Wang Xuetao Mark Flowers and Insects Paper Hanging ScrollNew York Auction House Inc4.2(22)$1,0006 days Left
Funny cats paper scroll by Wang Xuetao and Cao KejiaWeatherham Estate Treasures3.9(157)$8006 days Left
SoldAttrib. to Wang Xuetao: Painting Scroll.Attributed to Wang Xuetao (1903-1982): Painting Scroll with Flower and Bird. Ink and color on paper, inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist. {Image: 41 x 13 inches (104.1 x 33 cm)}.See Sold Price
SoldAFTER WANG XUETAO (1903-1982) FLOWER AND BIRDInsects and blossoms with rock scene. Ink and color on paper mounted as a hanging scroll. Signed to top left with two artist seals. 101 x 48 cmSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Chinese Fan Paintings, Bird-and-Flower(lot of 2) Chinese fan paintings, Bird-and-Flower, ink and color on paper: the first, manner of Wang Xuetao (1903-1982), featuring insects amidst wild flowers; the second, manner of Yang Shansheng (19See Sold Price
SoldWANG SHENSHENG 汪慎生, WANG XUETAO 王雪涛, QI BAISHI 齊Artist: Wang Shensheng 汪慎生, Wang XueTao 王雪涛 (1903 - 1982), Qi Baishi 齊白石 (1864 - 1957) Flower Blooms and chicks Ink and color on paper, YSee Sold Price
WANG XUETAO: COLOR AND INK 'INSECT AND FLOWERS' PAINTING王雪濤(1903-1982) 花卉蟋蟀圖 設色紙本 Color and in on paper. Insect and flowers. Mounted on paper. Signed Wang Xuetao with one sSee Sold Price
SoldWang Xuetao (1903-1982)Wang Xuetao (1903-1982) Ink And Color On Paper, Hanging Scroll, Signed And Seals 96.5 cm X 36 cm 王雪濤(1903-1982) 軸心:設色紙ĈSee Sold Price
SoldSIGNED WANG XUETAO (1903-1982). A INK AND COLOR ONSIGNED WANG XUETAO (1903-1982). A INK AND COLOR ON PAPER HANGING SCROLL PAINTING. H211. China, with two red color seals of artist. C Property from a Private American New York city Collection. Measure:See Sold Price
SoldWANG XUETAO PEONY & BUTTERFLY PAINTING SCROLLArtist: Wang Xuetao (1903 - 1982) Peony & Butterfly Painting Scroll Ink and color on paper, Yisebiao mount, Vertical Axis Painting (Sight): Length: 91 cm, Width: 46 cm Signed/Seal(s): Signed, with twoSee Sold Price
SoldWang Xuetao 王雪涛 Crane & Pine Scroll PaintingArtist: Wang Xuetao 王雪涛 (1903 - 1982) Crane and Pine Ink and color on paper, Sansebiao mount, Double Jingyan on top, Vertical axis hanging scroll Painting (Sight): Length: 72 cm,See Sold Price
SoldWANG XUETAO 王雪濤 (1903-1982)Rooster Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper Image size: 99 x 49cm (39 x 19 1/4 in.) Inscribed and signed Xuetao, with two seals of the artistSee Sold Price
Sold1937, FRAMED WANG XUETAO WILDFLOWERS & INSECTS PAINTINGWang Xuetao (王雪涛; 1903-1982) Framed Chinese traditional painting, ink and color on paper laid to silk, signed and dated. In the first month of winter in Dingchou year (ca. 1937).See Sold Price
SoldTwo Chinese Paper Scrolls: Rooster & FlowerTwo Chinese ink and color on paper scrolls: rooster under morning glory, after Xuetao Wang; together with flower in pink, after Yanbo Li; each with inscriptions and seal marks;; 36" x 19" (See Sold Price
SoldWANG XUETAO: INK AND COLOR ON PAPER PAINTING 'FLOWERS AND BUTTERFLIES'王雪涛 牡丹引蝶图 立轴 精装裱 Wang Xuetao: ink and color on paper painting 'Flowers and Butterflies' Length: 36 5/8 in (93See Sold Price
SoldWANG XUETAO: INK AND COLOR ON PAPER PAINTING 'FLOWERS近現代 王雪濤喜鵲登梅 設色鏡芯 Wang Xuetao: ink and color on paper painting 'Flowers and Birds' Length: 25 7/8 in (6See Sold Price
SoldWANG XUETAO: INK AND COLOR ON PAPER PAINTING 'FLOWERS'Ink and color on paper, vertical scroll. The painting depicts flower blossom amidst banana leaves, with spiders and other insects on the plants, artist signature and mark Wang Xuetao on the top rightSee Sold Price
