainly in eastern DRC, but also in Zambia and Tanzania. Characteristics : TYPE OF OBJECT: Statue, figureSee Sold Price
SoldHemba/ Luba Singiti wood figure - DRC Congo - AfricanTitle: Hemba/ Luba Singiti wood figure - DRC Congo - African Art Tribal Art Type: Figure, fetish Date/Period: Second half 20th century Origin: DRC, Congo Dimension: 7,48 Inch Weight: 0,22 Pounds MaterSee Sold Price
SoldLuba statue - DRC, Congo - African Art Tribal ArtTitle: Luba statue - DRC, Congo - African Art Tribal Art Item Category: Ancestor, figure, statue Date/Period: Second half 20th century Origin: DRC, Congo Materials: Wood, fabric Dimensions: 10,24 InchSee Sold Price
SoldBeautiful BOYO BUYU Ancestor Figure Congo Statue African Tribal Art 1722CONGO DRC Ancestor Figure BOYO BUYU Beautiful sculpture The Boyo, or Buyu live in eastern Congo They are known for their effigies of royal ancestors called Mizimu or Misi Characteristics: TYPE OF OBJESee Sold Price
SoldCute BOYO BUYU Ancestor Figure Congo Statue Sculpture African Tribal Art 1755CONGO DRC Cute Ancestor Figure BOYO BUYU Beautiful sculpture and patina The Boyo, or Buyu live in eastern Congo They are known for their effigies of royal ancestors called Mizimu or Misi CharacteristiSee Sold Price
SoldZande ancestor wood figure - DRC Congo - African ArtTitle: Zande ancestor wood figure - DRC Congo - African Art Tribal Art Type: Statue, figure, ancestor Date/Period: Second half 20th century Origin: DRC, Congo Dimension: 11,42 Inch Weight: 1,21 PoundsSee Sold Price
SoldAncestor figure Kongo Yombe - DRC Congo - African Art Tribal ArtTitle: Ancestor figure Kongo Yombe - DRC Congo - African Art Tribal Art Item Category: Statue, chief, reliquary, figure Date/Period: Mid 20th century Origin: DRC, Congo Materials: Wood Dimensions: 20,See Sold Price
SoldKongo Yombe ancestor figure - DRC, Congo - African Art Tribal ArtTitle: Kongo Yombe ancestor figure - DRC, Congo - African Art Tribal Art Item Category: Figure, statue, ancestor Date/Period: Mid 20th century Origin: DRC, Congo Materials: Wood Dimensions: 9,45 InchSee Sold Price
SoldAfrican Tribal Hemba Singiti Carved Wood Female Ancestor Figure DRCCa. late 19th to first half 20thC. Fair with wood losses, a missing ear, and various wood age faults. Age-appropriate for a statue as old as this one. Considered a Luba style, this standing figure feaSee Sold Price
SoldHandsome Hemba Male Ancestor sculpture African ArtA very finely carved wooden ancestor sculpture with enlarged head and very serene facial treatment, with down cast eyes and somber aesthetic. Hemba peoples, DRC/Congo, Africa. The Statue measures 23 iSee Sold Price
SoldOld Hemba Male Singiti Ancestor sculpture, African ArtOld and authentic example of the Arts of the Hemba peoples of the DRC / Congo, central Africa. The sculpture is of a Chief or Ancestral Spirit. Not every Hemba chief was honored with such a depiction.See Sold Price
SoldA Hemba Male sculpture, African ArtA Weathered and worn older wood sculpture with well handled surface patina and some erosion, loss to arm. hemba peoples, DRC/ Congo. Africa. The figure of a male ancestor measures 18 inches tall.See Sold Price
SoldHemba male ancestor carving, African ArtA Charming carved wooden image of an Important chief or ancestor from the hemba peoples, DRC/ Congo, Africa. Carved from a dense wood with classic style facial features and bold form. The Statue measuSee Sold Price
SoldBeautiful PENDE maternity figure statue Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1496CONGO DRC PENDE - Beautiful maternity figure Beautiful statue of a mother holding her child in her arms The sculpture is classic and well representative of the tribe, right down to the child's hat. BeSee Sold Price
SoldFine LUBA Classical Cult Figure Statue Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1035Description en français ci-dessous - French description below CONGO DRC BEAUTIFUL AND POWERFUL FEMALE WORSHIP FIGURE LUBA Beautiful classical sculpture, the represented woman is solid, standing, onSee Sold Price
SoldZIMBA people Fetish "magical" Figure statue Congo Drc African Tribal Art 1036CONGO DRC Probably ZIMBA Fetish Rare and beautiful fetish with very stylized forms On the head, ther is a small textile bag lined with cowrie shells which probably contains a mixture of "magic" substaSee Sold Price
SoldThe Judge LEGA Kasungalala Figure statue Bwami Congo Drc African Tribal Art 1414CONGO DRC Kasungalala. The Judge Lega people Bwami figure (Iginga). This Iginga named Kasungalala has always raised arm(s). This carving ilustrate the kindi's privilege of serving as arbiter in quarreSee Sold Price
African Art Nice Chokwe janus Figure Statue zoomorphic sculpture Congo drcJasper524.5(9.8k)$1805 hrs Left
Slit drum African Art rare anthropomorphic Lega Figure Statue Congo drcJasper524.5(9.8k)$1605 hrs Left
Nice & Impressive 29" figure sculpture Bena Lulua Chief Luluwa Congo DrcJasper524.5(9.8k)$4005 hrs Left
African Art Large anthropomorphic Figure Statue sculpture Congo drc Lega tribeJasper524.5(9.8k)$1605 hrs Left
African Art Zoomorphic Lega Figure Bird Animal Statue sculpture Congo drcJasper524.5(9.8k)$1005 hrs Left
African Art Large anthropomorphic Lega Figure Statue sculpture Congo drcJasper524.5(9.8k)$1605 hrs Left
Nice African Art rare anthropomorphic Metoko cubist Figure Statue Congo drcJasper524.5(9.8k)$2405 hrs Left
African Art Hemba chief staff with ancestor figure scepter cane Congo DRCJasper524.5(9.8k)$1005 hrs Left
African Art MBOLE ? Anthropomorphic Wooden Box Lid Statue sculpture Congo drcJasper524.5(9.8k)$605 hrs Left
Carved Wood Female Ancestor Figure, African Tribal Art - Carved wood with ritual patination. AnBill Hood & Sons Art & Antique Auctions4.6(678)$506 days Left