SoldWang Xuetao 1903-1982 Chinese Watercolor ChickenInk and watercolor on paper, hanging scroll. Featuring rooster and hen with flowers. Signed Wang Xuetao (1903-1982, Chinese), inscribed with 1 artist seal. 137 x 45 cm.See Sold Price
SoldWANG XUETAO: INK AND COLOR ON PAPER PAINTINGInk and color on paper, leaflet. The painting depicts peony flowers blossom, with some flowers still in bulbs, artist signature and mark Wang Xuetao on top left, additional mark on bottom right. LengtSee Sold Price
SoldTANG YUN AND WANG XUETAO: INK AND COLOR ON PAPERInk and color on paper, horizontal hand scroll. The painting depicts various flower blossom in natural settings, with insects and birds. Artist signature and mark Wang Xuetao along with Tang Yun. HeigSee Sold Price
WANG XUETAO: INK AND COLOR ON PAPER PAINTING 'PEONYInk and color on paper, mounted. The painting depicts peony flower blossom with bees flying around it, artist signature and mark Wang Xuetao on the right side. Height: 19 in (48.3 cm) Width: 31 in (78See Sold Price
SoldWANG XUETAO: FRAMED INK AND COLOR ON PAPER PAINTINGInk and color on paper, framed. The painting depicts flower blossom in outdoor setting, with fruits, sea shells, mushrooms, and fishes on the side symbolizing auspiciousness, artist colophon, signaturSee Sold Price
SoldWANG XUETAO: INK AND COLOR ON PAPER PAINTING 'ROOSTER'Ink and color on paper, vertical scroll. The painting depicts a rooster standing near flower blossom, artist signature and mark Wang Xuetao on the left side. Length: 37 in (94.0 cm) Width: 20 in (50.8See Sold Price
SoldChinese Hanging Scroll PaintingInk and color on paper, depicting birds and flowers, signed with seal attributed to Wang XueTao. Height: 41.75" Length: 20.2"See Sold Price
SoldTwo Chinese Painting Scrolls: After Xie Zhiliu & WangTwo Chinese ink and color on paper scrolls, including: bird amid red flowers after Xie Zhiliu; together with teapot amid plum blossoms after Wang Xuetao; each signed, with seal marks; 36" x 17"See Sold Price
SoldWANG XUETAO: INK AND COLOR ON PAPER PAINTING 'BIRDS'Ink and color on paper, vertical scroll. The painting depicts a birds grazing around grass and rocks, all drawn within roundel, artist signature and mark Wang Xuetao on the right. Diameter: 13 in (33.See Sold Price
SIGNED WANG XIU (1942-). A INK AND COLOR ON PAPER HANGING SCROLL PAINTING. H705.Metropolitan Auction of Art.-Regis Auction4.2(14)$475Feb 22, 2025
ATTRIBUTED AND SIGNED FULU WANG. A INK AND COLOR ON PAPER HANGING SCROLL PAINTING. H707.Metropolitan Auction of Art.-Regis Auction4.2(14)$550Feb 22, 2025
ATTRIBUTED AND SIGNED BINGLONG WANG(1940-1999). A INK AND COLOR ON PAPER HANGING SCROLL PAINTING.Metropolitan Auction of Art.-Regis Auction4.2(14)$750Feb 22, 2025
SIGNED WANG SU (1794 - 1877). A INK AND COLOR ON PAPER CALLIGRAPHY AND PAINTING ALBUM. PACK BYMetropolitan Auction of Art.-Regis Auction4.2(14)$1,700Feb 22, 2025
A PAPER PAINTING BY WANG XUETAO, FLOWERS AND BUTTERFLIES.王雪涛Top Notch Collections4.5(50)$800460 Lots Away
A CHINESE PAINTING OF BIRDS ON FLOWERS SIGNED TIAN SHIGUANGBerkeley Auction Gallery4.2(17)$1,500Feb 23, 2025
Wang Xuetao Mark, Chinese Painting Ink and Color on Paper, Hanging ScrollJumbo Auction House4.5(122)$2001 day Left
WANG CHENGXI: INK AND COLOR ON PAPER PAINTING 'RED PLUM FLOWERS'Mega International Auction4.3(62)$250Mar 01, 2025
Wang Xuetao Mark Flowers and Insects Paper Hanging ScrollNew York Auction House Inc4.2(22)$1,0006 days Left